Chapter 414 In the realm of the fairy king, hit the ball for ten consecutive hits

When Oni Jujiro was gradually tumbling in the dark flame.

Slowly raised his head and looked at Senyu Shinji on the opposite side.

Then the air waves surrounding him rolled around.

next moment.

Behind Oni Jujiro.

A figure slowly appeared in everyone’s eyes.

That is a long-haired shawl.

The red shadow covered in armor.

And rising from the shoulders of this shadow, a black flame rose up.

It seems that he is the most mysterious and powerful existence in this world.

Let the hearts of everyone can not help-there is a strong fear.


Different Dimensional Ball Skills-Ghosts and Gods!

This is Asura Shinto by Oni Jujiro!

After the phantom of this ghost and god appeared completely.

Oni Jujiro’s face is already full of solemnity and solemnity!

The air waves around him were still tumbling frantically.

It seems to be showing the unparalleled power to everyone.

“Senyu-kun, I’m ready!”

“are you ready?”

He spoke slowly.

Suddenly, a fierce air wave rushed towards Senyu Shinji on the opposite side.

Then Senyu Shinji’s white clothes fluttered.

You can even hear horrible sonic booms.

“Different dimensional ball skills?

“The power of ghosts and gods?”



Even in the face of such Oni Jujiro.

Senyu Shinji just chuckled.

As if facing no ghosts at all.

It’s more like looking at a child’s toy.

Full of calm and light clouds!


On the opposite side, Oni Jujiro then lifted the racquet in his hand.

A dark red light flashed directly above.

The medical black flame covered it instantly.

this moment.

Oni Jujirou is more like a ghost and god who came from another world.

Holding a secluded soldier.

To fight against Senyu Shinji on the opposite side.

“What did I see?!”

“Is this Asura Shinto?”

“It’s horrible!”

“Is that why people call ghosts gatekeepers of hell?”

Everyone at U-17 was obviously completely shocked by Oni Jujiro’s ghosts and spirits.

Just take another look.

It was as if it had been locked by the dark shadow on the court.

People can’t help but suffocate and fear!

“The ghosts of hell have appeared.”

“I don’t know what will happen to Senyu-kun, the Nine Heavens Fairy?”

On the contrary, Irie Kanata got up with Senyu Shinji on the court with great interest.

The U-17 people who gradually eased down.

It was also a look of hope rising in his eyes.

Maybe ghosts and gods can really defeat the Nine Heavens Fairy!

Above the court.

The dark red light on Oni Jujiro’s body was shining continuously.

next moment.

The tennis ball in his hand was thrown directly into the air.


Oni Jujirou suddenly roared.

Then he jumped up.

Racquet, who was wrapped in dark flames, snapped it down.

The mysterious and terrifying power of ghosts and gods suddenly emerged.

The tennis ball went up in an instant.

next moment.

Ten tennis balls appeared directly on the entire court.

Each of them is covered by the strong power of ghosts and gods.

It seemed as if a group of dark flames were in the air.

It’s like ten ghost generals holding ghost soldiers in their hands.

He rushed to the court of Senyu Shinji’s side.

Ghosts and gods ten ball smash!

next moment.

A burst of terrifying sonic boom echoed in my ears.

Gas waves surged across the court.

He rushed to the surroundings with a cold and solemn breath.

As if to completely stir this world.




The tennis balls were bombarded one by one.

Smashed to the ground terribly.

Then it quickly ejected.

It seems that there are no ten tennis balls anymore.

It’s more like hundreds of thousands!

It can be said.

Faced with such an attack.

Almost no one can fight back!

No one can find the real one among so many tennis balls!

This is definitely an unsolvable skill!

But just when everyone at U-17 was about to cheer.

They opened their mouths directly.

There was no sound at all.

It seems to have seen an unimaginable scene.

There was a deep horror in his eyes!

at this time.

Senyu Shinji on the court is still calm.

It seemed that the tennis ball couldn’t get into his eyes at all in the face of this blow.

At best, it’s an enlarged version of a kid’s toy.

It will not affect him in the slightest.

“It’s very strong!

He began to comment softly.


“It’s useless to me!”


Just when his voice just fell.

The whole world seems to have changed!

The cold wind stopped.

…Seeking flowers 0-

The sky seems to be gradually clearing.

The medical black breath gave in crazily.

And there was an unspeakable aura directly on Senyu Shinji’s body.

It’s as if the sky came to the world.

Wind, rain and thunder and lightning greet the same.

The air currents surrounded him like flying dragons.

Kiss it!

The light gradually became more and more brilliant.

In this endless bright light.

A white misty figure slowly emerged.

As lonely and arrogant as the nine gods.

And as indifferent to everything as life dominates.

“Fairy King Realm!

After Senyu Shinji spoke softly.

Thousands of tennis balls on the court suddenly disappeared.

The afterimages dissipated directly with the wind.

Eventually a tennis ball appeared in the eyes of everyone.

The vast breath swept across the court madly.

Directly overflow to every corner.

next moment.

The tennis ball, which was still wrapped in dark flames, seemed to have taken away all the power.

Flew straight to Senyu Shinji lightly.

And Senyu Shinji didn’t move a bit from start to finish!

He is now the Nine Heavens True Immortal!

The nine heavenly immortals aloft!

Everyone must look up to him!

Any tennis must follow his wishes!

“The Realm of the Immortal King?!”

Oni Jujiro looked at Senyu Shinji on the opposite side blankly.

In his eyes, there were shadows.

Was waving the racquet in his hand at will.


The terrifying sound resounded frantically across the court.

this moment.

Senyu Shinji seemed to be transformed into ten figures.

Then he brazenly waved racquet up.

An unparalleled dazzling light bursts directly above the racquet of each figure.

This is ten balls at the same time!

It is also a ten-shot light hitting the ball at the same time!


Great changes!

The face of Oni Juujiro who was still sluggish on the opposite side was suddenly filled with terror!

He didn’t expect Senyu Shinji to hit him back ten light shots!

Now he is even completely unfolding ghosts and gods.

Horror can hardly fight back this tennis shot!

It’s not just Oni Jujiro.

Even the Mi Mifūne Nyudō Mi and Kurobe Yukio of U-17 on the side changed their colors again and again.

They understand better than everyone the horror of the tennis shot that Senyu Shinji is currently hitting back.

It’s a totally unsolvable ball! One.

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