Chapter 121 No solution technology, zero type serve

“This player before Tamamo is too strong!”

“Serve so quickly was beaten back.

“The dark horse Yuzao is really well-deserved!”

Everyone present was shocked by the hand’s always plain attitude.

With the handle waved, everything is under control.

Remote control everything like the monarch of the world.

“What?! Even the minister’s serve can’t be scored?”

When the city became the southern part of Shonan, Ota Xiang’s face was full of horror.

Although the previous serve was easily beaten back by Tezuka, everyone with a discerning eye knows that this is the pinnacle of Takahisa Kajimoto.

But that’s it, people still flicked back and scored.

Kunimitsu is so strong!

Humura Aoi has a pair of beautiful eyes shining brightly, and contestants like Kunimitsu, a handist, are simply Fuji candidates for the perfect work.

“If you only have this, then you can end.”

On court, the hand family looked at Kajimoto Takahisa, and spoke lightly.

“Asshole, you look down on me so much!”

26 Kajimoto Takahisa roared, an unprecedented aura erupted from his body.

A faint shadow can be seen faintly.


This is the basis of Kajimoto Kiku Tennis.

Now, with the bonus of anger, his strength has completely broken through from the peak of the Kanto level to the national average.


“Don’t underestimate me!”

Takahisa Kajimoto’s eyes flashed unyielding, and he swung the ball again.

An unprecedented speed penetrated the void, like a light falling down.

Countless audiences were stunned.

On the spot breakthrough, is there such a thing?

“You are too overestimating yourself.

Shoujia’s flat voice came out.

Next second.

A radiant to the extreme light radiated from his body, and finally swept the audience.

Everyone saw that the whole body of the hand was covered with milky white light.

“The realm of no self!”

Fuji’s eyes were startled: “The hand is about to start serious.”

If Yuzao was selected before, who is most familiar with the state of no-self than the hand.

However, the second most familiar is Fuji Syusuke.

Ten オ Fuji Syusuke’s tennis foundation is not inferior to that of his hand, so he can also open the state of selflessness.

It’s a pity that he still doesn’t like Tezuka’s digging deep into the non-self at a glance.

Therefore, he couldn’t tell that what the handist actually opened was not only the selflessness, but the first door in the depths of the selflessness: the limit of comprehension through hard work.

It can make the power of the whole body gather in a certain place of the body, double the power, and return all the opponent’s balls, all the spins, all the tracks, all the destructive power, and everything.


In an instant.

The figure of the hand jumped directly and waved the racquet at the moment the tennis ball dropped.

With a loud bang, the tennis ball cut across the net like a meteorite and fell on the court where Kikumoto was based.

boom !

The ground shook violently, causing violent waves.

Dust rose, blocking the sight of all the audience.

“How can this be?!”

Takahisa Kajimoto stared blankly at the ball in front of him, and there was no trace of emotion in his eyes except for horror.

Shou Jiaran returned the ball with greater strength and speed.

At this moment, everyone was dumbfounded when Chengcheng became the southern part of Hunan.

Seeing the tennis ball popping out of the baseline, they were shocked in their hearts.

The handicraft once again crushed Takahisa Tokajimoto after the breakthrough.


In the audience, the guard opened his mouth wide.

If he read it right, the milky white light instantly concentrated on the hand of the hand that hit back.

This is not the realm of selflessness, but the first door in the depths of selflessness: the limit of comprehension through hard work.

The talents of middle school students now are too terrifying!

“Kajimoto Takahisa broke through the national level in the competition, which is not bad.”

“But he overestimated his own strength.”

“The standard of the hand is close to the national peak.”

In the front of Tamamo’s team, Senyu Shinji said lightly: “Plus, it opened the first door in the depths of the selfless state. ”

“The essence of the limit of comprehension is to return everything twice.

“No matter how Kajimoto Kiku plays, the ball that comes back in the end is double the strength and speed.”

“So it is!

Kikumaru, Oishi and others nodded, somewhat enlightened.




“GAME! Hand wins, 1–0!”

In just one minute, Shoujia directly won the opponent’s serve game.

Almost everyone understands that the difference in strength between the two players is not just a little bit, but the sky.

Kajimoto can easily return any of Kajimoto’s ball, but Kajimoto can do nothing about any ball that Kajimoto hits back.

The power of the monarch dominates the audience!

“A arrogant person is pitiful, especially someone who is so arrogant that he can’t see himself clearly.”

Just as the audience was amazed, the hand’s voice suddenly rang.


The audience was a little sorry to hear it.

Kajimoto Takahisa heard only a kind of contempt from the words of the hand.

Through the eyes of Shoujia, he saw the bottomless abyss.

“Do not ”

In an instant.

Takahisa Kajimoto’s face suddenly changed. Could it be that the Shoujia didn’t use all his strength before.

Now he is really going to do his best.


Said it was fast then.

The player raised the tennis ball high, and the next moment he jumped directly to swing the racket.

The ordinary ball speed has reached 190KM/hour, which is not inferior to Takahisa Kajimoto’s curved waist serve.

Haven’t waited for everyone to react to 337.

The tennis ball landed at the moment it passed through the net, and instead of bounced, it rolled back to the side of the net.

Kajimoto Takahisa’s expression directly froze.

All of Chengcheng Shonan’s selected players had their pupils tightened, and they couldn’t believe it.

How could there be such a ball in this world.

“Zero serve?”

In the audience, the guard exclaimed in exclamation.

He has personally seen the performance of his family in the youth tennis competition, and the zero short shot made the national players have no temper.

But I didn’t expect that the Shoujia could even play the zero form with serve.

This is terrible!

Other audiences were also stunned by this scene.

How can you play a tennis ball that slips back toward the net?


All of Yuzao’s former team members swallowed.

The zero style short ball will not bounce after landing, but it will be fine to hit back before landing.

But the zero-type serve is different. The receiver must hit back after the serve bounces to be effective.

How can this tennis ball that won’t bounce back?

Unless you have an advanced field, you can use the rotation of the surrounding airflow to control the ball.

However, the advanced field is extremely rare among professional players, let alone national players.

Otherwise, an elementary field in the hand’s district that manipulates the path by giving the ball spins will not be able to dominate the original work for a while. .

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