Chapter 403 Three goals determine the outcome, the hands are shocking everyone

Matsudaira Chikahiko’s face changed suddenly.

In his opinion.

After all, the first tennis shot was a bare shot.

This will leave him with no power to fight back.

It was hit directly.

But this tennis shot is a zero-zero smash of hand Kunimitsu!

As far as he learned from the live broadcast of the National Middle-School Tennis Competition.

His zero smash can’t be comparable to the terrifying power of light hitting!


He overlooked a very important fact.

That is even in the National Middle-School Tennis Competition.

The handist Kunimitsu didn’t use all his strength either!

In addition, the three doors of Selfless State are now open together.

It’s not what he can resist at all!

In an instant.

Matsudaira Chikahiko seemed to have received a shock of terror.

The arms that clenched racquet suddenly trembled crazily.

As if the next moment racquet will let go and fly.


The terrifying power transmitted from racquet made him tremble.

The pain that had just eased off suddenly appeared again.

It hardly lasted for less than a second.

The tennis ball suddenly broke away from the racquet in his hands.

Then it hit his chest again.

next moment.

530 Matsudaira Chikahiko’s eyes widened.

Fly directly with the tennis ball.

“Ah ah ah ah ah!”

The hoarse cry full of pain suddenly echoed above the court.

Then there was a shocking sound from the isolation net.

Matsudaira Chikahiko was directly pinned to the quarantine net again.


Accompanied by the tennis ball gradually fell.

Matsudaira Chikahiko’s body also slipped weakly.

The whole person immediately began to tremble and twitch.

“Zhonghe, cheer up!

“The current handist Kunimitsu’s strength has far surpassed Zhonghe!”

“It’s not that he can force the next step!”

The U-17 players looked at Matsudaira Chikahiko with a worried expression.

What kind of person is Matsudaira Chikahiko.

How much his patience is.

Everyone is very clear in their hearts.


This is such an extremely patient person.

Even screamed again and again.

It’s hard to imagine what terrifying power is contained in the tennis ball played by the opposite hand Kunimitsu!

“The selfless state has been fully integrated with the three doors?!”

San Mifūne Nyudō Sany looked at the handist Kunimitsu on the field with a jet-black face.

He never dreamed of it.

A junior high school student can break the three of Selfless State (cgab).

And it has been thoroughly integrated.

Even the essential strength is comparable to professional-level elites.

Is this really just guided by Senyu Shinji?

“Kunimitsu’s five-dimensional data can at least rank in the top ten in u-17!”

Although it is not the first time that Kurobe Yukio has seen Kunimitsu.

But now I see all the strength he has shown.

He also couldn’t help showing a serious look.

It can be said.

For the people in front of Tamamo.

Ishida Tieji only surprised him.

Lamented at their rapid progress.

But Kunimitsu’s skill stunned him.

Let him take it seriously!

This kind of strength can definitely represent the team’s expedition overseas!

Thought of this.

Yukio Kurobe couldn’t help showing a faint smile on his face.

This game Matsudaira Chikahiko will undoubtedly lose.

In other words, Tamamo has already won three games in a row.

What is left for u-17 is only two games.

That is the singles game between Senyu Shinji and Akutsu.

As for Senyu Shinji’s strength.

Kurobe Yukio understood quite well.

The probability of Oni Jujiro winning is extremely slim!

That is to say, it will be defeated!

As for Ajutsu.

It seems that the demon has vaguely opened up the seventh consciousness.

if so.

Then Irie Kanata is also dangerous!

This is a straight five-game losing streak!

“Five-game losing streak.

“I’m afraid that the head coach of the three ships has really given way?!!”

Kurobe Yukio put his gaze on Mi Mifūne Nyudō Mi’s body for a few seconds.

“I haven’t lost this game yet!”

Mi Mifūne Nyudō Mi also felt Kurobe Yukio’s gaze.

As if to see something.

Said angrily.

Just at this time.

Above the court.

Matsudaira Chikahiko climbed up again with difficulty.

The body seemed to become a sieve.

Shaking crazily.

Cold sweat kept running down his forehead.

Then it dripped onto the ground.

Kunimitsu’s tennis ball has already caused severe pain all over his body.

And now it’s just two shots of tennis!


Matsudaira Chikahiko can withstand these two tennis shots.

Endure all the pain in the body.

It also showed his patience.

“It’s almost over like this!”

Kunimitsu looked at Matsudaira Chikahiko on the opposite side with majesty.

He wants to defend the glory for Yu Zaoqian.

Those who challenge Yuzao will be judged by the master!

“Last hit tennis!”

“This is the trial before you challenge Yuzao!”

The majestic and calm voice echoed above the court.

Matsudaira Chikahiko’s heart trembled involuntarily.

The fear in my heart is almost infinitely magnified.

But even so.

He still gritted his teeth and continued to serve.

It’s still a corner kick.

“A senseless struggle!”

Kunimitsu, the opposite handist, shook his head slightly.

He doesn’t want to waste time playing with Matsudaira Chikahiko anymore.

From the beginning to the end, only a corner kick will be given.

Even if the opponent’s strength is not bad.

But I came to see Kunimitsu at his hand.

Matsudaira Chikahiko is not even as good as the previous Natsukawa Takuto.

At least the other party will do their best!

“Accept the judge’s trial!”

Accompanied by his deep voice.

The aura of Kunimitsu’s body suddenly gathered.

It’s getting more solid.

The air flow above the court spiraled frantically.

The figure of the master stood in it.

The handist Kunimitsu directly placed the racquet behind.

The whole person squatted down.

Then he dashed out.

The racquet in his hand also slammed.


The tennis ball hit the racquet instantly.

Directly enter and emit a dazzling light.

The whole tennis ball was deformed irregularly.

The terrifying and vast power seems to have all emerged in the tennis.

Zero smash!

“gameover! ”

The voice of Kunimitsu fell.

The tennis shot suddenly exploded.

It’s like dominating travel.

With endless majesty.

With horrible air waves.

He rushed to Matsudaira Chikahiko’s side.

And the hand Kunimitsu put away the racquet.

He didn’t even look at the Zhonghe inside and outside of the arena at a glance.

Walk straight down the court.

The momentum of the whole person converged.

so easy!

Everyone of u-17 looked at Kunimitsu in amazement.

at this time.


The moment Kunimitsu turned and left.

Opposite Matsudaira Chikahiko once again raised the racket to hard-wire the tennis.


In the end, there was almost no resistance at all.

It was hit directly.

It crashed and fell on the quarantine net.

The whole person fainted directly.

That’s it.

competition is over!

Hand Kunimitsu will determine the outcome with three goals!.

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