Chapter 133 Do it, tell everyone about your growth!

“Fuck, let everyone shock you!”

In the audience, Senyu Shinji casually warned Mitsuya Akuto with a faint smile.

Compared with Mitsuya Akuto, Inui Sadaharu’s strength is only half a step at the national level.

However, the data flow is not inferior.

Data on all the outstanding players in Japan’s junior high school tennis field collected by the entire Senyu family.

Even high school, U17 and even foreign player data.

The piles are added one by one.

Once Inui Sadaharu masters these data proficiently, he can make the most correct plan for the players.

Quantitative changes lead to qualitative changes. Now Inui Sadaharu is not only a half-step national player, but the energy he can explode is far greater than that of a national average player.

To describe it in the simplest metaphor, if Inui Sadaharu teamed up with a Kanto-level peak player, it would be enough to defeat the same two and a half-step national level players.

It can be seen how powerful Inui Sadaharu’s data stream is!

“Military strategist, he, he, he”

In the middle of the green mountain, Nobuya Anyama looked at Mitsuya Akuto incredulously.

A gentle smile appeared on Mitsuya Akuto’s face, and he admired: “Xiaogan has grown up.”

357. His impression of the’brother’ who was a professor at a young age is still in his junior year.

I only heard that Inui Sadaharu was the first player in front of Tamamo, but Inui Sadaharu didn’t make many appearances, so he couldn’t fully show himself.

Today, when Mitsuya Akuto saw Inui Sadaharu’s game with his own eyes, he knew that his “brother” had become very strong.

To be honest, at the same half-step national level, Mitsuya Akuto doesn’t think he can beat Inui Sadaharu, because he doesn’t have as many things as Inui Sadaharu.

“Military officer, do you know?”

Midoriyama Nakamasaho Okubo Toshihito looked at Mitsuya Akuto with surprise.


Mitsuya Akuto nodded, did not explain anything, just continued to look at the court.

The game continues.


Shen Yueming once again sent a ball, extremely fast and extremely fierce.

The ball was not aimed at Kunimitsu, but Inui Sadaharu.

Compared to Kunimitsu, the national elite hand, the half-step national Inui Sadaharu seems a little insignificant.

What data can be worthy of absolute strength?

“The probability of this ball being spin is 85%, and the probability of falling on the baseline on the right of (cgab) is 100%.”

Inui Sadaharu, who was watching the situation on the field, kept flashing various data in his eyes.

Step on!

The footsteps moved quickly backwards.

The next moment, I stood directly on the baseline on the right.

Sure enough, the tennis really fell in front of him.

“According to calculations, the probability of scoring a smash is 90%.

In an instant.

Inui Sadaharu shook the ground, leaping like a cheetah.

The sunlight in the entire court seemed to be dimmed.


From top to bottom, Inui Sadaharu waved racquet vigorously in his hand.

An unprecedented powerful force is transmitted from the sphere to the tennis ball, forming a violent shock wave.

The surface of the racket was sunken in an instant, rebounding like a big bow.

The tennis ball shot out like a sharp arrow.

call out!

The sound of breaking through the air is endless.

The audience saw a meteor falling down.



Take the next game before Yuzao.

With the fall of this ball, the situation of the entire court has undergone an earth-shaking change.

The victorious balance quickly tilted to the front of Yuzao.

“According to the calculation of the wind direction and the diagonal, the probability of this ball being Lob is 87%.



“Calculated based on the central axis of the court, there is a 90% chance that the ball will land on the right corner.”


“GAME, before Yuzao, 2:0!

Inui Sadaharu restrained God Tsuki Ming and Hoshino Shoji with absolute data and won the game.

“Before Yuzao!”

“Before Yuzao!”

“Before Yuzao!’

There was a burst of applause in the audience.

Almost everyone knows the little-known data streaming player before Tamazou. From this moment, Inui Sadaharu’s name will resound throughout the country.


Inoue Mamoru took a breath.

From Kawamura Takashi, Ishida’s power ball, to Kikumaru acrobatic ball, Oishi volley ball, he is not surprised, because these are extremely ordinary tennis straights.

But the data flow is different. This is the path of horror tennis that can dominate a game with absolute victory.

Unexpectedly, in addition to his predecessors, Akutsu, and Fuji, Tamazo once again gave birth to a national-level excellent seed.

In time, Inui Sadaharu’s brilliance will not lose to the trio of hands.

Because his battlefield is not only within the game, but also outside the game.

In strategizing, the decisive victory is thousands of miles away.

“Wow, great job!”

In the front line of Tamamo, Kikumaru Eiji jumped up happily.

Beside him, Oishi Syuichirou, Kawamura Takashi, Ishida Tetsu, Maeda Toshihito, and Sakurai Nozomi also showed the same expression.

As a member of the latter echelon, the familiarity between Inui Sadaharu and them is far better than that of others.

Tejia, Akuzu, and Fuji are all excellent seed players who have emerged from the beginning.

Only Inui Sadaharu is an ordinary player who is a late starter and rises step by step.

Therefore, Kikumaru and others have a strong sense of identification with Inui Sadaharu.

“Minister, the game should be over!”

At this time, Ajujin suddenly said something.


Senyu Shinji nodded and responded.

at the same time.

On the field.

Shoujia looked at Inui Sadaharu and slowly said, “Go ahead, leave it to me next.”


Inui Sadaharu nodded seriously.

In the audience’s attention, the handist Kunimitsu suddenly stepped forward, and Inui Sadaharu stepped back and walked to the baseline.

what’s the situation?

The audience did not react.

Before half of the game was over, the forward and defender switched positions.

“not good ”

Seeing the change of the opponent, Shen Yueming seemed to think of something, and his face changed suddenly.


Electric light flint room.

The tennis ball is directly raised in the hands of the player, and the next moment he swings the bat to hit the ball.

Haven’t waited for everyone to react.

The tennis ball landed at the moment it passed through the net, and instead of bounced, it rolled back to the side of the net.


The audience swallowed their saliva. It was this kind of serve again.

“damn it!”

On court, Shen Yueming’s eyes were even more angry.

As he expected, Kunimitsu did not use his real strength, and now is the beginning.


At this time, the player raised the tennis ball again.


Next second.

With a furious wave of his arm.

It was another shot.


After the tennis ball hits the ground, it spins a bit and rolls back like the net.

Shen Yueming’s face grew gloomy.


The third ball.

The fourth ball.

All are zero serve.

In just half a minute, Shoujia won the serve game.

Before Yuzao, 3:0.

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