Chapter 383 Can’t catch a ball!

See it in everyone’s eyes.

Senyu Shinji’s tennis shot was just a casual tennis shot.

However, such a terrifying power broke out directly!

It seemed to crash into the world like nine gods of thunder.

The roar almost resounded through the audience.

Then crashed into the midfield position.

Xincun Seiichi looked solemn.

Brazenly picked up racquet and wanted to fight back.

But this time.

A terrifying burst of power erupted from the tennis ball.

As it fell.



The ground above the entire arena seemed to shake.

Xincun Seiichi also bears the brunt of this unparalleled shock.

His body also moved with the ground.

It started to shake.

The coat draped on his body was also dancing wildly.

At this moment.

The racquet in his hand also stood in a stalemate for a second.

It’s just this second kind of time.

The tennis ball has been ejected from the ground.

In the next moment, it hit the baseline severely.


Senyu Shinji serve score!


“Senyu Shinji said to Xincun Seiichi with a smile on his face.

“You better take off your coat!”

517 “Or, should I blast your coat down?”

Senyu Shinji’s voice suddenly reached Seiichi’s ears.

Then his face became more gloomy.


Even so.

He also ignored Senyu Shinji’s words.

He is the Son of God!

He still has the belief in victory!

He believes that he can defeat Senyu Shinji even with a coat on!

“Your self-confidence is really ridiculous!’

See Xincun Seiichi still insists on going his own way.

Senyu Shinji couldn’t help but shook his head and said.

In the end, he decided to completely shatter the confidence of the other party with his own hands.

And, since it’s said something.

That must be achieved!

“Be careful.”

At this moment.

Senyu Shinji snorted softly.

The whole person rose to the sky.

-Go beyond the height of tennis.


Overlooking the entire court.

The white clothes all over the body fluttered in the wind, elegant and like a fairy.

Just like the existence above the nine heavens, it is unattainable.

at this time.

Senyu Shinji’s eyes showed a clear and deep starry sky.

Little stars twinkled among them.

A strong aura radiated from him.

Suddenly, the dust on the court surface was dispersed.


“It’s Senyu Shinji’s blow!”

Everyone in the audience looked at Senyu Shinji on the arena with excitement.


Senyu Shinji has used this trick before!

“Falling star!”

Facing the high-hanging sun.

The racquet in Senyu Shinji’s hand is like a heavy hammer falling.

The tennis ball shot out like a meteor in the sky.

Bright and dazzling.

It’s overwhelming.

The surrounding space is shattered and time is still.

Xincun Seiichi stared at the scene before her stunned.

As if the soul of the whole person was shocked by this tennis shot.

There is no thought of resistance at all.

Even the emotion of horror spread crazily in his heart.

next moment.

Accompanied by endless power.

The ejected tennis ball passed directly by.

Xincun Seiichi’s jacket shot out directly with the tennis ball.

Nailed to the ground!


Suddenly a louder and more terrifying noise erupted.

Countless debris sputtered out.

It hit the back of Xincun Seiichi.

Xincun Seiichi, who was still shocked just now.

Suddenly became sluggish.

Then he turned his head stiffly and looked behind him.

The pupils of both eyes suddenly contracted.


At this time, his coat was completely nailed to the stands.

A charred tennis ball is directly inlaid on the wall.

A breeze blew by.

His coat also dangled a few times.

“How can the power of this ball be so terrifying?!

Xincun Seiichi said foolishly.

Even now it is very sluggish.

But the shock became more apparent.

Senyu Shinji really blew his coat off!

“Xin Cun, is this the strength of your shame?”

Senyu Shinji said with a smile.

Under this voice.

Xincun Seiichi woke up suddenly.

He turned his head mechanically.

Look at Senyu Shinji who is smiling but not smiling.

“But, isn’t this the fiasco that you are pursuing with all your heart?”

“Don’t worry, this is just the beginning!”

Senyu Shinji immediately served again.

The indifference around him became more and more wanton.

Brings unlimited pressure and fear.


A tennis ball was thrown into the air again.

Under the eyes of everyone expecting.

He jumped up.

When the tennis coincides with the sun.

Flagrantly waved racquet.


Liu Ying!

Then a violent roar resounded throughout the court.

The crowd in the audience became more and more excited.

Because of this hit tennis.

It has appeared before!

“call out!”

Tennis is like a streamer and a shadow.

As if to penetrate the stadium.

Facing the sunlight in the sky, a boundless phantom was born, covering the entire court.

It is not clear which is the real object at all.


A crisp voice sounded.

The tennis ball fell on the court of Xincun Seiichi.

The net is less than one centimeter away.

The scene was silent at first.

Then there was a burst of crazy cheers.

“Senyu of the fairy!”

“Senyu of the fairy!”

“Senyu of the fairy!”

Xincun Seiichi’s face seemed to have lost his blood.

Extremely pale.

“Minister, can’t you catch a ball?”

Rikkai is here.

Everyone whispered blankly.

Then fell completely into silence.

Everyone seems to have seen Rikkai’s five-game losing streak.

All the time.

They all think that Xincun Seiichi is the most powerful existence.


Now they are shaken!

“Senyu Shinji is really invincible!”

Yanagi Renji sighed softly.

Once again, I deeply experienced Senyu Shinji’s terrifying power.

Above the stadium.

Senyu Shinji looked at Seiichi’s sluggish state.

Can’t help laughing.

“wake up!”

“Get ready to take this tennis shot!”

With this word out.

Xincun Seiichi woke up suddenly.

But watching Senyu Shinji is ready to serve.

His face became paler and weaker.

“This hit tennis, but just hit the ball!”

Senyu Shinji didn’t seem to see Seiichi’s face at all.

He has already waved the racquet directly.

Accompanied by the violent impact of tennis and racquet.

Tennis suddenly seemed like a brilliant ball of light.

Just leave a path of light.

It’s hard to look straight at!

Xincun Seiichi gritted his teeth and rushed out.

But even he does.

When the tennis rush comes.

Everyone on Rikkai’s side already shouted with worry.

“Xin Village, stay away!”

“This shot of tennis is dangerous!”


Even Rikkai people shout like this.

Xincun Seiichi still ignored it.

Suddenly waved racquet.


next moment.

His face changed drastically!

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