Chapter 173 Interview invitation, comparable to samurai Nanjiro?

“young people.”

After the Kanto Contest Award Ceremony.

Senyu Shinji and the team were about to leave the venue, and met a group of people in Rokkaku at the door.

The coach dad in Rokkaku looked at him with a smile.


Upon seeing this, Senyu Shinji bowed slightly to show respect.

For this daddy who has been active in the middle of Japan and has been cultivating excellent tennis players.

He is extremely respectful.

Especially for the beach party, the old man gave him a lot of suggestions, which have great reference value for his future tennis road.

“Senyu-kun, I look forward to fighting with you next time.

Saeki Toujiro looked at Senyu Shinji with a flaming warrior in his eyes.

The other players in Rokkaku are the same, looking at everyone in front of Tamamo, their expressions are full of eagerness.

Although Rokkaku cannot participate in this national competition, they will definitely win next time.

This is perseverance and pride in Rokkaku.

“Saiki-kun, I’m waiting for you.”

Senyu Shinji smiled slightly.

At that time, even if Rokkaku is challenged again, Tamamo Mae has reached a height that no one can match.

Why a battle!

“A young man of 383, your strength has far surpassed the current top of the national border.”

“Don’t try to go higher?”

Dad’s cloudy eyes suddenly became clear, shining brightly.


Senyu Shinji was stunned, and then asked: “You mean U17?”


“There is still an invitation card for you.”

“But no wonder, a good young man like you.

“Except for Echizen Nanjiro, I have never seen one.”

“U17 is the highest tennis training camp in Japan, bringing together the best young players.”

“If you don’t go, it will be somewhat overshadowed.

The old man chuckled and said meaningfully.


Senyu Shinji’s eyes sparkled with brilliance.

He will go, but not now.

In any case, he will lead Yuzao to the national championship.

This is the promise and goal set from the beginning.


at this time.

Two figures ran from a distance.

It is the reporters of Tokyo Metropolitan Tennis Week (cgab) Inoue Mamoru and Shiba Saori.

“Hello senior!”

At a glance, Inoue Mamoru saw the old man standing beside Senyu Shinji, and quickly bowed to say hello.

“I’m getting old, Torujiro, help me go back to rest.

The old man waved his hand. Without Guan Inoue Mamoru, he was directly supported by a group of people in Rokkaku and left the Shiki no Mori Tennis Park.

Tamazou won the Kanto Championship and became a rookie in the Kanto region.

Naturally, Tokyo must build momentum for Tamazou, and lay the foundation for entering the national competition in advance.

This is also understandable.

It was precisely because the old man saw this, he did not continue to talk to Senyu Shinji.


“Inoue-kun has something to do with us?”

After watching the father leave, Senyu Shinji focused his attention on Inoue Mamoru.

“That’s it, the competitions in various regions are over.”

“Except for Tamazomae, Rikkai High School, Hyotei, Yamabuki in our Kanto area.”

“There are also Hyogo-Makinofuji Gakuen, Hokkaido-Tsubakigawa Gakuen, Kumamoto-Lion Raku Middle-School, Aichi-Liliadent Krauser, Yamagata-Saint Icarus, Tomioka-Eagle Castle Gakuen, Yamaguchi –Hikoshima Middle-School, Wakayama–Kuroshio Junior High School, Nara–Dogakuen, Shizuoka–Kangshuin Grand High School, Kyoto–Maikozaka Gakuen, Aichi–Rokurioka Gakuen, Osaka- -Four Tianbao

Temple Middle-School, Hyogo-Okazo Gakuen, Kagawa-Kushimaki East Junior High School, Niigata-Echigopei Second Middle-School. ”

“The national competition brought together 20 outstanding junior high schools, Gakuen.

“As a leader in Tokyo and even in the Kanto region.”

“We want to do an interview for Tamamo-mae Gakuen.”

“I don’t know what Senyu would like?”

Inoue Mamoru tentatively revealed his purpose.

Faced with the heir of the Senyu consortium, the head of Japan’s four major consortia, he dare not make any crooked ideas.

“Senyu classmate!”

“Tokyo Metropolitan Tennis Weekly is a well-known media in Japan. Previously, only senior Nanjiro had appeared in the middle of the country.

“This is a good opportunity!”

Shiba Saori on the side told Senyu Shinji excitedly.

Once Senyu Shinji reports as National One, then Echizen Nanjiro’s previous limelight will be overshadowed by him.

At that time, the entire Japan will know Senyu.

“What? In Tennis Weekly?”

Before Senyu Shinji could speak, the other players in front of Tamamo were already excited.

Even Kunimitsu, who was once the champion of the national primary school tennis competition, is a bit envious.

He has appeared in tennis newspapers many times before, but those newspapers are not too famous, and they are like Tokyo Metropolitan Tennis Weekly.


Hear the words.

Senyu Shinji frowned and fell into thought.

He doesn’t really care about being famous or not.

Because the heirs of the Senyu consortium never need to be famous, they have left their mark on the political, commercial and military circles.

But, like the Tokyo Metropolitan Tennis Weekly, it is indeed a good opportunity.

Once his name appears in the Tokyo Metropolitan Tennis Weekly, then Tamamo-mae Gakuen will also spread throughout Japan.

At that time, an endless stream of elementary school students will sign up for Tamazomae Gakuen.

As any outstanding tennis giant, all have been in business for decades or even a century.

The current first-generation tennis club members before Tamamo are mainly Senyu Shinji, handicraft Kunimitsu, Akutsu, Fuji Syusuke and others.

The second generation also includes Itake Shinji, Kamio, Momoshiro Takeshi, Kaidoh Kaoru and others.

But in the third generation, it was not enough. Echizen Ryoma, Kintarou Tooyama, and Aoi Kentaro did not join Gakuen.

Of course, the main reason is still not connected.

Therefore, Senyu Shinji urgently needs to choose some high-quality seeds to avoid the weakening of the third generation.

Tokyo Metropolitan Tennis Weekly is a good choice.


After meditation, Senyu Shinji nodded and solemnly agreed.

“Okay, can the interview be scheduled in three days?”

Seeing Senyu Shinji’s promise, Inoue Mori was also full of excitement.


Senyu Shinji nodded.

At this time, the Kikumaru, Oishi and others next to them were already unable to bear it.

This is Tokyo Tennis Weekly. In Japan, only the samurai Nanjiro played during the middle school period, and their minister Senyu Shinji can actually do it.

Just ask, how can they not be shocked!

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