Chapter 107 Shonen Lang, lead Japan to the top of the world!

At night, the lights on the beach of Kamakura Sea are brightly lit.

“Torujiro, turn back on the left!”

“Kikumaru, right, hit empty!”

“Wow hahaha, it’s hit.

The three schools of St. Rudolf, Tamazomae, and Rokkaku Junior High School add dozens of people to indulge on the beach, which is extremely lively.

Seeing everyone playing together, Senyu Shinji’s eyes were dark and deep.

The Kanto Tournament is just around the corner. After winning the National Middle-School Tennis Tournament this year, you can start to enter the U17.

It is better not too late to conquer the world.

With his current strength, continuing to stay in the middle of the country is just a waste of time.

Among the many people in front of Tamamo, I am afraid that in the end, only Teka, Akutsu, Fuji, and Gan can follow him to the career.

There is still some time before the true golden generation of the original book, Senyu Shinji also prepares to take in seed players in advance.

Echizen Ryoma and Kintarou Tooyama, the two most powerful Japanese tennis talents, must have one of them before joining Tamamo.

Otherwise, the glory of Yuzao cannot be wiped out!

Hard work to create a tennis giant, but it can’t just go away.

“Shoun Lang, don’t you go and play happily?”

At this time, a short humpback figure appeared beside Senyu Shinji.

Senyu Shinji looked back, and it turned out to be the old coach of Rokkaku, and a look of doubt appeared on his face.

“Since you don’t go to play, can you chat with me this old man?”

The old man sat down with a smile, holding a wooden racquet full of historical traces in his hand.

For Senyu Shinji, the old man’s heart was full of shock.

This is the most talented teenager he has ever seen, none of them.

Even the old samurai Nanjiro is not as good as Senyu Shinji.

At the age of 12, a professional-level ordinary player, stepped into the Ashura Dao and awakened a different-dimensional idol.

Any top tennis player takes this path.

But they have never set foot on the starting point so early like Senyu Shinji.

Moreover, in Senyu Shinji, Dad faintly saw another way.

The highest state of tennis-the state of selflessness, is not just a door, maybe two, or even three.

This also means that Senyu Shinji has walked two roads at the same time, and both roads have gone deep.

Coupled with the sweet spot technique he saw from Aguzu’s shot.

Good guys!

The two supreme realms and one supreme skill are all under the control of Senyu Shinji.

Even Nanjiro, the samurai of the past, has completely mastered the two supreme realms and supreme skills in the Grand Slam.

It is really shocking.


Senyu Shinji glanced at the old man, then waved his hand.

“Master, what’s your order?”

Immediately afterwards, a maid appeared in front of him respectfully.

“A glass of grape juice, a glass of orange juice.”


The maid quickly brought up two glasses of juice.

Senyu Shinji took one glass of grape juice and handed it to the old man: “Please!”


Daddy smiled and picked it up with Mimi.

The young and old sat on the chairs in the rest area, quietly watching everyone playing.

for a long time.

The old man slowly turned his head and looked at Senyu Shinji: “Youth boy, this racquet is for you!”

In an instant.

The old man gave the quaint wooden racquet in his hand to Senyu Shinji.


Senyu Shinji was stunned, but didn’t quite understand what the old man meant.

Unlike ordinary wooden racquets, this racquet may have been impregnated with special oils. With the passage of years, instead of decayed, it has become more and more brand-new.

Judging from the degree of wear at the racquet internet cable, this racquet has a long history.

It can be seen that the owner of racquet is a professional fighter.

It’s just that he doesn’t understand why Dad didn’t give this racquet to Rokkaku Middle-School, but gave it to him. There is no relationship between the two.

“When I was young, I made a good friend.

“He loves tennis very much, and calling it a madman is no exception.”

“My best friend’s biggest dream is to stand on the top of the world and overlook everyone.”

“Unfortunately, he never did it.”

The old man said solemnly: “I will give you this racquet.”

“I hope you can replace him and fulfill this dream.”

“Not just standing on top of the world alone, but also standing on top of the world with Japan.”

For a while, Senyu Shinji heard these words and fell silent.

I have to say that the hope given by this racquet is too great.

“You are the most talented young man I have ever seen!”

Staring at Senyu Shinji, the old man smiled and said, “It’s also the most courageous young man I have ever seen.

“I think you taught the white-haired boy’s technique, and those little guys over there.

“Being able to teach what you are good at is a great thing in itself.”

…”If Japan is the most likely to lead the younger generation to the top.”

“I think that’s you.

“Father! You”

Senyu Shinji was a little stunned. He didn’t expect this old man who has experienced Japan tennis for nearly a hundred years to have such high expectations of him.

Even he himself may not have been so determined in his heart to lead the team to the top of the world.

You know, one needs to continue to strengthen itself to reach the peak, but for a group of people to reach the peak, all that needs to be done is that a group of people continue to strengthen themselves.

The difference here is no different from the world.

“Shoun Lang, I want to ask you one thing.”

At this time, the old man smiled and looked at Senyu Shinji: “I have a optimistic child, he will become the leader of Rokkaku in the future.”

“I hope that one day, you can lead him to the professional arena.”

“this ”

Senyu Shinji was lost in thought.

He probably knows who the boy in the old man’s mouth is (always Zhao), and the same group of outstanding seed players as Echizen Ryoma and Kintarou Tooyama-Aoi Kentaro.

In the original book, Kentaro Aoi played for the first time in the first grade, and he also played as the head of tennis in Rokkaku.

Putting aside talent and strength, Aoi Kentaro is a teenager who has been catching up all the way in a difficult situation.

This mentality is precisely necessary for professional players.

“If there is such a day, I will personally train that child.”

After thinking about it, Senyu Shinji answered the question seriously.

“Then please!”

The old man smiled and bowed to Senyu Shinji.

No matter it is any professional player, as long as you are famous, your school will definitely get great benefits.

As a daddy who has lived in Rokkaku all his life, he naturally hopes that Rokkaku can develop better.

Therefore, he personally asked Senyu Shinji.

This is a respectable old man! Land.

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