Chapter 206 Loser, hand over the u17 badge!

Kim Jong-wa, who burst into a deep breath, changed his whole person.

The shot was extremely fierce, and every shot was aimed at the opponent’s vital part.

“Boy, don’t be too arrogant!”

With a laugh, Kim Jong-he racquet came out diagonally.


The tennis ball hits like a cannonball.

Amazing power shapes the effect of horror.

The air was completely covered by the yin and evil breath, and there was a deep black all around.

It made people tremble all over.


Kintarou Tooyama was stunned.

Whether it was Senyu Shinji’s return or Kim Jong-wa’s serve, he couldn’t see either.

It is faintly visible that two completely different colors are intertwined.


The more I watched, Kintaro became a little more anxious.

“Close your eyes!

The mother-in-law Hua next to her gave a soft sigh.


Kintarou Tooyama quickly closed his eyes.

That tired feeling disappeared without a trace.

The contest between the two major professional elite players, the confrontation of spirit and momentum, is not something ordinary people can understand.

If you force the observation with the naked eye, it will only harm your own mental power.



Puff! 26

Kintarou Tooyama, who closed his eyes, heard the sound of the ball hitting in his ears, but felt more.

That is the clash of two extremely powerful auras.

You come and me, don’t give way to each other.

“Sink down.”

“Feel the breath with your heart, and then catch the tennis ball.”

Granny Hua quickly pointed out.

For Kintarou Tooyama, this kind of professional competition is something you can meet but you can’t ask for it.

Kim Jonghe and Senyu Shinji, who are also in the growing stage, can bring him even more powerful progress.

This is even more remarkable than a fully cured professor of professional players.


After sinking his heart, Kintarou Tooyama realized that he felt more keen on the two breaths.

The violent hitting sound became extremely clear.

Although the frequency is so fast that his heartbeat speeds up sharply, he is better able to capture the impact of both sides.

One side is as cruel as an African hyena, trying to tear up the opponent.

On the other side, there is no wave like a well, and it is not moved at all.

The gap between the two can be seen in general.

I don’t know why Kintarou Tooyama always feels that the flat and watery breath is stronger.

“This boy!’

The mother-in-law Hua saw some clues, and a strange color appeared on her face.

The situation on the court seems fierce, but it is not.

From beginning to end, it was the Korean people who were really anxious.

The Japanese youth never regressed half a step, nor did they advance half a step.

Everything seemed to be under his control.

It is terrible.


“You damn kid.”

“Let’s have the ability to fight with real swords and guns!”

Kim Jong, who should have been in the upper hand, roared hysterically.

As a professional player, how could he fail to see that his opponent didn’t put himself in the eyes.

This is totally unacceptable to Kim Jong-he, who has always been proud.


Hear the words.

Senyu Shinji’s face changed slightly and became a little bit cold.

An indifference that saw the world’s creatures as ants swept the audience.

Everyone trembled.

“not good!”

Jin Zhenghe was a little afraid instinctively.

“Then stop playing.

Senyu Shinji smiled slightly and closed his eyes quietly.

The whole body gradually exudes ethereal meaning.

The entire court was affected, and it turned out to be a little lonely and calm.


The sound of waves appeared out of thin air.

In everyone’s eyes, the court is no longer a court, but a rough sea.

next moment.

A figure soared into the sky with unprecedented fierceness and momentum.

The surging water exploded instantly.


From top to bottom, Senyu Shinji took the momentum of the immortal and swung vigorously.


A loud noise spread in all directions.

In the endless bright light, a white misty figure slowly emerged.

It is as lonely and arrogant as the nine gods, and indifferent to everything as the ruler of life.

“No, it’s impossible!”

Jin Zhenghe’s pupils shrunk slightly, and his whole body trembled under the pressure of the fairy king’s breath.

“I will never lose.”

The strong self-esteem in his heart made him slam racquet hard, trying to meet him.



When a ball fell, the heavens and the earth changed.


Kim Jong-he collided with a tennis racket with both hands and let out a terrible howl.

Immediately afterwards.

The bones in both hands were directly cracked, drooping aside.

The original churning waves completely covered him.

After a while, it gradually disappeared.

Everyone looked at the scene on the court, all horrified.

Fractured racquet slag all over the floor, and the figure soaked in blood.

Kim Jong He!

Korea NO.2!

The whole person was as if his soul was drained, his face was dull, and his eyes were filled with indescribable fear.

Fell in a pool of blood.

Opposite him.

A figure with black hair and white clothes gradually overlapped with the fairy king in people’s minds.

very scary!!!


Outside the court, Kintarou Tooyama looked at the blood-stained court in front of him, and couldn’t help but shrink his neck.

No matter what, he is just a 10-year-old boy, it is impossible to ignore this bloody picture.


Granny Hua smiled and said, “Xiaojin will be scared too.”

“I… I don’t!”

Kintarou Tooyama gritted his teeth.

However, the trembling body of 403 betrayed his inner panic.

Who would have thought that playing tennis could be like this?

The entire court was destroyed.

the other side.

Kim Jong-wa, who fell in a pool of blood, looked at Senyu Shinji’s face with awe.

He opened his mouth and uttered a difficult sentence: “I, I… lost.”

In any case, this time, he was defeated by the Japanese.

Moreover, he was still a teenager under 15 years old.


Overlooking Kim Jong-wa, Senyu Shinji said lightly: “Did you forget something?”


Jin Zhenghe’s heart trembled.

“U17 rules.

Senyu Shinji said in a cold voice, “The challenger has lost, so naturally he wants to put down the most cherished thing.



Jin Jonghe’s face changed drastically.

He didn’t expect the boy in front of him to know so much about the U17 rules.

Indeed, there is an unwritten rule in the world U17 circle. Anyone who challenges the opponent loses, he will hand over the badge of his own country.

“I… I understand.”

With unprecedented bitterness, Kim Jong and Yan tremblingly took out a round golden badge from their arms and handed it to Senyu Shinji.

“Oh? It’s still a big fish.”

Senyu Shinji glanced at the No. 2 of the Korean team, which was really a surprise. .

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