Chapter 111 Mediocrity is not terrible, but terrible is mediocrity

“In the battle, no one is sure of victory, but I am willing to use my life in exchange for the chance of victory.

“Ishida, can you do it?

Senyu Shinji shouted.

“Give up?’

Ishida Tie’s movement was stagnant, and the whole person fell into silence.

He has been following his brother’s footsteps all the time and always uses wave ball as his main skill.

Even if he created a burst, he still subconsciously used the wave ball to change the burst.

“You have found your own way, why not choose to persist?”

Senyu Shinji stopped, looked straight at Ishida Tetsu, and said meaningfully.

Hearing that, Ishida’s iron eyes became more and more complicated.

Burst is a powerful ball skill developed in the process of trying to shake the ball.

He once thought about whether to use a shock ball instead of a swing ball, but he has been reluctant to try to start from the beginning.

But now, it seems that the time has come to have to change oneself.

Yuzaoqian is still charging forward. The Kanto Competition cannot stop this dark horse. The national champion will be Yuzaoqian.

In the entire Tennis Department, no one does not know that the Minister has a more ambitious goal in his heart.

Tejia, Ajutsu, and Fuji have already followed the minister and have begun to walk into the unknown distance.

Even Inui Sadaharu came from behind.

Neither he nor Kawamura, Kikumaru, Oishi, etc. are willing to fall behind.

In order to follow the minister, Ishida Iron is willing to try a new path.

“Minister, I understand!”

“I will never disappoint your expectations of me!”

Thinking of this, Ishida Tie firmed her gaze and bowed deeply at Senyu Shinji.


Senyu Shinji smiled slightly and nodded before walking out of the court.

Since Ishida Tetsu has chosen the shock ball, the next thing is up to him.

Immediately afterwards, Senyu Shinji found Maeda Toshihito and Sakurai Nozomi.

As substitute players, the two of them are the excellent seeds of the entire Tamamo-mae Gakuen second only to the original Centaur.

In fact, in some respects, they are not bad.

Only in the first country, Maeda Toshihito and Sakurai Nozomi have broken through to the Kanto elite level.

As the future development continues, the National Third Country will steadily break through the national level.

In any school, national-level players are high-level forces that can lead the team into the national competition.

It’s a pity that they happened to meet a group of people who opened up.

On the eve of this golden generation dominating professional football, the national level may only be a stepping stone for the true Son of Destiny.


Toshihito Maeda and Nozomi Sakurai, who were working hard to practice their swings, were stunned when they saw Senyu Shinji walking by.

“You guys come with me!”

Senyu Shinji waved his hand and walked directly to the rest area next to the court.

Maeda Toshihito and Sakurai Nozomi were confused, followed behind his ass, and came to the rest area.

Looking closely at the two players in front of him, Senyu Shinji can only be described as ordinary.

Different from the men and horses in the original work, each one has distinct characteristics.

Maeda Toshihito and Sakurai Nozomi are not particularly outstanding in terms of height, posture, strength, speed, and reaction.

Even on the ball road is extremely mediocre.

Precisely because of this, the doubles formed by the two do not have much characteristics.

Both the offense and the defense tend to be treated with peace. If you say that you lose quickly, you can’t say that you win very easily.

This kind of player is most suitable as a substitute.

Any good tennis team needs some players who can stabilize the basic set.

At least it is impossible to always be the sharper players.

In this case, there is conflict and relaxation, and there is absolutely no dead end in victory.

“Maeda, Sakurai, and the other members of the entire team have unique personalities.”

“You two alone, I really can’t see it.”

Senyu Shinji said straightforwardly.

Hearing this, Maeda Toshihito and Sakurai Nozomi’s faces instantly became extremely bleak.

Compared with other players who are currently selected, they are indeed weak and savvy.

“I have heard one sentence.”

“The purpose of life is not to exist, but to burn.”

“Burning will have light, even if there is only a moment of light.”

Senyu Shinji continued: “The team needs someone to charge and defend, and naturally there must be someone who can defend.”

“Are you willing to be that kind of person?”


Maeda Toshihito and Sakurai Nozomi did not expect that the Minister did not abandon them, but gave them hope.

In less than half a year, everyone who entered the tennis club together is making rapid progress.

Only oneself progresses like a tortoise.

Just ask, how can the two of them not be panicked in their hearts.

At this moment, the hearts of the two who had been torn the window paper by Senyu Shinji burst out unwillingly.

Inadvertently, Maeda Toshihito and Sakurai Nozomi gritted their teeth.


“We want to be stronger”

Maeda Toshihito and Sakurai Nozomi roared loudly, their faces full of fighting spirit.


Senyu Shinji nodded, a flash of satisfaction flashed in his eyes.

If the two are willing to be mediocre, then he will naturally not spend too much effort.

But since someone chooses to work hard, he naturally has to fulfill the obligations of the minister.

“Maeda, in the doubles combination, you are a forward.

“To defend all the balls that the enemy hits 330.

“The most effective way is to lob and smash the ball.”

“Sakurai, you are a guard!”

“In addition to serve, we must also pay attention to the enemy’s targeted blind corners.

“There is nothing more appropriate than a volley ball.”

“So, next you have to focus on learning these two kinds of balls.”

Senyu Shinji then took out a prepared training plan.

The choice of the ball path alone cannot change anything. The foundation is not strong, and it is always weak.

Therefore, a specific combination of speed, reaction, and strength training is extremely important.

The focus of the forward is to intercept online, smashing is the most effective and direct, and it also needs the most strength.

In addition to serve, the defender has to defend. Both physical strength and speed are very strict.

Of the two, one focuses on training strength, and the other focuses on training physical strength and speed.


After Maeda Toshihito and Sakurai Nozomi took over the training program, their eyes were full of excitement.

Immediately, Senyu Shinji personally guided the two in targeted ball training.

All afternoon, until the two fully grasped the essentials of short ball, smash, and volley.

As for how to integrate and connect, turn into instinct.

This requires them to run in by themselves. .

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