Chapter 187 Kansai Giants, Shitenhouji

Kansai, Kyoto.

Ryoyo Gakuen High School, in the tennis club.

“Yeah, that’s it, it’s also worthy of being called the Tiger of Kansai?”

A young man dressed in orange clothes and wearing ear studs glanced at the high school students who had fallen to the ground by the police, his eyes were full of disdain and sarcasm.

Dignified Japan’s Kansai Tiger can’t even take one of his tricks. It’s a joke.

“Beep Beep Beep!”

Just then, a cell phone rang.

The earring boy took out his mobile phone directly from his pocket: “Hey, Zhenying, are you done?”

“Just finished the last high school in Nara.

“Oh, is it so fast?”

Kim Jong-ho was a little surprised: “It seems we can join forces in Hyogo today.”

“It’s just a bunch of rubbish.

On the other end of the phone, Choi Jinying, who is No.5 of the U17 training camp in Korea, sneered: “Dignified Kansai, one of Japan’s six major regions.”

“Dozens of high schools do not have a professional player, and there are very few national peaks.

“This kind of strength is a joke in my Da Goryeo country!’

Hear the words.

As Korea’s No. 2 player, Kim Jong-wha was not too reckless, but solemnly said: “The opponent’s strength is not important.”

“The important thing is how much trouble we can stir before the tour.

“I want that guy to know that professional tennis is not just a contest of strength.”


Cui Zhenying’s expression froze.

He knew very well that the guy Kim Jong-wa was talking about was Lee Yun-chen, ranked No. 1 in Korea.

Known as the strongest genius of Goryeo in a century.

In order to re-establish his majesty in the U17 training camp in Korea, Kim Jong-wa specially chose such a method.

Before the tournament started, they overturned Japan’s major regions and became famous in both countries.

at the same time.

In front of a quaint wooden house on the outskirts of Osaka.

A strange color flashed in Senyu Shinji’s eyes.

Is this the residence of the legendary doubles player “Hua Po” who swept the world’s professional football scene?

In the era before Echizen Nanjiro, Japan was not without players who had resonated throughout the world.

It’s just that decades have passed, and everything has become less known.


“I asked the neighbors around me.”

“Mr. Hua has left home yesterday and doesn’t know where to go.

“I heard she was looking for her descendants.

Butler Keiji Fukuda said respectfully.

“Uh, this”

Senyu Shinji froze for a moment, and then a look of helplessness appeared on his face.

It’s a coincidence that he just set off yesterday, and they left yesterday.

It looks like’ Granny Hua knows that she is running out of time, so she wants to take advantage of the present to cultivate descendants.

According to the original plot line, I am afraid that it will not be long before Granny Hua can find Kintarou Tooyama.

“Fukuda Butler, go to Shitenhouji!”

After pondering for a moment, Senyu Shinji did not hesitate, and directly ordered.

Now that you are here, you have to meet Osaka’s most famous tennis giant-Shitenhouji.

This is Kansai’s top tennis school for a long time, even Makinofuji’s reputation is far behind him.

From the perspective of historical evolution, Shitenhouji, Rikkai High School, and Hyotei Gakuen have all been the main forces competing for national championships over the years.

And Makinofuji is just a dark horse that has dominated for two consecutive years, far less than a few prestigious schools.

After half an hour.

Shitenhouji Gakuen Tennis Club.

It is a rare school in Japan that is integrated with a temple.

The environment here is extremely quiet, with only a few communities and infrastructure.

The tennis club is the most typical club.

“You guys are too slow, speed up!”

A lazy uncle with a toothpick in his mouth is supervising the training of the players.

Like Hyotei and Rikkai High School, Shitenhouji has also undergone a major exchange this year. A bunch of outstanding national life replaced the original players.

Among them, Shiraishi Kuranosuke and Ishida Iron are the most outstanding.

“Yuan Zhe, you are too lax.

Next to him, a teenager with a military green hat was fighting against an orange-haired teenager.

The confrontation between the two was extremely enthusiastic, and the sound of hitting the ball was endless.

They are Heizyuki and Hara Tetsuya who are known as Shitenhouji legendary ministers.

In the original work, Ping Shanzhi was selected as No.18 in U-17, and Yuan Zhe was No.19.


At this moment, a loud noise broke the peace of the tennis club.

A bald boy full of explosive muscles slammed a ball.

The tennis ball flashing with endless shock waves hit the protective net directly, forming a depression.


Beside the bald boy, a smiling boy who was waiting for his eyes couldn’t help swallowing his saliva.

The whole person looked a little dumbfounded.

Ishida Gin developed the wave ball to the 12th form so quickly, it was terrible.

On the other side, there is a brown boy leading twenty tennis players in a gallop at an amazing speed.


A handsome young man with silver hair is constantly strengthening his basic training.

The entire Shitenhouji tennis club looks orderly and full of vitality.

“It’s not bad!”

Senyu Shinji, who just came to the Shitenhouji Tennis Club, saw this scene and nodded with appreciation (good promise).

“The 13th Wave Ball!”

At this time, under everyone’s horrified eyes, Ishida Gin’s muscles burst.


A tennis ball shot out like a cannonball and headed straight to Senyu Shinji.

What back?

The faces of Watanabe Shu, Heyzenyuki, and Shiraishi Kuranosuke all changed drastically.

Ishida Gin’s wave ball changes drastically every 6 styles. The power of this 13th style is already comparable to the national average.

“not good!”

Ping Shan saw a figure standing in the direction where the tennis ball was aimed, and ran over.

The rest of the team members also saw this change, and they were all taken aback.

“That’s too late.”

Watanabe Xiu’s face is extremely ugly, and Ping Shanzhi can’t keep up with the speed of the ball.

I’m afraid that figure will be accidentally injured today.

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