Chapter 204 Goryeo u17 team going to Japan




Kim Jong-ho supported his body strongly and continued to hit the ball.

The sweat-soaked clothes is enough to show that his physical strength is about to run out.

“Idiot, you really don’t know how to live or die!

Looking at Kim Jong-wa, who was struggling with his life, Senyu Shinji suddenly laughed.

Step on.

The next moment, a figure rushed to the sky.

A tennis ball facing the air.

Overlooking the entire court.

But seeing Senyu Shinji in a white dress waving in the wind, it is as elegant as a fairy.

A quiet and deep starry sky appeared in his eyes.

Little stars twinkled among them.

Unprecedented powerful coercion swept a radius of hundreds of meters.


Jin Zhenghe looked at the strange opponent in front of him, his face changed drastically.

“Falling Star!”

In an instant.

The racquet in Senyu Shinji’s hand is like a heavy hammer falling.

The tennis ball shot out like a meteor in the sky.

Bright and dazzling.

The surrounding space is shattered and time is still.

Kim Jong-wa, who was in the center of the field, opened his eyes wide, with a look of horror.

No one feels the incomparable power that is full of this ball more directly than him.

But he was still not reconciled and raised racquet, trying to fight back.

“call out!!!”

Unexpectedly, that tennis ball was as hot as a shooting star, quickly burning the surrounding air.

Even the thread on the racquet was burned out.

Just through the racquet, fell to the ground.


A terrifying crackling sound spread throughout the court.

Immediately afterwards.

The majestic air waves continue to spread to the surroundings with visible momentum.

A mad hole was set off.


The people on the entire court were choked with dust.

After a while.

After the dust is gone.

A large cracked ground appeared in front of everyone.

Kim Jong-ho stood in place blankly, and a storm surged in his heart.

the other side.

Tokyo International Airport.

An Airbus 320 landed slowly.

Immediately afterwards.

A line of young people wearing white primers came out from the cabin, and in the middle of a blue gossip Tai Chi team uniform walked down.

The head was a middle-aged man in a suit with a serious face.


Outside the airport.

The first batch of Korean U17 players who had been waiting on the side rushed forward.


Looking around, the middle-aged man in the suit frowned, and uttered a low voice: “Where is anyone else?”

Park Guochang, the head coach of Goryeo U17, saw at a glance that the first batch of players who arrived in Japan was missing a few people.

Among them, NO.2-Jin Jonghe, NO.5–Cui Zhenying, NO.9-An Changhao.


“Kim Jong told them to observe the level of Japan’s high school students in advance.”

At this time, a team member timidly went to Beijing to report.

“Bastard stuff!”

Park Guochang burst into foul language on the spot.

When will it be their turn to measure the level of high school students in Japan?

Even the head coach of his country’s U17 hasn’t spoken yet.

“Where did they go?”

Without any hesitation, Park Guochang asked directly.

Japan.. Korea Tour Exchange is coming soon, he must not let the three strong players drift outside.

Whether it is No.2’s Kim Jong-wa or No.5’s Cui Zhenying, they are all already scheduled contestants.

Later, if something happened accidentally, wouldn’t it be a joke about the reputation of the entire country’s U17?

“Report to the coach, they are in Kansai.”

The team member hurriedly reported.


Before Park Guochang could react, a tall boy in the team quickly said: “Did they run to find Makinofuji’s trouble?”

Cui Bingyuan!

Korea NO.3!

As a senior third-level student, Cui Bingyuan represented Korea in the World U17 World Championship a year ago.

In the competition at that time, many countries were shocked with a unique power ball.

The Western countries are even more amazed that the East has produced an unprecedented “Hercules.”

Compared with the domineering Kim Jong-wha, Choi Bing-won has won the respect of most people in the Korean U17 team with his steady and gentle character.

Of course, a large part of this is also due to his deep qualifications.

The former U17 Army Commander Choi Sang Hyuk is his own brother, and the current U17 Army No. 5 Cui Zhenying is his own brother.

The three brothers in the family are all famous tennis players from Goryeo.

Compared with Kim Jong-wa, Choi Bing-won understands the Japanese high school world better.

He even knew Makinofuji Gakuen, the strongest in Japan last year.

Overlord-Byōdōin Hōō, executioner-Tohno Atsukyo, and the ghost town military master-Kaji Kazena hidden behind.

………For flowers 0


At this time, a handsome boy in the Korean team said: “The most urgent task is to go to meet with Japan.

“As for Senior Kim, I think there shouldn’t be much problem.

Hear the words.

Park Guochang nodded and said loudly: “Get in the car and go to Japan U17 training camp first.”


Everyone responded in unison.

Cui Bingyuan seemed to want to say something, but looking at Park Guochang’s appearance, he finally held the words in his heart.

That handsome boy is the new star of Korea-Li Yubin.

Compared with him, his own right to speak is far from enough.

What Park Guochang didn’t know was that it was precisely because of his lack of attention to Japan that caused the Japanese and Korean Tour to lose a general before the start.


JapanU17 training camp.

The little black house.

“Those guys have arrived.”

Saitō Itaru said with a serious face: “It is reported that the top three players in Korea have professional elite levels.”

“Among them, No.1 Li Yubin is a newcomer.

“However, their No. 2-Kim Jong and No. 5 Cui Zhenying, and No. 9 An Changhao are missing.”


Hearing this, Kurobe Yukio frowned.

The Japan-Korea Tour Exchange Tournament was imminent, and the three leaders of Korea were missing.

This is a bit unbelievable.

Over the years, the battle between Japan and Goryeo has been like a fire.

Both are big Asian countries, and the competition is fierce.

Goryeo’s head coach Park Guochang is the old opponent of Kurobe. In controlling the team, Park Guochang is extremely vicious.

Kim Jong-he is a player brought out by this guy, and it is hard to guarantee that he will not make some vicious tricks.


“Two coaches.”

“The Nets Association called and asked us to send someone to the Kansai area.”

at this time.

The U17 person in charge of external communication hurried over.

“What happened?”

Saitō Itaru asked quickly.


“There is news from the Nets Association.

“It is said that there is a group of Goryeos who are arguing in Kansai.”

“At present, more than a dozen high schools have been devastated by the Koreans.”

“The tennis world in the Kansai region has become extremely wilting.”

The contact person hurriedly reported. one.

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