Chapter 137 Shocking, 13-year-old professional player

“Quickly switch one’s own actions within one second, and at the same time play external spin serve.”

Mitsuya Akuto kept recalling everything about Senyu Shinji just now, and the data in his mind was quickly updated.

But even so, he has no way to block opponents through data.

This kind of reaction is not an inertial action, but a talent.

“Senyu is indeed well-deserved!”

Taking a deep look at Senyu Shinji, Mitsuya Akuto said seriously.


Senyu Shinji nodded and said lightly.

He has already experienced the so-called data stream, and it is meaningless to play.

Mitsuya Akuto’s data is only valid for ordinary players, and players with special talents are simply unable to guide them.

The final decision can only be the confrontation of their own strength.






In the next game, Senyu Shinji did not use a single skill.

Unscrupulously rely on his own talent-the absolute sense of the ball to fight back.

In this way, it was the last point of the serve in the Green Mountain.

Mitsuya Akuto stared at Senyu Shinji on the opposite side, her eyes were deep and dark, she didn’t know what she was thinking.

“Want to continue collecting data?”

Taking a look at the police, Senyu Shinji waved his arm directly.


Accompanied by a dull hitting sound sounded.

The tennis ball blasted out with unprecedented power.

Flying up and down in the air, forming a dense cluster of hundreds of ball shadows, it is impossible to tell which is the real body.


Mitsuya Akuto was surprised for the first time.

This kind of ball is completely out of his data range.

Step on!

He didn’t have time to think, so he swung a pat.


next moment.

Mitsuya Akuto actually swung empty.

“call out!”

The tennis ball leaped out of the ground like a mud loach.

“GAME, before Yuzao: 1 to 0!”

The referee was stunned, then announced the score.


The audience was startled at first, and then burst into violent discussions.

“The player in the Green Mountain actually swung empty

“What’s the matter with that ball?”

“I saw this kind of ball for the first time.”

Not only them, but also a group of people in the green mountain were also shocked.

“The military strategist actually swept away!”

Shen Yueming’s face was unbelievable.

The other team members also showed horror.

“Fuji, that ball…”

In front of Tamamo, Kikumaru Eiji looked at Fuji Syusuke curiously.

Also focusing on Fuji Syusuke are Oishi and others.

They have all personally seen the genius Fuji’s triple return, and there is another trick-Disappearing Serve.

The serve is very similar to Senyu Shinji’s trick.

“Do not!”

“Minister’s ball is completely different from Fuji’s.”

At this time, Inui Sadaharu raised his eyes and explained: “Fuji’s ball is to serve.”

“Due to the rotation of the ball, the contact point between the ball and the racquet changes, and the ball flies out quickly in front of the opponent, and it looks like it has disappeared.”

“The Minister’s ball started from his hand, constantly tossing up and down in the air, and the speed was extremely fast, forming a lot of phantoms.

“It seems to use speed, but in fact it uses the principle of shock and impact.”

“So, even if the ball itself is found, it is impossible to hit it back.

“That’s right.”

Shoujia said directly: “The minister’s ball is a deep application of sweet spot technology, not as simple as cutting serve.”

“In other words, this ball is actually a professional skill.”

Not only did they see it, but Akuzin could also see it.

In the control of sweet spot technology, Ajujin’s speed even surpassed the hand, and he was about to find the center of impact.

Therefore, he knows the mystery of this ball better than anyone.

After the explanation by the two of them, Yuzao’s former team members were even more surprised.

The minister is really strong!

“Are you a professional grade?”

After looking at the tennis ball, then at Senyu Shinji, Mitsuya Akuto asked in disbelief.


Senyu Shinji nodded.


Mitsuya Akuto’s face changed drastically, and endless bitterness appeared in his heart.

A professional tennis player who is only 13 years old, in Japan, has never seen such a genius for hundreds of years.

No wonder no matter how he captures the opponent’s information, he can’t stop the opponent.

Not to mention the middle school, no one can beat Senyu Shinji even in the high school world!

Of course, except for the guys who joined the U17 training camp.

“Senior Mitsuya.

“Perhaps now, becoming a national champion is all to you.”

“But when you see a new world with your own eyes, everything changes.”

“Keep on playing!”

Senyu Shinji spoke lightly and turned back to the baseline.

This round is the serve round in Green Mountain.

Hearing this, Mitsuya Akuto took a deep look at the boy opposite, filled with doubts.

But he returned to the court and continued the game.




Orderly flapping sounds sounded one after another in the court.


In an instant.

Mitsuya Akuto’s right hand spun, and the tennis ball soared.


Next second.

A body-building shadow jumped over the tennis ball and waved vigorously in the air.


There was a loud bang.

Tennis is as swift and fierce as a meteor.

The violent friction even gave birth to a trace of flame on the surface of the tennis ball.

From a distance, it looked like a huge fireball.


“I will personally open the door to a new world for you.”

“Look carefully.

Looking at Mitsuya Akuto in front of him, Senyu Shinji showed a solemn expression on his face.

Gradually, a cold, indifferent breath filled.

The ethereal endless shadow emerged.

It is like the world is not benevolent, and all things are regarded as a dog (good Li Zhao), and the saint is not benevolent, and the people are regarded as a dog.

Everything in the heavens is dust.

The entire court was shrouded in this unprecedented breath of immortality.

There was no sound, it was just deathly silence.

Step on!

Facing a ray of sunlight from the sky, Senyu Shinji stepped up.

Step by step, appear in the air.

Tennis ball with the sun.

A big hand waved racquet flagrantly.


The violent roar resounded throughout the court.

Suddenly, all the audience’s eyes condensed.


The tennis ball flew out like an arrow.

Facing the sunlight in the sky, a boundless phantom was born, covering the entire court.

It is not clear which is the real object at all.


With a soft sound, the tennis ball landed on Mitsuya Akuto’s court.

The net is less than one centimeter away.

The scene continued to be silent.

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