Chapter 113 Fight against the fateful Seigaku

September 3.

Only on the third day of the new semester, the much-anticipated Kanto Contest finally kicked off.

In Tokyo, 16 courts of Shiki no Mori Tennis Park started playing at the same time.

Compared to the Metropolis Competition, the number of spectators has almost tripled, and the crowds are crowded.

Moreover, a large number of TV reporters, tennis newspaper reporters, and club spies gathered in it.

TV stations in the Kanto region will broadcast the game live.

“Senior Inoue, the Kanto Contest will begin soon, I don’t know if Tamazou can continue to win the championship.,

Tennis Monthly reporter Shiba Saori looked at Inoue Mamoru curiously.

“I don’t know yet to win the championship, but this game has attracted a lot of people’s attention.”

Inoue Mori looked at the surroundings hastily.

The number of people gathered in court 12 is no less than that of Rikkai High School and Hyotei.

It seems that the duel between Seigaku and Tamamo-mae is really exciting.

One is the legendary school that once came out of the samurai Nanjiro, and the other is a dark horse that has been smashed all the way from the rookie competition. Whether it is the fall of the king or the rise of the new emperor, no one knows!

“Come on Seigaku!”

“Qing 330, learn to work hard!”

Soon, a burst of violent cheers broke the calm on the scene.

In response to the cheerleading team’s response, a group of Seigaku dressed in blue and white uniforms was selected to enter the stadium neatly under the leadership of coach Ryūzaki Sumire.

“Is that Seigaku’s team?

Taro Tsunade, manager of the Ueno Tennis Club, flashed his eyes and asked the scout next to him.

“Yes, my lord, Seigaku hasn’t even played in a major tournament this year.

The scout on the side quickly spoke.

“After all, it’s still declining.

The manager of Ueno Tennis Club Tsunade Taro sighed, and then asked the scout again: “By the way, how is the understanding of Senyu’s house?”

“Tsunade-sama, you have already understood clearly.”

“The heir to the Senyu family, Senyu Shinji’s strength has surpassed the national level.”

“Not long ago, the U17 training camp sent him an invitation.

“His Yuzao former tennis club and several players are also at the national level.”

“We are trying to reach those teenagers.”

Having said that, the scout’s expression became extremely excited.

After so many years, it was the first time he saw (cgab) so many talented middle school students.

Only Guoyi has national-level strength, and it really has unlimited potential.

“Well, well done!”

Tsunade Taro nodded, admiringly.

After the Tokyo Metropolitan Tournament, many clubs in the Kanto region learned about the Tamamo Former Tennis Club, which was formed by the heirs of the Senyu Foundation.

Even Hyotei, the top four in the country, was crushed to close.

After some investigation, everyone knew Senyu Shinji’s record personally.

The champion of the national primary school tennis tournament and the youth tennis tournament have successively crushed Yukimura and Sanada, the current tennis ministers of Rikkai University High School.

Even the leaders of the previous session, Byōdōin Hōō and Tsukimitsu Ochi, could not take him.

This potential is not even inferior to the once samurai Nanjiro.

I have to say that Senyu Shinji suddenly became the object of everyone’s attention.

Unfortunately, no club has the guts to invite him.


As the No. 1 consortium in Japan, the Senyu Consortium, what kind of club has resources comparable to the Senyu Consortium, and what price can attract Senyu Shinji?

Therefore, many tennis clubs only set their sights on the former members of Tamamo Senyu Shinji who are currently selected.

Amidst the people’s discussion, there was a sudden burst of violent cheers.

The audience was shocked.

All the people were alarmed and looked down the stage one after another.

At the entrance, the team was wearing a white primer, and the gold-lined team came slowly.

Although the movements were not brilliant, they were extremely neat, and an unprecedented momentum shocked everyone.

That is the power of the king that belongs exclusively to the black horse Yuzao.

“Before Yuzao! Before Yuzao!”

“In front of the king Yuzao!

“Master Senyu!”

“Senyu of the fairy!”

The thunderous cheers spread throughout the arena.

Not only that, but also many sharp female voices.

Many women in the audience cheered for Senyu Shinji.

At this moment, Yuzaoqian became the focus of worldwide attention.

Seigaku was ignored subconsciously.

“Is this the team led by the Senyu family? It’s really amazing!”

Taro Tsunade, the manager of the Ueno Tennis Club, was a little shocked.

Tamamo-mae Gakuen’s momentum on the representative team, he has only seen Makinofuji in the past.

Even Makinofuji does not have such a kingly attitude that ignores everything, and some are just domineering.

It can be seen that Senyu Shinji has good leadership.

“I can’t wait to win.”

“The champion of this game must be us!”

Facing the gaze of the entire arena, Yuzao’s former team members were very excited.

Even the face of Fuji, who has always been calm, showed light.

Compared to the Tokyo Metropolitan Tournament, the Kanto Tournament has a mediocre gold content.

“Seigaku’s strength, I think everyone knows.

“As Yuzao’s previous debut, I hope you can declare to everyone that the king belongs to us with the strongest posture!”

Senyu Shinji looked at all the players, his eyes full of fierceness.


Before Yuzao, everyone responded in a rush.

In the list of matches announced next.

doubles two: River Village, Ishida

doubles one: Kikumaru, Oishi

singles three: Ajitsu

singles two: Inui Sadaharu

singles three: Fuji

Undoubtedly, in this game, Yuzao’s attitude was to crush everything.

In the team, Kunimitsu and Fuji Syusuke had weird eyes. They all graduated from Qingchuntai Elementary School.

Once, the only dream was to join Seigaku.

Unexpectedly, in this arena now, it is actually ironic to play against Seigaku!

“Really strong!

At this moment, on the other side of the field, Seigaku coach Ryūzaki Sumire was sitting on the advisory bench, his eyes constantly lingering on the camp in front of Tamamo.

I have to say that this school is very strong.

If it is not necessary, she would not want Seigaku to encounter this kind of dark horse school.

Because Ryūzaki Sumire can feel it, whether it is Rikkai Dazhong High School or Hyotei, it is far less terrifying than the Tamamo in front of me.

The demeanor revealed by the leading boy alone is very similar to the samurai Nanjiro of the past.

What’s more, there are three teenagers no less than Atobe Keigo, Minister of Hyotei.

In other words, there are at least 4 national level players in the entire Yuzao front.

Looking at Japan, who can fight? Who dares to fight?,

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