Chapter 184 In the name of Senyu, the Takahashi Foundation expresses good wishes!

For Seiichi Yukimura, Sanada Genichiro, Takahashi is no stranger.

These two teenagers are talented tennis players ordered by the chairman himself.

The two titles of Son of God and Emperor are also the result of the Takahashi Foundation’s efforts to promote them.

No one is more qualified to represent the Kamakura Club to go to Gaul for exchanges.

“Director Takahashi.”

“Regarding the problem of errors in the data center, I want to explain.”

“It’s not that I don’t understand the rules, but the players who are invited to test are too strong.”

“So much so that the upper limit was exceeded, which interrupted the operation of the data center.

Staring straight at Matsushita Ken, Aoi Retsuji~ continued.

The clay figurine still has a three-point spirit. He is also the head of the Jingcang Club anyway, and he is also the best-known coach in the world.

Looking at the major divisions of the entire club, no one can compare with him.

The supervisor of a data center in a mere mere hitting his small report at random.

It’s just outrageous!

“You nonsense!”

Hearing this, Matsushita Ken stood up and accused Aoi Retsu: “How can that kind of data be a junior high school student.”

“Even high school students may not be able to play.

“Aoi-kun, you dare to lie in order to cover up your crime.”


A middle school student with professional elite strength, even if placed in Europe and America, is also a genius powerhouse second to none.

If Japan had such a player, how could he not know?

“The test data has been recorded.

“If Director Takahashi doesn’t believe it, he can replay the surveillance video.”

Ignoring Matsushita Ken, Aoi directly said to Takahashi Kei.


In an instant.

Takahashi also shined in his eyes.

He has the deepest knowledge of tennis among the directors of the entire Takahashi consortium’s branch in charge.

When he was young, Takahashi was also an excellent player. He once led Takahashi’s Gakuen Tennis Club to achieve great results.

Because of this, he was extremely dissatisfied with the lack of outstanding players in the Kanto Division.

Kansai somehow signed Toshi Yanagisaburo, a world-ranked professional player of the top 200, and Kanto had no results.

When he learned about the appearance of Seiichi Yukimura and Sanada Genichiro, he was particularly excited.

The son of God Yukimura and Emperor Sanada also won the Kamakura Club S-level contract with the support of Takahashi Keiya.

You know, S-level contracts usually correspond to professional players.

The annual salary of three million US dollars alone is enough to make many people envy.

Not to mention that S-level contract players can use any of the club’s training facilities or courts at will.

It stands to reason that the subjects of Aoi’s test should be middle school students between the ages of 12-15.

Even if it is a third-year student who can be professionally elite, it is enough to shock everyone.

In any case, it is impossible for him to let go of this good seedling.

“Come on, put the video on the projector.”

With a big wave of his hand, Takahashi also directly ordered people to release the video of the physical training room.

After everyone watched the video, Matsushita Ken’s face was blue and purple, as if he had been poisoned, and he was speechless for a long time.

“This little guy shouldn’t be 15 years old yet!”

Takahashi, who was sitting on the top, also slowly asked.


Aoi nodded, and said, “Director Takahashi is right, he is only 12 years old!”


As soon as the voice fell, there was a sound of horror at the scene.

A professional-level elite player who is only 12 years old, wouldn’t it be that when he was in high school, he might reach the peak of professional-level or even further.

Where did Rie Aoi find such a terrifying seed player.

For a while, Matsushita’s legs trembled.

I had known that Aoi Rietu’s blackness was not high, and now it makes it difficult for me to step down.


Takahashi also smiled and said, “I remember the club’s record-breaking bonus is 10,000 US dollars!’

“In this way, the bonus will be increased to 100,000.”


Aoi Reel and the others opened their eyes wide.

A reward of one hundred thousand dollars.

This is the first time to break the ground!

“Director Takahashi, this is too unruly.”

Matsushita Ken said bitterly.

“Do you think it’s not worth it?”

With a torch in his eyes, Takahashi Kei also said in a cold voice: “A leader in Japan’s future tennis industry.”

“A rising star like Samurai Nanjiro, is this a lot of money?”


At this time, Ken Matsushita’s face changed completely.

Samurai Nanjiro who is that, that is the pride of the whole Japan, the legend of the world.

.Find flowers 0.

No one can deny Takahashi’s expectations of Senyu Shinji.

“Director Takahashi!”

But at this moment, Aoi interrupted Takahashi Keiya’s words with a wry smile.

Of course, he knew what Takahashi Keiya meant. He bought horse bones for his daughter, and finally signed him to the Kamakura Club.

However, this is obviously impossible.

“What’s wrong?”

To meet Retsu Aoi’s eyes, Takahashi also frowned and asked.

“That is Senyu Shinji.”

Aoi Retsuka reported: “Tamamo-former Gakuen Tennis Minister.”

“Champion of the National Primary School Tennis Competition and the National Youth Tennis Competition.”

“At one time, he led the team to qualify and win the rookie competition, Tokyo Metropolitan Tournament, and Kanto Tournament.”

“Both Hyotei and Rikkai High School were defeated by Yuzaoqian with a crushing advantage.


As soon as these words were spoken, the atmosphere of the audience changed instantly.

Not only dignified, but also extremely gloomy.

A 12-year-old professional elite player with brilliant resume and record.

Not to mention a mere 100,000 U.S. dollars, even if it is 10 million, what can it do?

According to the current development of Senyu Shinji, the future is bound to be unlimited.

“thousand ”

“Couldn’t he be”

Takahashi also murmured, with a look of horror on his face suddenly, and quickly looked at Aoi Retsu.


Aoi nodded solemnly: “Senyu Shinji is the first heir to the Senyu Foundation.”

“Tamasomae Gakuen belongs to the Senyu Foundation.”


The people who had been horrified were completely dumbfounded.

There is no doubt that the Takahashi Consortium is very strong.

However, the Takahashi Foundation ranks only ninth in Japan.

The Senyu Consortium ranks first in Japan.

The gap between the two is as deep and wide as the Milky Way.

“Take a Supreme Card and give it to Senyu Shinji.”

After meditation, Takahashi Kei also directly ordered.


Reel Aoi nodded quickly in response.

Ken Matsushita on the side had already collapsed to the ground.

It turned out that if I made a small report at random, I would provoke someone who would never provoke me for the rest of my life.

This is not only the loss of work, I am afraid that life and death are a problem.

To be one of the top ten consortia in Japan, the Takahashi consortium has never relied on kindness, but cruelty. one,

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