Chapter 241 Professional Skills-Falling Stars vs. Light Batting

“The third goal is optimistic!”

Senyu Shinji smiled coldly and jerked up the tennis ball.

Then the body jumped quickly.


With a loud shout, Senyu Shinji dunks.

The tennis ball shot out like a meteor in the sky.

Bright and dazzling.

It’s overwhelming.

This is a falling star!


The earth was shaking, dust was flying, and cracks appeared.

Tennis suddenly appeared.

Tokugawa Kazuya’s eyes curled up and stared at him.

This terrible breath actually made his whole body tremble!


“Has he thoroughly mastered the sweet spot technique?”

Kurobu Yukio was outside the field, and there was a little shock in his eyes.

Because Senyu Shinji has joined the sweet spot technique for three consecutive autumns.

This makes the originally powerful tennis ball more indestructible.

Of course, this is also the fundamental reason why Tokugawa Kazuya did not take over.

Otherwise, with Tokugawa Kazuya’s strength, it is not very difficult to pick up a game similar to falling stars.

But the fusion of sweet spot technology has given these skills a whole new look.

26 It seems to be given new life!


“It’s so powerful!!”

Tokugawa Kazuya is holding the racquet tightly.

He could actually feel the same pressure from Byōdōin Hōō from Senyu Shinji.

This force is so unstoppable!

“Is it really the same as the ghost said, this guy has already surpassed that person?”

Tokugawa Kazuya was shocked.

Afterwards, countless war intent emerged in his mind.

The stronger Senyu Shinji is, the stronger his everything is!

“Last ball, be careful!

Senyu Shinji said lightly and kindly reminded.

Tokugawa Kazuya stared at Senyu Shinji, using all his muscles to guard against it.


Senyu Shinji shouted.

Next second.

The arm is pressed down.

In just an instant, the tennis ball was knocked into the air.


Tokugawa Kazuya, who had been very vigilant, was stunned after seeing this scene.

Because this ball is not a skill.

It’s not a high-speed ball either.

It’s just that an ordinary can’t put a short ball in an ordinary.


The tennis ball lightly crossed the net and then fell.

In a slight bounce, it rolled to the ground.


Senyu Shinji won the first game.

Tokugawa Kazuya stared at the ball blankly.

Then, suddenly awakened!

He raised his head to look at Senyu Shinji, and a smile appeared on the other side’s face.

Tokugawa Kazuya’s face flushed.

Because he heard Senyu Shinji’s words, he was hearing the other party’s yelling.

I thought this ball would be more terrifying than the previous three autumns.

But what he didn’t expect was that Senyu Shinji actually did the opposite.

Just hit an ordinary short ball that can’t be played.

The gap between the two was so huge that even Tokugawa Kazuya did not react.

Even the simplest short ball was not taken.

“The game cannot be preconceived. It needs to listen to six directions and have a wide-sighted perspective.

Senyu Shinji smiled and said.


Tokugawa Kazuya took a deep breath and bowed to Senyu Shinji.

This time, he really learned.

He also understood that he was too vigilant, but restricted his own strength.

As for, subconsciously ignored an important issue.

Tennis is ever-changing!

“The score is 1–0, Fangshuang exchanges venues!”

The referee blew the whistle, and both sides went to the court.

Second round.

Tokugawa Kazuya serve first.

“Bang! Bang! Bang!

Tokugawa Kazuya slapped the tennis ball, his face still very calm.

Facing Senyu Shinji, he did not dare to be slack.

At the same time, he is also thinking about how to attack now?


The tennis ball was thrown into the air by Tokugawa Kazuya.

In the next second, his calm face suddenly added a bit of fierceness.


Tokugawa Kazuya waved the racquet.

Next second.

Various colors appeared on the racquet.

The colors are dazzling, and you can see where is where.

Symphony serve!

Make use of the interference of color to make tennis hard to distinguish between true and false.

This interferes with the opponent’s line of sight and scores.

The tennis ball burst out.

Like a colorful rainbow.

Senyu Shinji just glanced at it and saw countless phantoms of tennis balls.

The speed of each ghost has reached its extreme.

At the same time, it is also true to the extreme.


The tennis crashed to the ground.

The colorful light makes it difficult to open his eyes.

If this scene is changed to an ordinary person, it will definitely be impossible to distinguish the true from the false.

“Using three racquet reversal cuts, the trajectory of the tennis ball is changed, and in this way, a tennis ball like a phantom is formed.”

Senyu Shinji understood the principle of this ball with just a glance.

“However, this is useless to me!”

“It’s just some tricks!!”

Senyu Shinji can master the principle.

Therefore, it is natural to know that the light is real tennis.


Senyu Shinji waved the racquet.

Afterwards, the colorful rays of light instantly became small.

Next second.

Tennis freezes on Senyu Shinji’s racquet.

With a loud noise.

The tennis ball turned into an arc, skimmed over the net again, and hit the ground heavily.


Tokugawa Kazuya was shocked. He didn’t expect that his most proud skill would be resolved instantly.

at the same time.

For a moment when he was stunned.

The tennis ball has wiped his clothes and rushed to the baseline.


“Can the Symphony serve be resolved instantly?”

Outside the game, Irie Kanata looked surprised.

He clearly remembered how many people failed under Tokugawa Kazuya’s move.

This trick is like a colorful rainbow, which makes people difficult to defend.

“The opponent not only has a climax in his basketball skills, but he also has an unimaginable 430 ability in his heart!”

Oni Jujiro’s eyes flickered.

This scene made him feel that Senyu Shinji’s strength was getting more and more terrifying.

at this time.

On the field.

Tokugawa Kazuya took a deep breath, trying to calm down his surprise.

“The opponent’s strength may really be higher than that of that person!’

Tokugawa Kazuya clenched the racquet tightly, his eyes sharpened, and finally he looked like a blade.

Under the stimulation of Senyu Shinji.

He already felt that a powerful storm was spinning around him.

Next second.

The entire arena instantly became solemn.

“Tokugawa Kazuya is getting serious!”

When Irie Kanata saw this, his eyes flashed.

The voice did not fall.

Tokugawa Kazuya began to fight back.


At this time, Tokugawa Kazuya was already terrifying to the extreme.

The heart is burning like a raging flame.

The aura that had swept the surroundings instantly poured out and swept the arena.

This is more powerful than before.

At the same time, at the moment Tokugawa Kazuya waved the racquet.

This power broke out in an instant!


The tennis ball burst out like a ray of light.

The huge impact seems to break through the surrounding time and space.

Just hit the ball!

This trick belongs to the luminous ball, and it has the terrible power of the luminous ball!


The tennis ball whizzed in with a cracking sound.

The surrounding air waves were split instantly, and a vacuum zone appeared.

Next second.

The terrible crackling sound exploded and spread throughout the stadium. .

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