Chapter 177 The evolution of Sanada Genichiro, the way of the emperor


“At present, the strength of ordinary players has surpassed all schools in the middle of the country.”

“The only thing lacking is the strength of the formal players.”

“The last time we played against Hyotei, we showed a huge loophole.”

“The training of formal players must be strengthened.”

Sanada Genichiro looked at the members of Rikkai High School who were training and couldn’t help but say to Seiichi Yukimura.

Before facing Yuzao, Rikkai High School was almost helpless.

From gold doubles, power doubles to trump singles, all show the strength of Tamamo and the weakness of Rikkai High School.

But in the final game of the Kanto Contest, he competed with Hyotei for the runner-up position.

Rikkai High School Affiliated to lose two games and won the runner-up with a margin of victory.

Both Tamazomae and Hyotei improved themselves with rocket speed.

Only the former king of Kanto, Rikkai High School, is still standing still.

“Kendichiro, you are right, the strength of the players in the selection is still too weak.”

“This failure is not necessarily a bad thing for us.

“At least I confessed to all the players, and you can’t take it lightly at any time.”

“I have consulted the Kamakura Tennis Club in terms of improving the strength of the players who are currently selected.”

“They will send professional coaches for guidance and training.”

“Every weekend, all the players being selected go to the Kamakura Club for training.

With a torch, Seiichi Yukimura said directly.

In order to further improve the strength of the Rikkai High School, as the key training target of the Kamakura Club, Seiichi Yukimura used some privileges.

You know, in Japan, the strength of the Kamakura Tennis Club can be ranked in the top three.

If they can get their help, the tennis club of Rikkai University High School will surely improve by leaps and bounds.

Of course, this support is not free.

In the future, all the members of the Rikkai High School will give priority to the Kamakura Club.

Currently, Sanada Genichiro and Seiichi Yukimura are both signed players of the Kamakura Club.

The outdoor physical training field at the front of the tennis club.

Mōri Juzaburō, the oldest qualified in the tennis club of Rikkai University High School, is leading the team members in a long run.

At this moment, an abrupt voice interrupted his footsteps.

“Mao Lijun, how are you”,!”

Mōri Juzaburō was stunned, then turned his head to look.

I saw an elegant young man with black hair and black eyes smiling and facing himself.


The scene was silent.

Immediately afterwards, there was a sound of boiling noise.


“Senyu of the fairy!”

“No. 1 in that country!”

Not only Mōri Juzaburō recognized it, but many Rikkai Middle-School students also recognized Senyu Shinji.

Who made this guy so famous during this time?

“Senyu-kun, what are you?”

Mōri Juzaburō came back to his senses and looked at Senyu Shinji with some doubts.

It stands to reason that at this time, shouldn’t Tamamo-mae Gakuen be preparing for the national competition?

How did Senyu Shinji, who was the head of tennis, went to the Rikkai High School.

“I heard that Rikkai High School is a famous tennis school with excellent traditions, so I came here to take a look!”

“By the way, where are Yukimura and Sanada?”

“They haven’t recovered from the last game, right?”


Senyu Shinji showed a playful expression.

“Uh uh!’

Mōri Juzaburō was choked by his words.

If someone else said that, he would definitely take it as a provocation, but Senyu Shinji said it without much.

After all, Senyu Shinji easily defeated Yukimura and Sanada’s men.

The former tennis club of Moxia Yuzao even crushed the tennis club of Rikkai University High School.

“Senyu-kun, welcome to Rikkai University.

Say Cao Cao, Cao Cao is here.

Seiichi Yukimura wearing coats and Sanada Shinjiro with a straight face appeared directly in front of Senyu Shinji.

One is gentle and the other serious, like black and white impermanence.

Senyu Shinji seemed to want to laugh a little.

Compared with the original Genichiro Sanada, Sanada is now more gloomy and heavy.

From his breath, Senyu Shinji faintly felt an unprecedented ferocity brewing.

Perhaps, this guy has already embarked on a more terrifying road.

You know, Sanada in the original work was the emperor’s domineering, but now Sanada has a kind of evil that fell into the abyss.


Perceiving Senyu Shinji’s gaze, Sanada’s eyes flashed sharply.

“Mada-kun, you have changed.

In an instant.

Senyu Shinji said a word suddenly.

Mōri Juzaburō, Sanada Genichiro, and Seiichi Yukimura were all stunned.

“You can see it?”

Hear the words.

Sanada Genichiro looked at Senyu Shinji in disbelief.

Since that game, he has changed his mindset.

Compared with the ferocity of the tyrant Ajutsu, the emperor’s hegemony is far from enough.

For this reason, he found something more lethal, that is the extreme cruelty.

Persevering in the edge of kendo, coupled with extreme cruelty, is enough to create a brand-new style of play.

That is the emperor’s way unique to Sanada Genichiro.

“…” The new road is not easy to follow.

“Go ahead and cherish it!”

After taking a deep look at Sanada Genichiro, Senyu Shinji said solemnly.

He knows many professional players, and he can naturally distinguish the styles of various players.

Similar to Sanada’s overbearing before, it is not without it in the world.

However, the emperor’s way of becoming a ferocious emperor like Sanada has never appeared before.

It can only show that the last time against Akutsu, the unprecedented fiasco made Sanada once again evolve.


Sanada looked up at Senyu Shinji, his heart filled with complex emotions.

Seiichi Yukimura and (好钱赵) Mōri Juzaburō on the side looked at them with a little understanding.

I have to say that Senyu Shinji’s remarks shocked them greatly.

No one is more familiar with Sanada than Yukimura and Mori. As early as a week ago, they realized that Sanada’s breath was wrong.

Unexpectedly, this guy was actually reshaping his style of play, trying to blaze a new path.

It’s incredible!

Creating a new path is something that only professional players will do.

Moreover, most professional players will not find that way in their lifetime.

Sanada Genichiro is only a half-step national elite player, how can he

For a while, Yukimura and Maori had a lot of worries in their hearts.

You know, Sanada Genichiro is not only the top combat power of Rikkai High School, but also their best friend.

Neither Yukimura nor Maori were willing to watch him heading for a path of no return.

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