Chapter 370 All-rounder, jack knife

Just when Tamamomian was still cheering.

Above the stadium.

Mōri Juzaburō also picked up a new racquet.

His face became more solemn.

Although he doesn’t have any special skills.

But this does not mean that his strength is not strong enough.

He is a very outstanding tennis genius in all aspects!


None of this is his brightest point.

The most shining thing about him is that he can cheer up in adversity.

And burn it!

Even if he has been evading tennis training.

But he also has his own pride!

Facing a powerful presence.

He can also show his full power perfectly.


Mōri Juzaburō also burst out into the sky directly.

It directly echoes the field of hands.

As if the next moment.

The two soaring auras will directly collide together.

“Five One Zero”

The entire stadium.

As if being suppressed by two giant mountains.

Whether it is air.

Still their heartbeat!

Everyone couldn’t help but rushed to a trace of fear and tension.

Mōri Juzaburō smiled at this moment and said to Kunimitsu, the opposite handist.

“Do you control the airflow?”

“Does the so-called domain use one’s own momentum?”

“Worth learning!”

Then directly raised the racquet in his hand again.

He didn’t seem to watch the tennis ball flying into the air at all.

Still looking at Kunimitsu, the opposite handist.

Just when the tennis ball landed at his level.

It seemed as if time was suspended.

This is Mōri Juzaburō holding the tennis ball with his aura!

Then he shot with one hand.

Outrageously struck out.

The tennis ball was still floating in the air.

Suddenly received the tremendous force of the horror cloth.

The tennis ball is directly squeezed and deformed into an irregular oval shape.

Shoot out in an instant!

For a time.

The tennis ball roared like a thunder.

It’s like a meteorite.

You can even see that the tennis ball is gradually covered by a layer of flame!

As if this was a blow to the world.


all of these.

All are just the embodiment of Mōri Juzaburō’s display of his power.

And the show of momentum.

After hand Kunimitsu saw this shot of tennis.

The look remains the same.

But an amber-like light flashed directly from his body.

Rushed straight into the sky in an instant.

Selfless State, the limit of hard work, open!

Then the handist Kunimitsu directly lifted the racquet in his hand and jumped in place.

Flagrantly waved racquet.

And the tennis shot came in an instant.

A huge wave also rushed directly to Kunimitsu’s body.

His uniform agitated.

Hair flying.


In his hand, he was cutting quite calmly.

The power on the tennis ball is too great!

If you don’t cut it.

Racquet is likely to be directly penetrated!

But the strength of the tennis shot made him cut as many as five times in a row.

Then he dunked the tennis ball.

It can be seen how terrifying power Mōri Juzaburō has used this time.

After the tennis player Kunimitsu’s counterattack went out after the meeting.

It also turned crazy directly.

It’s like a loaded bullet.

It burst out instantly.

The tennis shot was better than Mōri Juzaburō’s power on the tennis shot.

Mōri Juzaburō looked at the tennis ball that was approaching.

The whole person’s momentum directly became more and more violent.

His curly hair swayed frantically.

He stepped back with his left foot.

Squat down.

Hold the racquet directly with both hands.

But long time no movement.

As if waiting for something.

next moment.

The tennis ball crashed to the ground.

Then it ejected.

At this moment.

He kicked his back foot suddenly.

Sprint out immediately.

Move quickly directly to the tennis side.

next moment.

The tennis ball directly hit the racquet in his hand.

The roar came directly in.

The neighing sound of violent friction also came afterwards.

Mōri Juzaburō’s arm was visibly trembling.

Sweat surfaced directly on his forehead.

Then slipped down.


His whole body was also propelled by the terrifying force on the tennis ball.

Start to move back.

Was directly pushed to the baseline position from the backcourt.


Even so.

The power on tennis is still not completely eliminated!

The crowd in the audience also directly held their breath at this moment.

Everyone is waiting for the result of this confrontation.

Even the entire stadium is quite quiet.


next moment.

Mōri Juzaburō hit the tennis back directly.

This time.

On the one hand, he relied on the power brought by the sprint.

Plus own power

It was a difficult time to beat back Kunimitsu’s tennis ball and succeeded.

The solemn look on his face became more apparent.

If this continues.

It’s really possible that you won’t be able to take the next tennis shot!


That’s also the case, Kunimitsu, who can hit back the tennis ball just now, is likely to happen.

A bright smile suddenly appeared on Mōri Juzaburō’s face.

Because the tennis shot just now is a technique in tennis.

Sock-style small shots!

The core part of this technology is the force of rotation!

If the technology is not up to date.

The tennis ball is definitely very soft.

But once it hits back perfectly.

It’s definitely a very violent shot!

at this time.

The crazy spinning tennis ball goes straight in and shoots out.

As if this time.

Like a broken bamboo.

Direct bombardment into the realm of the hand!

Kunimitsu’s eyes suddenly condensed.

Began to arouse momentum.

Want to slow down the impact on the tennis ball.

But the results were minimal.

But he didn’t just stand still and watch.

He squatted down almost instantly.

The feet suddenly stepped on.

Explode directly.

And the tennis shot crashed to the ground.

A deep hole full of cracks in the spider web was left directly on the ground.

Then it ejected again.

at this time.

The racquet in the hands of the handist Kunimitsu also came directly.

Then began to cut frantically.

There is no idea of ​​rigidity at all.

It was almost instantaneous.

Hand Kunimitsu has completed seven cuts with 0.1 pass.

The spin on the tennis ball also gradually slowed down.

Then it seemed to stick to the racquet.

next moment.

Kunimitsu’s other hand is also on the racquet.

Then he stepped forward and kicked the ground with his right leg.

Jump off the ground while raising your left leg.

The tennis ball burst out.

Take off and back shot with both hands!

It is the famous JackKnife in the tennis world!

Then the tennis ball was like a brighter light.

Instantly shot to the top of Mōri Juzaburō’s arena.

He had just put away racquet.

Suddenly became sluggish.

He didn’t expect Kunimitsu’s counterattack so quickly!

The tennis ball crashed directly to the ground.

He didn’t give him the slightest reaction time at all!


Hand Kunimitsu scored again!.

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