Chapter 222 Go against opponents, stunning two swords


On the plane, Kintarou Tooyama said depressed: “Why did we leave so soon.”

“I haven’t had a fight with you yet!”


Senyu Shinji smiled slightly: “Have you forgotten how your mother-in-law explained it?

“Your task now is to learn ancient martial arts well.

“As for playing against me, there is time.”

Hear the words.

Kintarou Tooyama’s small head was pulled down.

He didn’t dare to refute Senyu Shinji, after all, Senyu Shinji got permission from Masahiro Toyama and his wife.

Soon after the two Senyu Shinji left, Tanegashima Shuji returned to the U17 training camp.

This ingenious game really brought him an unprecedented shock.


JapanU17 training camp.

As usual.

Hundreds of players wearing uniform sportswear are undergoing various trainings.

Although the arrival of the Korean side made them a little excited, the strict rules of the training camp forced these players to resist their curiosity.

Therefore, Japan U17 and Korea U17 have reached a strange balance.

No one can guess that this balance will be broken just tonight.

Court No. 1.

In the entire training camp, a military representative can freely choose the court to which he belongs.

The rest of the players need to be played step by step from the 10th court.

Each court can get the corresponding convenience.

Therefore, the player strength of the No. 1 court is second only to the representative members of the first army.

Step on!

On this day, during daily training in court No. 1, an unfamiliar figure broke in.


The eyes of the whole audience focused on the incoming person.

The guy was wearing a white shirt with blue Tai Chi and gossip pattern inlays. He was sturdy and stable.

All the JapanU17 members present recognized him, Choi Bingwon, No. 3 player from Korea.

For a time, many people stepped back one after another.

“Ha ha,!”

Looking around the audience, Cui Bingyuan sneered.

Despite his stable nature, watching these Japanese people’s fearful gestures can inevitably give rise to a sense of pride in people’s hearts.

The task assigned to him by the head coach Park Guochang is to find the official representative of Japan U17 as much as possible and defeat it fiercely.

This No. 1 court is the most likely place to accommodate the official representatives of Japan U17.

Under closer observation, a special figure attracted his attention.

“found it!”

Cui Bingyuan’s eyes lit up, and the corners of his mouth rose slightly.

At the same time, the figure also saw Cui Bingyuan in the distance.

With a shawl and black hair, wrapped in a white headband, Omagari also smiled with a firm look.

According to rumors, the U17 exchange tour between the two countries will have a “friendly match” the night before the official match.

Unexpectedly, Choi Bingwon of Korea No. 3 actually took aim at him.

“Since it’s here, let’s compare it!”

A touch of self-confidence appeared on Omagari’s resolute face. Without saying a word, he walked directly to the baseline on the court side.

Seeing his movements, Cui Bingyuan was stunned, and then walked towards the baseline.

Everyone is sensible and knows what the other person means without saying anything.


“Omagari is going to compete with that, a Goryeo!”

“Can he win?”

The people in Court No. 1 returned to their senses, and they couldn’t help but talk about Omagari and Cui Bingyuan who had already put on a battle posture.

I have to say that Omagari is very strong and defeated the original representative of the first army as a freshman. After Oni Jujiro and Tanegashima Shuji, he became No.3.

But the opposite Goryeo is not weak, as the No. 3 of the Goryeo U17 team, the strength is not small.

The duel between the two sides actually met each other.

For a time, it attracted the attention of many people, and even people from other courts rushed over.

“If you are a guest from afar, please serve!

With a torch in his eyes, Omagari said immediately.


Taking a deep look at his opponent, Cui Bingyuan threw the tennis ball high.

next moment.

A physique like a cheetah jumped high into the sky.

At the moment the tennis ball fell.

Cui Bingyuan vigorously swung down his right hand.


A bang spread throughout the court.

The tennis ball shot out like a cannonball, extremely fierce.


Omagari stepped forward, picked up diagonally, and hit the ball back.

The movements are as smooth as sword-drawing, and they are very beautiful.

Woolen cloth!

The tennis ball turned into a yellow-green lightning directly, passing through the space and heading straight to Cui Bingyuan to kill.


Cui Bingyuan nodded.

The strength of the opponent I chose is really not weak, and it is not inferior to him in terms of skill, strength, and speed.

An opponent like this is only interesting when it comes to fighting. If it is too weak, he can’t afford the desire to fight at all.

Even if Park Guochang’s instructions were to be fulfilled, Cui Bingyuan would not overcharge.

“”I am coming!”

Next second.

Cui Bingyuan jumped up, and the racquet in his hand burst into a hot light again.

The terrifying air wave swept the audience.

An unprecedented flame rises from the tennis ball, like fire like tea.

Destroy the world like a meteorite.

Wherever he went, the air collapsed.

Even the net reacted violently.

The tennis tore the space, went straight through the net, and went straight to the opposite baseline to kill.


“This ball is terrible!”

“How can there be such a strong one?”

Staring at the suddenly changing battle situation on the field, the faces of all the Japanese U17 members who watched the battle changed suddenly.

Even Omagari’s eyes became a little serious.

It seemed that the opponent was about to take out everything from the bottom of the box.

This ball surpasses (Made Zhao) in terms of power and speed, and surpasses the average professional level, and in a sense is comparable to the professional level elite.

Goryeo NO.3 is really not small!

Step on!

In the eyes of everyone puzzled, Omagari did not retreat but moved forward.

The right hand directly changed the racquet to the left hand, not knowing what switch was activated.


That racquet became two handles directly.

Omagari held a racquet in each hand and drew his sword like a samurai.

I saw him waving two racquets in front of the net. His movements were so fluent that he looked like a sword dance.


The huge power in the tennis ball was directly wiped out by two swords.

Instead, he cut through the sky with a sword-like edge.

It directly pierced the net and hit the baseline heavily.

“15–0 price!”

Cui Bingyuan spoke, his face full of solemnity.

After all, he underestimated his opponent. .

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