Chapter 150 Peak lineup, shattered tightrope walk


At this time, everyone supported Oishi and Kikumaru to the players’ stand.

“You guys did a great job.

“Leave it to us next.”

Senyu Shinji smiled and nodded.

The opponent is Yanagi Renji, one of Rikkai’s Big Three, and Yagyu Hiroshi, who is known as a fraudster.

There is no one else in the middle of the country who can get into this situation with them except Oishi and Kikumaru.

Moreover, after this battle, gold doubles broke through the national level.

Looking at the middle of Japan, there is no other doubles group that can match it except Shiraku’s Tachibana Yoshihira and Chitose Senri.


Senyu Shinji focused his attention on Kunimitsu, Fuji Syusuke.

Next, Tamazou will mobilize the strongest two to form doubles.

Ajujin is left in the singles.

that’s enough.

“Next, start to raise “Three Six Seven” line doubles a match, please enter the field for both players.”

The referee blew his whistle impatiently, and the first doubles lasted for an hour.

If this continues, the match between Tamazomae and Rikkai High School may continue into the afternoon.

This will break the rules originally set by the competition.

“Hands, Fuji, go!

Senyu Shinji nodded.


Hand players Kunimitsu and Fuji Syusuke took the racquet directly onto the field.

In the entire Tamamo-qian Gakuen Tennis Club, the player’s strength is steady second, and Fuji Syusuke is firmly ranked fourth.

One is close to the national peak, and the other is close to the national elite.

The combination of the two is powerful enough to discolor the entire Japanese national border.

The Rikkai High School walked out of Jackal Kuwana and Marui Bunta.

“Tamazao VS Rikkai High School, the doubles match is about to start.”

Immediately, the referee announced loudly.


Marui Bunta, who was chewing gum with ease, and the calm jackal Kuwabara, were shocked when they saw their opponents.

In the audience, a group of Rikkai High School’s Zheng Xuan saw the doubles in front of Tamamo.

Everyone’s face changed.

Doubles Yi is actually the monarch-hand and genius Fuji.

No matter which one it is, it is the singles leader in the middle of Japan.

The most important thing is that the strength of these two people has already broken through the national level.

How can Marui Bunta and Jackal Kuwabara, two half-step national players, be able to compete with them.

“this ”

Seiichi Yukimura frowned, lost in thought.

In the information of the Rikkai High School, there is naturally a collection of the members of the former Gakuen Tamamo, and Kunimitsu is not just the deputy minister of Tamamo.

Reached the top six in the National Youth Tennis Competition.

In a sense, Kunimitsu’s strength may not be inferior to his own.

Now, Tamazou has sent these two people to the battle, clearly intending to crush Rikkai High School in one fell swoop.


When everyone was silent, the referee had already blew the whistle.

“Tamasomae VS Rikkai High School, Rikkai High School serve the game, let’s start!”

The prelude to doubles one was directly kicked off.




Jackal Kuwana slapped the tennis ball on the ground with a solemn face, and the crisp slap sounded through the audience.


The tennis ball jumped straight up.


Jackal Sangyuan shouted.

The body leaps up, the arms are from top to bottom, pressing hard.


The tennis ball turned into a streamer and shot out.

A powerful Flat ball.


Fuji Syusuke smiled peacefully.

The figure quickly appeared on the ball landing point.

And when the tennis ball fell, Xiaojiu turned and turned his back.

The racquet in that hand held the tennis ball like a big net and pulled it horizontally.


The powerful tennis ball hit the racquet, and the entire racket surface was directly sunken.

next moment.

The surface of the racket rebounded directly and the tennis ball flew directly into the sky.

It crosses Marui Bunta’s head in a parabolic shape and hits the baseline accurately.

“Don’t underestimate me.”

Jackal Sangyuan galloped to near the baseline.

At the moment the tennis ball bounces, swing the racquet vigorously.


There was a loud noise.

I saw that tennis ball shot out like a burning cannonball.

The most powerful volley ball in the middle of the country-the super frontal defensive artillery super-rotation return is shown in front of everyone.

It is powerful and terrible.

Fuji Syusuke did not move at all, allowing the tennis ball to pass over his head.

Step on!

Behind him, the hand moved quickly, and then waved racquet.


The tennis ball went straight through the net, drawing an arc in the air.

Heavy smashed into the opponent’s court.


The ball kept spinning in place, but it didn’t bounce


“How can this be?”

When the Rikkai High School was elected, they were all shocked.

Jackal Kuwabara’s super frontal defensive artillery super-rotation counterattack is so powerful that even Yukimura and Sanada dare not counterattack frontally.

But Kunimitsu took it so lightly, and then chop it back.

This is simply terrible.

“Can’t it?”

“Then come again!”

Jackal Sangyuan frowned, a trace of determination appeared in his eyes.

He waved the ball, jumped up, and hit it again.

The standard posture like a textbook all shows that his tennis foundation is very deep.

A fierce tennis ball cut across the net and went straight to the opposite side.

Unexpectedly, the hand still doesn’t change his face and his heart beats.

At the moment the ball bounces, lightly swipe it.


Next second.

The tennis ball fell directly on the baseline at the corner of the court and couldn’t fight back at all.

In an instant.

Jackal Sangyuan’s face stiffened, and his pupils gradually shrank.

Is this still not working?

“Kuanyuan, leave it to me.”

“Next is the performance time of Genius Wentai.”

Marui Bunta blew a bubble from the gum, his eyes condensed, and the tennis ball in his hand was thrown directly into the sky.


Next second.

Marui Bunta serves easily.

The tennis ball flew lightly towards the other side.

It fell straight down when approaching the net.

“Fuck, that’s fine too.

“0.1 this is a bit too cheating!”

The audience was stunned, and there are still this kind of balls.

I saw the tennis ball sliding directly on the top of the net along the line, and finally fell quietly.

Just when everyone thought that Rikkai’s high school was going to score this goal, Fuji Syusuke had already appeared on the side of the net.

In an instant.

With his back facing, the racquet in his hand held the tennis ball like a large net and pulled it horizontally.

“call out!”

A tennis ball pierced the sky, passing the Jackal Kuwana and Marui Bunta in succession like a parabola.

Finally, it hits the baseline accurately.


The audience was silent.

Marui Bunta’s “tight-walking” trick looks very good, in fact, for the genius Fuji who has the stunt of the brown bear arrest.

It is tantamount to sending points.


Rikkai High School Affiliated Middle School lost two points one after another in the serve game. .

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