Chapter 131 The power of the monarch breaks through the clouds

In fact.

During this period, Japan’s national three tennis industry was not without outstanding players.

Green Mountain Junior High School-Mitsuya Akuto, Rikkai Da Attached High School-Mōri Juzaburō, Makinofuji-Unbreakable Iron Man is one of the best.

In the original book, during the second year of high school, the three were already in the U17-Army camp.

There are even signs of catching up with Tohno Atsukyo’s group of seniors.

It can be seen that his talent is outstanding.

And the current Yuzao front, except for a few singles, the overall strength does not surpass that of the Green Mountain by too much.

Once the previous deployment is used, a little carelessness is a big pit.

This is why Senyu Shinji adjusted the lineup.

In court No. 4.

The audience who had waited for more than half an hour finally saw the team of Yuzaoqian and Green Mountain, and they became extremely excited one by one.

“Look at it, the dark horse Yuzao is here.”

“Is there any suspense in this game? Undoubtedly defeated in the Green Mountain!”

“Even Hyotei can’t beat Yuzao, let alone in the green mountains.

Most viewers are optimistic about Yuzao, but only a few viewers who have always supported the Green Mountain have objections.

“The Green Mountain is not weak, every game is a three-game victory.”26

“That’s it.

“Before Yuzao, don’t capsize the boat!”

Momo Inoue, who was also sitting in the audience, was overcast in his eyes.

During this time, the performance of Green Mountain is extremely unique, and even the record is still above Rokkaku.

You must know that in the past years, there was a spicy chicken school in the green mountain. It barely qualified from the Tokyo Metropolitan Contest, and then was brushed down in the first round of the Kanto Contest.

Except this time, the best result in Green Mountain is the top 8 in Kanto.

“Why on earth?”

Looking at the direction in the green mountain, Inoue Mamoru had a deep doubt in his heart.

What is the reason that makes the otherwise mediocre green mountain so prominent.

However, he is not a professional tennis club scout, and he doesn’t know what happened between schools, so he can’t even guess Mitsuya Akuto.

“Now we will start the group finals, with Tokyo Metropolitan Tamazomae Gakuen playing against Midoriyama Junior High in Saitama Prefecture.”

“In the first doubles second match, contestants from both sides were invited to enter.

At 9:10, the referee announced the content of the game, and the broadcast sound spread throughout Court No. 4.

The noise from the scene immediately disappeared.

The front side of Yuzao.

“Come back with victory.”

Senyu Shinji looked at Kunimitsu and Inui Sadaharu, and spoke lightly.

“Yes, Minister!”

Shoujia and Gan Qiqi bowed to him, their expressions became extremely solemn, and directly picked up racquet and walked onto the arena.

Before the whole Tamamo, Gakuen, Senyu Shinji is the beacon of everyone, even no less than a mentor.

Senyu Shinji personally directed everyone’s tennis path.

Therefore, whether it is a hand or a job, the respect for Senyu Shinji is beyond words.

“With a hand, this game will definitely win.”

Kikumaru Eiji looked at the two players on the field with a smile on his face.

Not only him, but the other team members are full of confidence.

Shoujia is recognized as the second strongest in front of Yuzao, who can match both offense and defense.


At this moment, in the middle of the green mountain, Mitsuya Akuto looked at the player Kazuka and his pupils shrank instantly.

In the first game, he sent such a powerful opponent, Tamazou Qian was really cautious.

“Military officer, what shall we do?”

Shinyuki, the tennis director of Midoriyama Junior High School, looked straight at Mitsuya Akuto, and a trace of panic flashed across his expression.

Other players also focused on Mitsuya Akuto.


Sovereign-Shoujia, that is a well-known strong man in the entire country.

In just one game against the battle city Cheng Shonan, he showed unprecedented tennis talent, and many people respected him as not inferior to the samurai Nanjiro.

In the face of such a strong man, how do they fight?


Mitsuya Akuto glanced at the gods Tsukiming and Hoshino Shoji, and said seriously.


Hoshino nodded solemnly.

Although Shen Yueming hesitated a little, she immediately strengthened her heart.

Although the opponent is not a pre-planned opponent, he will never give up the game easily.

The two also entered the arena one after another.

After a while.

“The game starts, Yuzao will serve the game.”

The guess is over first, and the referee sits directly on the high platform and announces loudly.

The voice just fell.

The four people on the field showed their full momentum.

Facing the national general player Shinyuki Akira and the half-step national-level Masaji Hoshino at the same time suppressed, the half-step national-level Inui Sadaharu seemed a little bit weak.

At this time, Shoujia frowned, and his body gradually exuded a coercive air that was as deep as hell.

The power of the monarch broke through the clouds and stood tall.

For a while, the audience was shocked by this silent confrontation.

“My God, this is terrible too.

“The serve game has been so serious just now, so the next game must not enter the bloody stage!”

“Tamazao actually dispatched Kunimitsu, and it seems that this doubles game is bound to win.”

“It’s the group final anyway, they can’t take it lightly!”

“I have a hunch that the ending in this green mountain may be worse than Hyotei.

There was a lot of discussion among the audience, and the noise gradually dispersed.

“So serious?”

Inoue Mamoru’s eyes flickered constantly.

The hand plays the role of doubles two, with the data streamer Inui Sadaharu, there is no lack of dominance in the stability.

Tamazomae’s list of matches this time is far better than before.

Could it be that Senyu Shinji feels that the green mountains pose a great threat to him?

He has a feeling that unexpected changes may occur in this game.



on court.

Woolen cloth!



Hand Kunimitsu stood on the baseline and lightly patted the tennis ball in his hand 353.

next moment.

The arm was raised instantly, and the tennis ball was thrown directly into the air.


The crisp beating sound spread throughout the court.

The tennis ball rushed across the net like a beam of light.

“Fast speed, Hoshino.

The god Yueming in the backcourt frowned and said in a deep voice.

“Yes, Minister.

Hoshino swiftly ran from the baseline towards the tennis lane, his figure was extremely agile, and even brought out afterimages.

In an instant came the tennis landing point.


The tennis ball fell to the ground as it crossed the net.


But the tennis ball did not bounce, instead it spun on the spot for a while and quickly rolled back to the side of the net.

Hoshino’s expression froze directly.

All the players in Green Mountain who watched the game had their pupils shrunk and they couldn’t believe it.

Zero-type serve is an unsolvable serve trick.

I didn’t expect that the hand-made household would be used so quickly.


The audience was an instant sensation.

Although the audience has seen this unparalleled skill of crushing the city into a Shonan player.

But when they saw it again, they were still so shocked that they had nothing to say.

This kind of tennis that can move in the opposite direction, unless someone appears on the road in advance, what about it?

How can a tennis ball that can’t be bounced back?

Who can remain indifferent?.

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