Chapter 238 Kid, don’t show up too much

A group of high school students heard that they were middle school students, and there was some contempt!

After listening to my partner talk about different-dimensional ball skills and his own unique skills, his face changed in an instant!

Because there are very few people who master these two skills at the same time in U-17.

“Kurobe Yukio asked me to visit U-17, so I found it!”

Senyu Shinji smiled faintly, he was lost, just enough to let these people lead the way to the U-17 training center.

“What? Coach Kurobe invited you personally?”

Even Nakamura’s inner and outer roads were stunned, because such a thing had never happened before.

For example, it was personally invited by the coach, and even the entire U-17 has never had a precedent for a middle school student to visit.

This is the first time.

“As compensation for the action you just made to me, let you take me to the training center for a look!”

Senyu Shinji ignored the surprise of everyone present.

Instead, he opened his mouth and smiled faintly.


Qiuting Hongye was also interested at this time.

After all, Senyu Shinji, who is a middle school student, can enter U-14277. Just such a move may not cause a sensation.

“Hey, you have to pay attention. Once you go there, the people there won’t talk as well as we are.

Nakamura Inner and Outer Road on the side reminded in a low voice.

But there was a color of excitement in his eyes.


Senyu Shinji finished listening and looked at the group of junior high students behind the two.

Sure enough, many high school students have seen dissatisfaction in their eyes!

Although many people basically know Senyu Shinji’s strength.

However, since there was no real battle before, and he came in as someone who was personally invited by Kurobe Yukio, it was difficult for them to accept it for a while.

Senyu Shinji did not speak, but immediately replied to the group of unruly high school students with fierce and cold eyes.

Then use racquet to point them at them.

Then one of the students with a strong personality jumped out.

“Boy, don’t be too arrogant!”

Those high school students who were originally dissatisfied with Senyu Shinji’s identity as junior high school students couldn’t help it anymore, and another person stood up and stared at Senyu Shinji viciously.

“I heard that you are called No.1 in the middle school, but this is U-17, not a place where you can go wild!’

The man who was talking was wearing a hat and a handful of bearded men looked a little old.

“So you are?”

Senyu Shinji paid no attention to the other party’s behavior.

“Court No. 16 Tenjin Kosuke!”

Tenjin Kosuke proudly introduced himself.

“As long as you don’t agree, let’s fight over there! Let’s all go together! Don’t come one by one, waste time!”

Senyu Shinji looked at everyone, he didn’t have the time to talk to them.

Since they are not convinced, beat them until they are submissive.

“Too presumptuous!”

“Does this kid really think this is a junior high school?”

“This is U-17, the best tennis player in Japan!”

The high school students who were originally upset suddenly exploded upon hearing these words, and looked at Senyu Shinji in anger one by one.

“If you want to fight, you will fight, if you don’t fight, you will shut up!”

Senyu Shinji said calmly:

Just ignore their anger at all.

“This guy named Senyu Shinji is really calm!”

Nakamura muttered quietly.

“Don’t you find it interesting now?”

Qiu Ting Hong Ye smiled with great interest in her eyes.

“Little devil head, how do you want to compare?”

Tenjin Kosuke had only anger in his eyes. Facing Senyu Shinji’s words (cgab), he naturally couldn’t retreat.

“Did you see that big tree?”

“Compare, the power to hit the ball.”

Senyu Shinji pointed to the big tree nearby and said.

“Huh, it turns out that middle school students are better than these pediatrics.

Tenjin Kosuke sneered, then he threw the tennis ball abruptly, and yelled, “Smelly kid, you can see it clearly!”

Tenjin Kosuke swung his racket vigorously in the roar, and the tennis shot went away.


In a dull sound of impact, the tennis ball directly hit the stout tree. The whole tree shook and the bark splashed.

“Good job, Kosuke!

“How should the sister-in-law in junior high school deal with it?”

“I’m afraid I was scared and stupid!”

A crowd of high school students cheered there.

However, more people have chosen to be silent, and it is clear that these people have read Senyu Shinji’s report.

Earlier, Senyu Shinji’s ball shattered the ground.

“What a shame!

Dao Nakamura covered his face and vomited, even as a high school student, he felt very helpless.

Senyu Shinji. The milk ball baked on the ground is in people’s eyes. , This group of guys actually said such things now.


Senyu Shinji hummed coldly when he saw the ball.

Then he slammed the tennis ball into the air and waved the racquet without hesitation.


With a loud roar, the tennis ball burst open and whizzed away like lightning.

Before the cheers of the group of high school students fell, they just heard a dull crash, which exploded in everyone’s ears!

I saw tree shavings flying, the tennis ball hit the thick tree, the center of the tree was directly blown up, and the tree collapsed.

“Kaka smell~”

The sound of the stout tree breaking resounded in the ears of every high school student, and the big tree suddenly collapsed in the horrified eyes of the high school student!


The earth was trembling, and dust was flying all over the sky. The whole forest was silent.

The originally arrogant and domineering high school students opened their eyes wide, and they couldn’t say a word of astonishment.

Moreover, a ball directly broke the big tree.

Is this really a middle school student?

Every high school student looked at Senyu Shinji.

Can not help but feel a chill in my heart.

“Okay, the show is over!”

“It’s time for you to take me to U-17 training camp!”

Senyu Shinji smiled faintly and glanced at every high school student.

The originally arrogant high school student.

At this moment, they all lowered their heads, and didn’t dare to look at Senyu Shinji at all.

Senyu Shinji closed their mouths with just one goal!

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