Chapter 418 Yuzao’s first five consecutive victories u-17!

“Is it?”

Senyu Shinji saw Oni Jujiro standing up firmly on the other side and said that.

His eyes flickered.

Did not say much.

He directly threw the tennis ball in his hand upwards.

His eyes gradually became sharper from calm.

It seemed like a magic weapon was cutting its edge.


With the racquet in his hand, after violently hitting the tennis ball.

A burst of obsidian-like light burst out on the racquet.

Very bright.


The tennis ball seems to be deeply embedded in the racquet.

It was squeezed and deformed in an instant.

Then it was ejected directly.

It’s like a black light.

Go in an instant!

The power of ghosts and gods seems to have been completely compressed on the tennis ball.

Tennis at this time is completely like a deep black hole.

Swallowing all the light.

Turn into your own strength.

The majestic and mysterious aura is thoroughly revealed above.

As if standing in the center of this black hole, a god statue of an immortal king.

Opened his eyes instantly.

Ghosts and gods-just hit the ball!

It can be said.

Use sweet spot technology to perfect light shots and terrifying power of ghosts and gods.

543 beautifully blended together.

This shot of tennis is not a ball that mortals can resist!


On the opposite side, Jujiro Oni saw this shot after the tennis ball.

The pupils of both eyes suddenly shrank.

It almost appeared to be needle-like.

He saw the horror of this tennis shot.

That kind of incomparable power made his whole person’s soul terrified!

Just at this time.

Oni Jujiro hesitated!

He knew he would live if he were to take the tennis shot.

It is bound to be hurt!

And it must be seriously injured!

He can give up now!


“Even if you must lose.”

“I would rather be a warrior who died in battle!”

“Instead of a deserter who bears a lifetime of shame!”

As he roared loudly.

Whether it is the power of Selfless State.

It’s the power of Asura Shinto’s ghosts and gods.

at this moment.

Emerge in all aspects.

Quickly merged together.

This is definitely a swipe that he poured into everything!

The racquet just changed.

At the moment of contact with the flying tennis ball.

It’s completely broken!

It seems that this shot of tennis is not something a mortal can use to fight back with a mortal thing!

Lost the obstructed tennis ball.

Suddenly, it hit Oni Jujirou’s stomach suddenly.

“Ah ah ah ah ah ah!

Unimaginable severe pain suddenly emerged.

It spreads crazily directly at an extremely fast speed.

His entire face was almost as pale as a piece of white paper.

A cold sweat burst out.

His face was directly distorted.


The power of tennis has not disappeared.

next moment.

The tennis ball flew out directly with Oni Jujiro’s body.

Then hit the isolation net.

Only one second passed.

The wire roots on the isolation net broke apart.

Then his body hit the wall directly.

It finally stopped.


at this time.

The power on tennis is finally completely wiped out.

Oni Jujiro’s body fell to the ground dullly.

at this time.

His internal organs seemed to have received an indescribable shock.

The stomach was as painful as it was overwhelming.

Then he immediately began to twitch unconsciously.

The audience is extremely silent!

Everyone looked at the Oni Jujiro who was collapsing on the ground in horror.

They seemed to twitch with Oni Jujiro too.

Involuntarily and hardly swallowed.

“this ”

“It’s horrible! I feel like I can’t help but tremble now!”

“I’m afraid that even a professional player won’t be able to follow this shot in tennis!”

This continued for a few seconds.

Everyone woke up as if they had had a nightmare.

A fear from the heart directly occupies the entire mind.

They looked at Senyu Shinji on the opposite side.

There was fear and respect in his eyes.

But (cgab) did not dare to look directly into his eyes.

As if afraid of something.

“Lost, the ghost loses!”

The three on the side Mifūne Nyudō three whispered.

The whole person sighed involuntarily.

It was as if the last trace of strength had been taken away.

He closed his eyes directly.

He couldn’t stand the scene on court anymore.

Just at this time.

Oni Jujiro, who was lying on the ground, got up with difficulty.

The intense pain almost made him faint in the next moment.

The air in the lungs seemed to be extremely heavy.

It made him cough violently.

“Cough cough cough cough cough!”

Then he coughed up a mouthful of blood from his mouth.

After Senyu Shinji saw Oni Jujiro.

Said softly.

“you lose!”

He did not sympathize with Oni Jujiro.

This is a game!

The strong do not need sympathy!

After Oni Jujiro heard this.

There was extreme unwillingness in his eyes.

The whole person’s face became more and more ferocious.

“Do not!”

“The game is not over yet!”

“I haven’t lost yet!”

He twitched involuntarily.

Shouted violently.

He cannot admit this fact!

As long as he can stand on this court.

As long as the game is not over.

Then he didn’t lose!

Even now he is seriously injured!

“Can you prove that you can continue the game?”

“You probably don’t even have the strength to walk in front of me now!”

Senyu Shinji sighed softly.

However, the expression in his eyes looking at Oni Jujiro was a hint of admiration.


Why is the strong called the strong.

It is because they have unparalleled strength.

There is also a terrifying will!

If there is no such will.

It is impossible for him to be a strong one!

On the opposite side, Oni Jujiro seemed to prove to Senyu Shinji.

Gritting his teeth and moving forward slowly.

this moment.

It was not a long distance.

But in the eyes of Oni Juujiro, it is infinitely stretched!

The severe pain intensified with each step he moved.

His vision became increasingly blurred.

“I can not!”

“Can’t fall down!”

Oni Jujiro screamed frantically in his heart.

The pain that almost made him fainted was forcibly endured by him.

Even at this moment he kept coughing.

The blood spilled without listening.

Still unswervingly moving toward the front.


Two steps.

Three steps.

The distance to Senyu Shinji is gradually getting closer.

It can be said.

As long as he takes a few steps forward, he can prove to Senyu Shinji that he can continue the game.


He really can’t hold it!


Oni Jujiro fainted directly.


Even so.

He can be seriously injured.

Walked such a long distance.

That’s enough to make people respectful!


As he fell to the ground.

This game is finally over!

In the end Senyu Shinji won!

Tamamo’s first five consecutive U-17 wins!

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