Chapter 212 You come and me, don’t give way to each other


Just when Park Guochang was frowning, Choi Bingwon, who was No. 3 of Goryeo, quietly stepped forward.

Leaning over and whispering in his ear: “Kim Jonghe and the trio have overturned no less than 30 high schools in Japan and have won a record.”


Hear the words.

The bright color flashed in Pu Guochang’s eyes.

Immediately afterwards.

When he faced Yukio Kurobe, his face showed a bright, sunny smile.

“I’m so sorry!”

“Coach Kurobe!”

“There are a few imps in the team who have never been to your country and are very interested in the landscape of your country.”

“So, I asked them to come to your country first.

“If there is any offense, please forgive me for coach Kurobe.”

The voice just fell.

The faces of Saitō Itaru and Tsuge Ryūji on the side became extremely ugly.

It seems that Park Guochang already knows the brilliant record of his own players.

These words are not showing off, but provoking naked.

It’s simply outrageous.

“E? ​​Really?”

Kurobe Yukio said nonchalantly: “As Coach Park said, it’s just kid tricks.

“I also have some young and energetic children in Japan. I don’t know how important it is to start, please forgive me!”

A soft nail was directly pushed into the face of the Korean U17 team.

It’s not just Park Guochang, but even the Goryeo players’ complexions have changed.


Park Guochang cursed secretly in his heart.

There is no doubt.

The treacherous and shameless villain Kurobe must have gotten some news.

Perhaps Kim Jong and the three “mental, handicapped” things are being abused by U17 players from Japan.

Running to someone else’s territory to be a demon, is this unclear to give the opponent a chance to ravage them?

For a time, Park Guochang’s inner feelings towards Kim Jong-wa and the three people increased a little.


Saitō Itaru on the side saw the U17 training camp staff from a distance, and quickly waved to him.


The staff quickly stepped forward and asked respectfully.

“Go and check, what happened in the Kansai area?”


The staff immediately nodded in response, then turned and left.

“Saito, what’s the matter?””

Tsuge Ryūji next to him looked at Saitō Itaru curiously, as if he didn’t understand what this guy meant.

“Hey, Ryuji, do you know why Kurobe is so confident to deal with Goryeo’s provocations?”

Facing Tsuge Ryūji’s gaze, Saitō Itaru said meaningfully.

After spending so many years together, he has a deep understanding of Kurobe Yukio.

If this guy hasn’t mastered a certain killer steel, he will never be so arrogant uncharacteristically.

Unless everything is under his control.


Not for a while.

The staff of the JapanU17 training camp hurried over and reported:

“Coach Saito.

“latest news.”

“Koryo’s ninth-ranked An Changho was beaten slightly injured in the Kyushu area-Hikoyu Gakuen.”

“Cui Zhenying, ranked fifth, also suffered a disastrous defeat in Liyuan High School in the East China Sea.

In an instant.

Saitō Itaru’s eyes flickered, and he immediately understood.

Good guys!

Kurobe is really insidious. Tanegashima Shuji, ranked third in the U17 training camp, was sent to deal with Koryeo No.9.

At the same time, he also dispatched the “actor” Irie Kanata, who is capable of even faintly surpassing Tanegashima Shuji, who can chase after Oni Jujiro and Byōdōin Hōō, to deal with Goryeo No.5.

As far as he knows, except for the top three, the Korean U17 team has professional elite level, and everyone else is at the professional level.

Moreover, this kind of professional general level does not have special potential, and there is not even a player who opens the first door in the depths of the selfless state.

Let Tanegashima Shuji and Irie Kanata deal with this kind of junk players. What is this not overkill?

Even if Goryeo No. 2 Kim Jong-wa can be brazen in the Kansai region, this will not change the fact that the three of Goryeo lost two games.

In the final analysis, Kurobe is old and cunning.

“Haha, Coach Park is coming from afar, I have ordered someone to prepare a good dinner, please!”

At the same time, Kurobe Yukio was greeted with a smile on Goryeo’s group.

Pu Guochang and the others were full of haze, but they didn’t have much to say. They could only hold their anger in their hearts and let Kurobe take them to the accommodation area.


A group of U17 representatives from Korea, led by the staff, entered the accommodation area one after another.

There is a foreign guest area specially planned by JapanU17.

After all, every year in the U17 Tour Exchange, many countries will challenge Japan and try to win a lot of points.

In fact.

The Korean U17 representative team arrived at the Japan U17 training camp three days earlier than the scheduled game time.

As a general practice in international competitions.

Any team that challenges in an unfamiliar area will choose to enter the venue some time in advance.

Most people do it to familiarize themselves with the playing field.

After all, there are too many U17 players in various countries to eliminate and update every year, and they are not all veterans.

As a kind of points tournament, the tour is more to cultivate the rising stars of various countries.

In some ways, everything that should be taken care of will be taken care of.

The eve of the game.

Players on both sides will restrain themselves, and very few of them have bad behaviors such as pre-match fights or even insidious tricks and methods.

Of course, this kind of incident cannot be ruled out.

In the French World Tennis Championships a few years ago, fierce pre-match sports took place between the free country and the bear country.

The two sides directly fought hand-to-hand, so that neither team was able to play their due strength well in the game.

In the end, the World Tennis Organizing Committee formulated strict rules and regulations.

Any national team that conducts bad behavior before the game will be disqualified from the game.

Some small-scale private practice matches are allowed, but no personal injury is involved.

Because of this rule, every country tour has a default practice match.

A warm-up match will be held the day before the match to understand the basic strength of the opponent.

This has also become the biggest “entertainment activity” in various countries before the start of the U17 tournament.

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