Chapter 140 Data that can never be touched

“This feeling ”

Mitsuya Akuto looked at Senyu Shinji and couldn’t help touching his fist.

Still no way?

Neither collecting data nor creating data can affect Senyu Shinji.

Is Senyu Shinji really an ethereal immortal?


Faintly speaking, Senyu Shinji gently lifted the tennis ball in his hand.

next moment.

The figure volleyed from the air.

Like a real fairy, he is lonely and proud.

“Ball Mountain–”

With a soft drink.

Senyu Shinji waved racquet flagrantly in his hand.

That tennis ball seemed to have been given unprecedented kinetic energy in an instant.

Countless mountains and rivers are stacked on top of it.

The momentum is huge.


A popping sound resounded throughout the court.

The tennis ball tore the air and blasted on the “Three Six Zero” ground with unparalleled intensity.


The earth burst for a while.

Dust rolled up in the sky, and countless gravel and rubble flew out of the air.

A huge deep pit was exposed, and a grass-green tennis ball was still spinning in the pit.


Haven’t waited for everyone to react.

Senyu Shinji quietly closed his eyes.

The whole body gradually exudes ethereal meaning.

The entire court was affected, and it turned out to be a little lonely and calm.


The sound of waves appeared out of thin air.

In everyone’s eyes, the court is no longer a court, but a rough sea.

A figure soared into the sky with unprecedented fierceness and momentum.

The surging water exploded instantly.


From top to bottom, Senyu Shinji took the momentum of the immortal and swung vigorously.


A loud noise spread in all directions.

In the endless bright light, a white misty figure slowly emerged.

It is as lonely and arrogant as the nine gods, and indifferent to everything as the ruler of life.

When a ball fell, the heavens and the earth changed.

The originally churning waves gradually disappeared.

Only a tennis ball fell lightly in front of Mitsuya Akuto.

Mitsuya Akuto’s eyes were full of the immortal king’s figure, and he didn’t react at all.

Different-dimensional ball skills-Zhenhai’s might, terrifying!


The game ended under the crushing crush of one side.

Tamamo won before.

The score, 6:0!

Senyu Shinji sealed Mitsuya Akuto.

“Congratulations Yuzao for winning the group finals.”

“Congratulations to Tamazou who advanced to the finals of the Kanto Contest with a 3-0 record.”

The referee came down from the high platform and announced the news loudly to the audience.

“Yuzaoqian! Yuzaoqian! Yuzaoqian!”

“Senyu of the fairy! Senyu of the fairy!”

The entire Court No. 4 was shrouded in enthusiastic cheers.

Especially the female cheerleaders supporting Senyu Shinji, the sharp cheers spread throughout the Shiki no Mori Tennis Park.

Tamazou won.

One of the top four in the Kanto Contest.

Once again achieved a new zero record breakthrough.

“we lose.”

In the green mountains, everyone has a gloomy look, and the eyebrows are indescribable and lonely.

I thought that under the command of Mitsuya Akuto, I could qualify from the Kanto Contest this year, enter the national contest, and win a better place.

But who would have thought it was such a fiasco.

In front of Tamzao, although the players all had smiles on their faces, they didn’t seem surprised.

Because of Senyu Shinji’s victory, as it should be.


In the audience, the guard let out a long breath.

Watching every game of Senyu Shinji is a kind of “torture” for him.

Because you never know what kind of surprise that teenager will bring.

“You are strong!”

On court, Mitsuya Akuto looked at Senyu Shinji and said seriously: “I have seen many excellent players, including the monster Makinofuji.”

“Among so many people, you are the one that surprised me the most.

Anytime, anywhere, Mitsuya Yamei Jiudou is trying to collect anyone’s data.

Whether it is Tsukimitsu Ochi, the former tennis minister of Hyotei, or Byōdōin Hōō, the overlord of Makinofuji, their data has been controlled by Mitsuya Akuto.

Therefore, even in the face of these two schools, Green Mountain has never lost as badly as it does today.

Facing Senyu Shinji, even Mitsuya Akuto, who is at the national level, shuddered.

The seeming indifference is the most frightening existence.

“Senior, your time has passed.

Staring at Mitsuya Akuto, Senyu Shinji said faintly: “A new era in the middle of Japan is coming.”

“I will lead them to the golden age

“In another place, Byodoin and Tsukimitsu Ochi are waiting for you.”


Hearing that, Mitsuya Akuto’s face was a little surprised.

He was not curious about why Senyu Shinji knew Byōdōin Hōō and Tsukimitsu Ochi, because during the National Youth Tennis Championships, this teenager played against the strongest in the previous country.

But what he was curious about was, what exactly did Senyu Shinji’s remarks mean?

“National U17 training camp.”

at this time.

Senyu Shinji slowly uttered a few words, and Mitsuya Akuto’s face changed completely.

Kehong’s highest tennis training camp can represent the country in the world, how could he not know.

Could it be that

An unbelievable thought came into Mitsuya Akuto’s mind.

“Senior, it’s too late, I should take the team back.”

“We’ll see you again if you have a chance.

Senyu Shinji chuckled lightly, turned and left the arena.

Only Mitsuya Akuto was still thinking.

In fact, a wild genius like Mitsuya Akuto will inevitably make a big leap after entering the U17 training camp.

I am afraid that in the past six months, Byōdōin Hōō has taken that step long ago, and he may have explored even different dimensions and light shots.

But Senyu Shinji doesn’t care. On the way to the top, if there is no strong company, it will be particularly lonely and boring.

After a while.

Mitsuya Akuto also returned to Team 0.1 in the Green Mountain.

Under the auspices of the referee, the two teams shook hands to salute.

Finally, go back to each house and find each mother.


“Military Division”

A group of players in the Green Mountain looked at Mitsuya Akuto with extremely premature mourning.

They just lost in the Kanto contest.

“Is Senyu Shinji particularly strong?”

Shinyuki looked straight at Mitsuya Akuto and asked.

“I am far behind him now.

Mitsuya Akuto sighed as he looked at the leaving figure before Tamamo.


All the players in the green mountains changed their faces after listening.

Mitsuya Akuto, who is at the national peak level, is far behind Senyu Shinji, so where is Senyu Shinji’s level?

Could it be that he has broken through the professional level?

13-year-old professional grade, this is too terrible!.

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