Chapter 231 Before the national competition, face Echizen Ryoga

At the Tokyo Metropolitan Tennis Club.

After the Kanto game, Senyu Shinji led the team members to continue to strengthen training here.

Wait until the next game, but the crucial national game is.

Senyu Shinji also set the training location here,

The main thing is that he intends to challenge through a large number of tennis clubs all over Japan to further improve the players’ strength.

The strong always have to pay more time, energy and effort than others.

Training in the tennis club can only increase the players’ physical fitness and basic skills.

If you want to completely break through yourself, you have to work hard in actual combat.

Only by competing with high school students and even semi-professional players can these people continue to improve their strength.

Find the deficiencies in the game, so that in the daily training, different trainings are targeted to achieve the purpose of checking the gaps and filling the vacancies.


Early the next morning.

Senyu Shinji and his group came directly to the Tokyo Metropolitan Central Tennis Club.

They went away, first did a warm-up exercise, and then found the players from the Tokyo Metropolitan Central Tennis Club one by one.

The strength of each high school student who can stay in the 26 clubs cannot be underestimated.

This is precisely the purpose of Tamazou.

Shoujia and others want to compete with weaker high school students first, so as to attract semi-professional players to play against them.

Not for a while.

Senyu Shinji carefully observed Akutsu’s game, and slowly said, “This is not enough.”

Hear the words.

A light flashed in Akutsu’s eyes, and he immediately understood Senyu Shinji’s meaning.

When I first joined the team, that kind of devil training.

Even now, it’s not even as crazy as it was at the beginning, after all, I carry it by myself.

On the contrary, Kikumaru Eiji and Oishi Syuichirou watched the battle, their faces were full of envy.

It has to be said that the progress of Shoujia, Ajutsu, Fuji and others has made them full of pressure.

“Let me finish it in the end.

At this time, the corners of Senyu Shinji’s mouth slightly cocked, revealing a faint smile.

Walked to the court side at a steady pace.

From the moment he entered the gate of the Tokyo Metropolitan Club, he found himself being watched.

If the enemy doesn’t move, I will move first.

Senyu Shinji is never a player to be afraid of.

As the spiritual leader in front of Yuzao, he exudes a natural high above from the inside out.

It was a lonely son who looked like a true fairy of nine days, looking down on the world, everything was indifferent.

Because of this, a sharp young man with a long dark green shawl focused his eyes on Senyu Shinji.

At a glance, Senyu Shinji was stunned.

The dark green long-haired boy in front of him, no matter his body shape or temperament, is similar to the most unique existence in the original work.

On the surface, it seems to be unruly, but in fact it reveals seriousness and perseverance.

How amazing is the style of samurai Echizen Nanjiro!


“Would you like to have a game?”

The dark green long-haired boy felt that Senyu Shinji’s gaze seemed to see through his whole body, and he was faintly jealous.

So, simply change from passive to active, and directly said.

“Introduce myself, my dear Echizen Ryoga.”

In an instant.

The dark green young voice introduced.

“Oh? The samurai’s son?”

With a torch-like gaze, Senyu Shinji spoke lightly.

Hear the words.

Echizen Ryoga’s face became stiff, and then he nodded.

Although he is reluctant to be confined to the name of a samurai son, there is no doubt that he is not like Nanjiro at this moment.


The son of a samurai?

Hearing these words, Ajizen and others all looked at Echizen Ryoga in astonishment.

Even the hand-makers Kunimitsu and Fuji Syusuke showed shocked expressions.

The legend of Japan has such a son.

They desperately want to know how powerful Echizen Ryoga is.

“It’s interesting”

Staring at Echizen Ryoga in front of him, Senyu Shinji felt a special feeling in his heart.

In the original book, Echizen Ryoga is Echizen Ryoma’s elder brother, but not a real brother.

Echizen Ryoga is a child adopted by the samurai Nanjiro.

In terms of talent alone, even the protagonist Echizen Ryoma is far behind Echizen Ryoga.

This is an out-and-out “monster”.

Thinking about it carefully, Senyu Shinji once again focused on Echizen Ryoga.

There is only one month left before the national competition, and November is a special time.

Countries around the world have opened the door of u-17 one after another, recruiting a large number of newcomers.

It seems that the reason why Echizen Ryoga appeared in Tokyo at this time was also to recruit talents for the free country.

I just don’t know if Echizen Ryoga has mastered the devastating professional skill of light hitting.

Although Senyu Shinji also possesses professional elite level.

Looking at the Japanese national middle class, it is in the high school class, and they are all unique.

But Echizen Ryoga’s strength is not weak, even if he only shows so little information in the original book.

However, no one would think that he is weaker than Byodoin Anti-Phoenix and Oni Jujiro.

Even after joining the Japanu-17 sequence, Echizen Ryoga has always concealed his true strength.

“You are strong!”

“So, I’m going to fight you even more.”

Echizen Ryoga’s eyes were extremely hot.

He is full of curiosity about this unique leader in the middle of Japan, Senyu.

In the video of the game against Senyu Shinji, he even discovered a large number of professional skills, as well as the existence of different 423 yuan skills.

have to say.

These skills belong to a middle school student, which is really incredible.

Because of this, Echizen Ryoga specifically asked others about Senyu Shinji’s background and came to Tokyo to wait in advance.

It’s just that he didn’t expect to wait for Senyu Shinji here.

“So you have planned it a long time ago, have you competed with me?”

Senyu Shinji heard the meaning of Echizen Ryoga’s words, and said lightly.

“Come on, dignified!”

Echizen Ryoga raised his racquet slightly defiantly and pointed directly at Senyu Shinji.


This behavior directly angered Yuzao’s former team members.

Especially Akutsu, he regards Senyu Shinji as an idol or even a beacon, how can he endure such contempt by others?

However, just when Akutsu was about to step forward to take a shot, Senyu Shinji glanced at him directly.

next moment.

Ajutsu resisted the unhappiness in his heart, forcibly stood still, and watched from a distance like this.

However, everyone can feel the tyranny in Yajujin’s heart.

In fact.

Not only him, but Shoujia, Fuji and others are also full of indignation.


In front of Tamamo’s front team members, he acted in contempt for Senyu Shinji.

This is simply outrageous!.

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