Chapter 406 Precise intuition like a beast

“Let’s go back!”

Irie Kanata said lightly.

Then the tennis shook suddenly.

The tennis ball, which had been dimmed, once again shone brightly.

Then burst out!

Just hit the ball!

Almost everyone is watching.

Irie Kanata not only easily eliminated Ajutsu’s light shot.

Homeopathic also hit back and hit the ball with a light strike.

“The real game begins now!”

“Please enjoy my performance!”

Irie Kanata said gently.

But it reveals extra confidence.

“The opponent actually hit the ball back successfully?!

“So easily resolved?”

“Why hasn’t it been resolved before?”

Kikumaru Eiji also looked at the scene on the field in amazement.

They are quite clear about the power of light hitting.

A person who can return this professional skill to successfully.

It’s even less pitiful.


At this moment.

Opposite Irie Kanata hit the ball back so easily!

“Is the actor finally going to start the next performance?”

Senyu Shinji on the side chuckled lightly.

There is no surprise at all for the current display of Irie Kanata’s strength.

26 Everyone has always believed that Irie Kanata’s strength is ordinary.

But is it really like 22 shown by five-dimensional data?

He can be the trump card in U-17 court number three.

It’s impossible to be so plain!

Senyu Shinji even suspects that the sum of Irie Kanata’s five-dimensional data has reached 26 or more.


“How did the opponent hit back with Akuzu’s light shot?”

Kunimitsu, the handist on the side, asked with blinking eyes.

He will also use the professional skill of light batting.

But someone who can hit the ball back so easily.

He saw it for the first time.

“Light hitting is a technique used by tennis hits at the best hitting position of racquet.”

“It can be said that light hitting is a tennis ball that uses sweet spot technology flexibly.”

“That is the sum of the three impacts produced by the sweet spot technology!”

Senyu Shinji said casually.

While watching the two people on the arena.

“Any football skills have weaknesses!”

“The more you understand this skill, the better you can understand how to resolve it!”

Inui Sadaharu on the side could not help but exclaimed.

“Director, do you mean that the light hit can be resolved by cutting the light hit in the opposite direction?”

After seeing what Inui Sadaharu said.

Senyu Shinji smiled and nodded.

As he said.

No ball skill is absolutely invincible!

After knowing the light hitting the shop.

As long as there is corresponding strength.

It is able to fight it back out.

“Ajutsu, how would you deal with Irie Kanata with all your strength?”

Senyu Shinji looked at Akutsu on the court and smiled meaningfully.


Under the high pressure of Irie Kanata.

Ajutsu might break through.

At this time above the court.

After seeing that his light shot was resolved and held by Ajutsu.

I couldn’t help but stunned.

But the next moment.

Instead, a look of excitement appeared on his face.

Because he himself wants to fight the strong!

Only when it is strong will it really become stronger!

“Let me see how strong your true strength is!”

A strong fighting spirit suddenly rose from Ajujin’s body.

It was like a tyrant about to go to war.

He burst into laughter.

Then the racquet in his hand suddenly waved.

The opposing light hit also came in a blast.

But the same situation reappeared.

The bare shot was easily hit back on Ajutsu’s side!

After Irie Kanata’s eyes flickered a few times.

Quickly waved racquet up.

The sweet spot technology is applied again for cutting.

The power on the tennis ball was guided and dissolved away.

Then the racquet in his hand was directly swung out.

The tennis ball continued to fly out.


It is the beginning of the ball-hit state of the two sides.

The tennis ball was played in seven or eight rounds in just one shot.

Whether it is Ajutsu or Irie Kanata.

Neither has the upper hand.

“His physical fitness is really terrifying!”

“Whether it is flexibility, explosive power, or even reaction ability, it has reached a shocking situation!”

Irie Kanata was keenly observing from Ajutsu.

Try to find the opponent’s blind spot.

It can be said.

Just now in the confrontation between the two sides.

Every time he hits the tennis ball, he blasts towards the dead corner of Ajiuzin.

The angle is quite tricky!


However, the opposite Akutsu was able to react immediately.

Then relying on his own flexibility and explosive power.

Directly rush to the location of each blind spot.

Then he fought back brazenly.

And the tennis ball that came back was more tricky than before.

“Completely relying on the intuition like a beast for the duel!

“Neither the style of the game nor the course of every tennis ball has the same traces at all.”

“What a terrible middle school student!”

Irie Kanata’s eyes were particularly solemn.

Because of his proud observation ability, in front of Akutsu, he felt like he couldn’t start.


Just when Irie Kanata was thinking about it.

Suddenly, a burst of shots from the air hit the tennis ball with dazzling light.

He suddenly woke up.

Want to continue to fight back.


It’s still a step too late!


Then the tennis ball slammed to the ground.

A huge wave suddenly emerged.

Sweep 533 to the surrounding area.

As the dust gradually dispersed.

A deep pit full of cobweb-like cracks appeared in front of everyone.

The tennis ball is firmly embedded in the center.


Akuzu before Tamamo scored again!

For this scene now.

Everyone at U-17 was also completely dumbfounded.

It can be said.

Now whether it is Akutsu or Tamazamae.

They have already shown quite strong strength to them!

This is no longer a matter of junior high school students and high school students.

at this time.

They even think that the people in front of Tamamo are players in the same age group as them.


Irie Kanata at the court didn’t say a word.

Just silently helped his glasses.

By the way, I secretly remembered the wrong move of being distracted during the game.


Just at this time.

Ajutsu directly responded to his words with a light hit!

Accompanied by dazzling light.

Carrying a terrifying and tyrannical momentum.

Tennis is coming!

Irie Kanata who saw this scene.

Suddenly the body rushed forward.

The moment the tennis ball was ejected after it fell.

He cut again quickly.

Then the tennis ball was like a docile little beast.

Completely eliminated all the violent forces above. ,

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