Chapter 160 Before the Japan and Korea Tour, u17 major changes

Defeated Rikkai High School in front of Tamamo and advanced to the final of the Kanto Contest.

JapanU17 training camp.

Inside the small black house.

Looking at a letter with English LUGO in his hand, Yukio Kurobe looked extremely solemn.


“Is this an invitation to the World Tour?”

“People are going to get off the hook!”

Saitō Itaru Shi Shiran in a white coat came in, looked at the letters on the table, and joked.

This year’s U17 World Tournament is about to be held. In order to better observe the strength of their opponents, countries must also obtain corresponding points and improve their international rankings. Therefore, the tournament will be held one-on-one.

This copy is an invitation from Korea to Japan.

In fact.

In previous world tours.

Although Dragon is ranked first in Asia, Korea has always been in the top three in Asia’s “37-7” ranking, second only to the three countries of Azerbaijan.

Japan is the most inconspicuous, and sometimes even Yaoluo cannot win.

Therefore, Japan, which is close at hand, has become the best choice for Korea to grab points.

Almost every year in Japan and Korea Tour, Japan ended in a disastrous defeat.

This is a nightmare for U17 training camp.

“How’s your preparations going on there.”

Kurobe Yukio was not in the mood to joking with Saito, but asked seriously.

“not bad!!

Saitō Itaru nodded seriously: “The seed players performed very well.”

“The last junior high school student was really pleasantly surprised.

“Tsukimitsu Ochi and others all entered court number one.”


Kurobe Yukio slightly chin his head slightly.

He was not surprised by this result.

Because the most talented high school students enrolled in the U17 training camp in the past are not as good as Tsukimitsu Ochi’s generation.

Whether it is Oni Jujiro or Byōdōin Hōō, they are unique talents.


At this time, Saito seemed to think of something, and suddenly said: “I found two very interesting players.”

“On the surface, it doesn’t look strong. In fact, the level is almost close to the professional elite.”


Hearing that, Heibu’s face changed completely.

Professional elite players are the high-level power in the entire world competition.

Because it is never a professional pinnacle player who decides the outcome.

Looking at the whole world, there are few professional pinnacle players.

Even Oni Jujiro is only a professional-level elite now.

It is conceivable that the two people in Saito’s mouth have brought much impact to Kurobe.

In this world of net kings, although tennis is the main sport, there is no shortage of other sports.

Japan has long been dissatisfied with the U17 defeats.

In order to compete for limited national funds, other sports associations once applied for the abolition of U17 training camp.

This time the tour is Japan’s home court. If they can’t produce any good results, then it’s not just blame.

Therefore, this battle can only be won, not lost.

At present, Byōdōin Hōō has gone out to wander, and only Oni Jujiro is a professional elite.

If there are two players close to the professional elite, then at least it can be guaranteed that singles will not be easily overwhelmed.

This is really good news.

“Quick, speed it up!”

At the moment, in the U17 physical training ground.

Tsuge Ryūji wore short-sleeved shorts, showing his strong muscles, and kept walking around the training ground and shouting.


On the court, hundreds of high school students were panting with exhaustion.

The sweat has soaked through their bodies.

But no one complained, everyone was working hard.

U17 training camp has qualifying every month, and some people are always eliminated.

In addition to the Black Legion who didn’t know where they came back from, there were also outstanding seed players selected from all over the country continuously.

As long as you slack off a little bit, then it means that the distance of failure is not far away.

In the crowd.

A big two-meter tall man is extremely conspicuous.

That is Tsukimitsu Ochi, the former tennis minister of Hyotei.

In just six months, he went from a handsome boy to a charcoal head.

It is estimated that no one can guess why this is.

Beside him, Tohno Atsukyo, Kaji Kazena, Omagari and others, who are also high school students, are running desperately.

“That’s not going to work?”

Tsuge Ryūji walked up to the tired high school student and said sarcastically, “Look at Jujiro Oni, he didn’t even leave his sweat.

“Look at you again, a bunch of trash.”

“Coach, please forgive me, Brother Ghost is not a person.”

Omagari tugged at the headscarf and said helplessly.

Other people are equally helpless.


Oni Jujiro is a strong man who can even become a Shabi by Byodoin, can they compare it?


“Stop complaining.”

“I’m talking about business.

With a torch, Tsuge Ryūji glanced at the audience.

Suddenly, the audience calmed down, and everyone looked straight at Tsuge Ryūji.

They don’t know what the U17 head coach of physical fitness is going to say.

Only some senior high school students seem to have guessed something.

“This year’s U17 World Championship is about to begin.

“Korea has already issued an invitation to our country, and the tournament is imminent.”

“In order to meet the challenge of Korea, we will form an official competition team and a substitute team.”

Tsuge Ryūji said in a deep voice, “This time the opponent is very strong.”

“Most of them have shown themselves in the World Cup.”

“And you are not representing the school and yourself, but Japan.

The voice just fell.

Those high school students who had been so tired that they were lying on the ground, one by one looked excited, struggling to stand up.

In the face of national honor, everyone showed their most serious side.

“Coach, what about the first and second army?”

A high school senior suddenly asked.

In an instant.

All eyes were focused on Tsuge Ryūji.

Even the 0.1 people such as Tsukimitsu Ochi have their eyes wide open. It is impossible for any school tennis club to have no members, and the same is true for U17.

Really like what Tsuge Ryūji said, set up a competition team, what about the original competition team?

“Naturally be eliminated.

Before Tsuge Ryūji could answer, Kurobe Yukio suddenly walked into the training ground.

“Next, I announce the selection rules for participating teams in this tournament.”


All the high school students raised their heads and looked at Yukio Kurobe.

“Three days later, courts 1 to 20 are all listed as competition venues.

“All members of the First Army accept the challenge in the corresponding court.”

“Anyone can choose to challenge the corresponding army player.”

“The winner will become a new member of the army.”

“The loser, re-enter the end court.”

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