Chapter 372 Deep sleep, start serious?

“Is this all your strength?”

“I thought about practicing with you.”

“It seems that it is unnecessary!”

After Kunimitsu came to his venue.

Point the racquet in your hand directly to Mōri Juzaburō.

He was not thinking of continuing to practice his perfect limit.

He wants Tamazou to win this way!

After hearing these words, Mōri Juzaburō on the opposite side.

Suddenly his eyes sharpened.

“You said I was your sparring partner?”

“In my opinion, you are just my next loser who is about to lose!”

Mōri Juzaburō had completely put away the smile on his face.

this moment.

It seemed as if a burst of cold air was escaping from between him and Kunimitsu.

The whole body trembles involuntarily.

next moment.

The second color of light burst out of Kunimitsu’s body.

Then it blended with the light of the limit of tempering.


A beam of light that rushed into the sky appeared even more massively on his body.

Mōri Juzaburō who saw this scene.

The pupils of both eyes also shrank in Li Najian.

Of course he knew what it was.

The limit of talent!

Suddenly, there was even greater pressure on him.

Mōri Juzaburō looked back at the score board.

Then he turned his attention to Rikkai’s side.

After taking a look at Seiichi Yukimura.

He stared solemnly at his home Kunimitsu.

He cannot be defeated!

In order to prepare for this game.

He fights against Niou Masaharu almost day and night.

Just to get familiar with Tezuka Kunimitsu’s style of play.

At first, the zero-serve serve in Niou Masaharu’s hands suffered a lot.

Even the limit of talent is giving him a headache.


Mōri Juzaburō firmly believes.

As long as the power of tennis is greater.


The angle is more tricky.

Then Kunimitsu will be defeated by him!

For the idea of ​​Mōri Juzaburō.

Kunimitsu doesn’t know it at all.

I don’t want to know!

He just wants to quickly win the victory for Yuzao!

Then the tennis ball in his hand was thrown straight up.

He almost stomped his feet down.

The whole person jumped directly in place.

The racquet in his hand was swiped directly like a chip.

“Zero chop”,?

Mōri Juzaburō discovered this situation in the first place.

Now I am ready to make corresponding actions.

The racquet in his hand abruptly hit the ground.

He quickly rushed towards the net.


Kunimitsu’s tennis shot is not a zero chop!

Just after he waved it out.

He has always been extremely majestic.

There was also a smile at the corner of his mouth.

As if mocking Mōri Juzaburō silently.

“not good!”

After discovering this scene.

Mōri Juzaburō suddenly yelled badly in his heart.

Stop your actions immediately.

Crazy sprinting towards the baseline position.

The tennis ball was after the collision with racquet.

It burst out with a sudden burst.

This blow is a zero-type Lob!

Although it is very similar to zero chop.

But the result is completely opposite!

I saw the tennis ball crashed to the ground.

Then clinging to the ground.

Move quickly in the direction of the net.

And Mōri Juzaburō has already sprinted to the baseline position.

But when I saw this scene.

His face changed suddenly.

Because it’s too late!

Accompanied by a whistle.


Handie Kunimitsu scored easily.

And this time.

He also fell lightly on the ground.

“Only three minutes have passed!”

Shoujia Kunimitsu looked up at the big screen.

Then he said this lightly.

The pupils of Mōri Juzaburō’s eyes shrank suddenly.


Faced with this sentence of Kunimitsu.

He did not reply in the slightest.

After walking to the midfield position with a silent face.

Continue to squat down.

Hold the racquet tightly with both hands.

Staring at the opposite hand Kunimitsu.

See this situation.

Hand Kunimitsu directly raised the tennis ball in his hand with a majestic face.







The score was almost smoothly pushed to 3-0.

The opposite Mōri Juzaburō was already out of breath.

The sweat completely soaked his team uniform.

Even his curly hair.

Sweat is dripping to the ground all the time.


On the other hand, hand Kunimitsu.

The breath is still quite stable.

It seems that this game is no effort at all.

The crowd in the audience was completely boiling!

Because only in such a short time.

Various tennis balls shot in each other’s hands.

Every tennis game is a visual feast!

People can’t help but feel addicted.

But the same.

Now the score is too big!

It shows that Kunimitsu is about to win this crucial game!

“Master Kunimitsu!”

“Master Kunimitsu!

“Master Kunimitsu!”

Such cheers were heard almost in the entire stadium.

Rikkai is here.

Seiichi Yukimura still had a calm look on his face.

Although he can see him pursing his lips insignificantly.


He still believes in Mōri Juzaburō in his heart!

Because he is a genius of tennis!

Genius among geniuses!

Above the court.

Whether it was a serve bureau in Mōri Juzaburō just now.

He was on a tennis ball facing Kunimitsu.

It is also becoming more and more powerless.

On the other hand, hand Kunimitsu.

At this moment, it only opened the limit of tempering and the limit of talent in Selfless State.


It has already made Mōri Juzaburō completely overwhelmed!

“Now only six minutes have passed!”

Shoujia Kunimitsu continued to glance at the big screen.

Said majesticly.

This kind of speech is particularly harsh in Mōri Juzaburō’s ears.

This is what he said.

But at the moment.

It was he who was moving in the direction of disastrous defeat.

He (Lee De’s) is a genius of tennis!

He is Rikkai’s last hope!

Thinking about it.

Mōri Juzaburō stood up completely.

The tension on the body just now seemed to fade away.

In an instant.

He seemed to completely dissipate the powerful aura from his body.

It was as if he was not going to continue fighting at this moment.


next moment.

He smiled and spoke to Kunimitsu, his hand.

“I need to ”

“Sleep for a while!’

When everyone is listening to this sentence.

Suddenly stunned the rape.

It’s not just the audience.

Even the hand Kunimitsu was taken aback.

“He is going to sleep at this time.”

“Is the serious mode of Maori’s long absence to start?”

Everyone on Rikkai’s side suddenly whispered.

Seiichi Yukimura’s eyes also flickered.

It seems that the situation will be reversed with Mōri Juzaburō’s sleep. .

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