Chapter 350 Crush it all the way!

When the people at Rikkai first tried to refute Senyu Shinji.


Senyu Shinji has led everyone in front of Tamamo and left here.

Rikkai people saw this scene.

Suddenly his face became more and more solemn.

at this time.

In this stadium.

It seemed that a sense of depression was gradually growing in the entire arena.

Then the people of Rikkai also returned to their rest area.

The final preparations before starting the game.

The current Seiichi Yukimura looked at the Rikkai team with a serious look.

“What this game means, I believe everyone is quite clear!”

“We are the representative of Rikkai University!”

“So, this time, we can only win but not lose!”

Seiichi Yukimura said in a deep voice.

The look on his face also became more solemn.

This is the last match of the National Middle-School Tennis Tournament of “Forty Nine Three”.

It also means that the final championship will go to someone’s game.

This is a crucial game!

none of them!

After everyone at Rikkai heard Seiichi Yukimura’s words.

He also nodded solemnly.

Then he waited silently for the roster.

“The first singles three match, I will leave it to you, Sanada!”

Xincun Seiichi thought for a moment.

The final decision is to be on the safe side, let Sanada Genichiro play first.

After all, the current Tamazamae is really different from the past!

Can beat Rikkai before.

Therefore, it is still possible to arrange for insurance.

Just win three games out of five games.

Then the champion of this national Middle-School Tennis Competition is Rikkai!

So he decided to arrange this.

Of course, Seiichi Yukimura only hopes to win two of the first three games.

Let him get the final victory!

“Leave me the first game!”

Sanada Nodded with a serious face.

Everybody knows.

Victory in the first game is very important!

If the first game is won.

That will definitely increase the morale of the entire team!

In this way, the probability of victory in the game can be increased accordingly.

For Sanada Genichiro.

He is definitely Rikkai’s No. 2 person!

It is also a national player.

It is among the best in the whole country.

Although he was defeated successively in the hands of Kunimitsu and others in front of Tamamo.


After so long of hard training.

He also has considerable confidence in himself.

“The second doubles match, Yanagi and Nioh!”

Seiichi Yukimura turned his attention to Yagyu Hiroshi and Niou Masaharu.

For both of them.

It’s all Rikkai’s big golden doubles!

Even if it was Liuliqiu, who had previously played against the mighty strength.

It is also easy to win.

“This time, we won!”

“It’s also to wash our previous humiliation thoroughly!”

Niou Masaharu and Lubis Yanagyu stared at Xincun Seiichi with scorching eyes.

They want to be in this game.

Completely defeated Tamazou!

Once they were defeated.


They will never be completely defeated now!

As if after the two people nodded in agreement.

Their bodies are also rising up with a strong sense of war.

“As for the third game, the words of singles two

Seiichi Yukimura paused.

Begin to think about how to arrange this crucial singles second game.

Although Seiichi Yukimura is quite confident about Rikkai today.

But he still didn’t underestimate the people in front of Tamamo, who is also progressing.


He set his sight on Mōri Juzaburō’s body.

It can be said.

He is Rikkai’s big pillar!

“Senior Maori, this most important game is up to you!’

Seiichi Yukimura said to Mōri Juzaburō with a serious look.


Mōri Juzaburō’s eyes flashed too.

Facing everyone in front of Tamamo who defeated him one after another.

This time.

He must defend his tennis and Rikkai!

During this period of time.

He has been working hard for this goal!

“As for the last doubles match, it was handed over to Wen Tai and Jackal.

Xincun Seiichi quickly arranged the list of players.

The expression in his eyes also looked to the side of Tamamo.

This time the arrangement can be said to put the strongest lineup in front.

The final scene was his own finale.

Then he turned his gaze back to Yanagi Renji, Rikkai’s military adviser, and said.

“Renji, you are the substitute.”

Then he said loudly to the people of Rikkai

“Can we at Rikkai University win the championship in this national Middle-School Tennis Tournament.”

“Just watch this game!”

“Everyone, use our racquet to make our Rikkai glory!”

Xincun Seiichi looked at the crowds like a rainbow.

I became more confident in my heart.

The Rikkai team members also responded loudly at this moment.


Compared to Rikkai’s large Xincun Seiichi’s caution.

Tamamo-mae is quite relaxed here.

For this final battle.

Senyu Shinji has given everyone quite clear instructions.

That is to go all out one by one!

“Our first singles three match before Yuzao, it’s up to you to play.”


“However, it is likely that I will play against Rikkai’s Sanada Genichiro!”

Senyu Shinji sat on the seat and said with a small smile on his face.

“Sada Genichiro is nothing but my defeater!”

“If it is him, I will let him understand that in front of the tyrant, the so-called emperor is just a joke!”

Akutsu looked at Rikkai with an unruly look on his face.

A cruel smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

He can crush Sanada Henichiro once.

It can be crushed countless times!


Senyu Shinji glanced at Akuzu.

A mysterious smile appeared on his face.

“I will crush him over again!”

Akutsu didn’t think Sanada was so good at all.

In his eyes.

The only thing he wanted 0.1 was Senyu Shinji.

Senyu Shinji nodded.

Then I looked at Ishida Tetsu and Kawamura Takashi.

“Doubles two, leave it to you two!

“This is the final of the National Middle-School Tennis Competition, so the opponent will definitely send their strongest doubles lineup!”

“It is very likely that it is Niou Masaharu and Lubis Yanagyu.

“Of course, it is not ruled out that it will be Jackal Kuwana and Marui Bunta.”

“Crush them over again.”

Senyu Shinji smiled and said to both Ishida Tetsu and Kawamura Takashi.

“Yes! Minister!”

The two did not say much.

Although they have defeated each other.


They are growing.

The opponent is also growing.

There is no slightest contempt in my heart.

On the contrary, a strong fighting spirit is rising crazily.

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