Chapter 381 Regret that doesn’t exist

“You will regret this!”

Seiichi Yukimura burst into flames with a roar.

Although he was once defeated by Senyu Shinji.

But that is also the past!

Now he is the son of God!

The middle school class can be called an invincible existence!

Being despised by the same person again and again.

The roar directly made him angry.


Senyu Shinji heard what Seiichi said.

Can’t help laughing.

Seiichi Yukimura is very strong.

Senyu Shinji does not deny this.

But to say that he is definitely not the strongest in the country.

His talent is not the best!

Whether it is Akutsu or Kunimitsu.

Or Fuji Syusuke.

Both are a bit better than his talent.

Even Rikkai’s Sanada Genichiro and Mōri Juzaburō’s talents are far above him.


Xincun Seiichi does not have any qualifications to make Senyu Shinji have any regrets.

“Both players are in place!

“The final match of the National Middle-School Tennis Tournament, a singles match!”

“Tamazao is playing against Rikkai!

“Rikkai Daxin Village Seiichi serve bureau!”

“Game start!

The referee on the side also blew the whistle at this 26 time.

This also means.

The final showdown of the National Middle-School Tennis Competition finals kicked off!

“You will pay the corresponding price for your arrogance!”

Xincun Seiichi’s expression of anger just faded away gradually.

At this moment, he said calmly.

The tennis ball in his hand is also directly raised into the air.

Then brazenly waved racquet!


Following the roar of racquet hitting the tennis ball.

The tennis suddenly seemed to pierce the entire arena.

He slammed into Senyu Shinji’s side suddenly.

Although this hit tennis is just an ordinary Flat ball.

But the speed and power displayed on it even surpassed Powerball.

“No time to watch your boring tricks!”

“Just take out all your current strength!”

Senyu Shinji has a warm look on his face.

It seemed as if he was saying something inconsequential.


“I will make you truly feel a more tragic failure again!”


The burst of roar suddenly echoed across the arena.

And this tennis shot was just a random swing by Senyu Shinji!

The power that is shown to everyone now is extremely terrifying!

The tennis ball was directly squeezed into an oval shape by the force of terror in an instant.

As if it will burst directly in the next moment.

With the tennis off the racquet.

Suddenly it was like a meteorite flying from the sky.

Accompanied by endless roar.

The raging fire.

He slammed directly towards Xincun Seiichi.

The air above the entire arena is directly divided into two.

The airflow is like a flood from a sluice gate.

Pentium rushed to both sides.

Then the tennis ball fell directly at the feet of Xincun Seiichi.


Even if it just landed.

The whole earth seemed to be shaken.

The dull percussion sound hit everyone’s hearts like a giant drum.

Xincun Seiichi watched the tennis shot at his feet.

The pupils of both eyes shrank sharply.

He just wanted to lift the racquet in his hand to fight back.


The tennis ball seems to be nailed directly to the ground.

It didn’t eject at all.

next moment.

Scroll directly to the baseline direction quickly.


Senyu Shinji scores directly!

Xincun Seiichi’s face became more solemn.

Now he really felt the horror of Senyu Shinji again.

just now.

Tennis can not only have such terrifying power.

And in this case, it rolls close to the ground toward the baseline position.

This is definitely not something ordinary people can do!

“In this game, I am destined to completely wash away all the humiliating games!”

Xincun Seiichi’s face instantly returned to a flat state again.

Then continue to serve.

This time he directly swiped a midfield ball.

The power and speed on tennis is far better than before.

“It seems that you still haven’t taken the experience of failure to heart!

Senyu Shinji looked at Xincun Seiichi still using such an ordinary tennis ball.

I couldn’t help but shook his head.

He didn’t even know that the current Seiichi Xincun was a transitional self-confidence.

Still too stupid.


Senyu Shinji waved the racquet lightly.

This time.

He only used three levels of power.


Just when tennis came into contact with racquet.

Suddenly the tennis shot directly in the opposite direction.

this moment.

Tennis is so fast that people can’t see clearly.

Like a thunder and lightning falling from nine heavens.

He quickly shot towards Xincun Seiichi’s side.

When Seiichi Xincun saw this scene.

His face suddenly changed.

I can’t take care of the others at all.

Suddenly exerted force on both feet directly.

Then the whole person burst out.


Xincun Seiichi waved the racquet almost at the last moment.

“You can’t take it!”

Senyu Shinji chuckled lightly.

As if he was preparing to watch a good show.

After hearing Senyu Shinji’s words.

Xincun Seiichi was shocked.

There seemed to be a haze over my heart.


There was a burst of unimaginable terrifying power from his arm.

This force hits almost instantly.

It is not allowed for Xincun Seiichi to wave a racquet.

Go straight through the racquet hole.

Then it slammed down on the baseline position severely.


Senyu Shinji scored again!

Xincun Seiichi stared blankly at the racquet that was pierced in his hand.

His expression became more solemn.

Senyu Shinji is even scarier than before!

It was so terrible that there were 517 voices in his heart all the time.

Let him escape, let him give up.


He still took two deep breaths.

Forced to calm down.


Then the tennis ball in his hand began to beat to the ground.




next moment.

The tennis ball flew straight up.


Xincun Seiichi gave a low voice.

Then the whole person jumped up.

Brandishly waved racquet up.


Following the violent impact of the tennis ball and the racquet.

Immediately lased out.

The whole tennis ball is shot at a close angle from an extremely sharp angle.

Near corner smash!

This hit tennis for many people.

It was definitely a terrifying smash.


Senyu Shinji is standing across from Seiichi!

It’s like throwing a small pebble into the ocean.

Even the waves can’t shake.

“call out!”

Senyu Shinji stepped on the ground lightly.

It seems to be just a step away.

But the next moment he appeared on the spot of the tennis ball.

“I’m optimistic, this trick is called Yun Fan!”

Just between Senyu Shinji’s soft voices.

The racquet in his hand suddenly shook his backhand.

Then swing out.

Although it is cutting tennis.

But still a pretty terrifying force broke out. .

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