Chapter 105 Beast evolution, tyrant Akutsu

“Sprinting the ball, this is the skill of the beast Ajutsu, he has actually strengthened it again!”

At the beginning of the month, there was a deep jealous look on his face.

In just half a month, Akutsu was even stronger compared to the Tokyo Metropolitan Competition.

Now he is not like a beast, but like a tyrant, with both brutality and wisdom.

The players in front of Tamamo are really shocking.

“Ha ha!”

At this time, Ajiuzin sneered and threw a tennis ball again.

The tennis ball was flying in the air, and a cold light flashed through his eyes.

The vigorous body leaped up, his arms pressed hard.

“boom !”

With a blast, the power of terror surged and poured into the tennis ball.

The tennis ball was as violent as a thunder and lightning, tearing the air in an instant.

The sonic boom is endless.

Even the members of Rokkaku and St. Rudolf who were watching the game changed their faces when they saw this scene.

With such terrible “three-two-three” power and speed, how fierce the ball is!

Looking at Japan’s national borders, almost no one can match it!

The beast evolved again and became the unique tyrant Akuzu.

“Good boy!

The cloudy eyes of the coach dad in Rokkaku became clear at the moment.

Through Akutsu’s skills, he saw the introverted aura in Akutsu’s body.

Every national player will gather his own breath.

However, Ajutsu’s original tyrannical beast breath has completely changed.

What is presented to everyone now is introverted and full of wisdom, and the brutality and brutality are deeply hidden.

As the saying goes, a dog that bites does not bark.

Compared with the previous Ajutsu, now he is truly out of his own way.


Upon seeing this, Shiinao, the head of tennis in Rokkaku, looked even more ugly.

As a national player, why is Ajutsu in front of him so much stronger than him.

The ball just now and the one now are far from what an ordinary person can play.


After gritting her teeth, Shiinao’s unwillingness in her heart replaced reason.

Step on!

Shiinao took the newly changed racquet and quickly stepped forward.

Even if the turbulent shock wave came to him, he would not be afraid to slap him.

“boom !”

Unfortunately, he overestimated himself and underestimated his opponent.

Ajujin’s ball was full of explosive power, and at the moment of contact with racquet, it was directly shot like a sword.

At the same time, all the cables on the racquet were torn apart by a huge force.

The sturdy wooden racquet actually cracked under the impact of this ball.

The tennis ball fell heavily on the baseline and finally rushed out of bounds.


Yuzao took another goal.

“Didn’t you have the courage just now?”

“What? Now admit that I am rubbish.”

Akutsu looked at Shiinao with disdain. In his cognition, unless he could beat himself, he would never speak big words.

In the entire Tamamo-mae Gakuen, even the handist Kunimitsu did not get the absolute approval of Akutsu.

There is only one person who is the beacon he follows, and that is Senyu Shinji!

It’s ridiculous that a national-level ordinary player deserves to leave an impression on himself!


Shiinao’s chest was burning with anger, and his eyes were full of anger when he looked at Akuzu.

But he was unable to refute, because his own strength was inadequate.

“try again.”

“See if trash can transform.

Ajujin laughed wildly and threw a tennis ball into the sky.

Next second.

The arm muscles burst open.

Racquet hit the tennis ball hard.

A powerful Flat ball directly slammed Shiinao with turbulent power.

Shiina was shocked and dodged subconsciously.


With a dull sound of landing, the tennis ball hit the baseline directly.


Tamazo scored another point before, and there was only one goal left, and Akutsu’s serve game was declared victory.

Shiinao stared at her blankly, as if she had no hope.

The national level that was originally used to dominate is a joke in front of others.

“Minister, he”

Saeki Toujiro was a little surprised. The strongest minister in the entire Rokkaku Middle-School was beaten like this.

The opponent is like a tyrant, constantly suppressing everything with a powerful to terrifying force.


“Aren’t you not convinced? Then call my uncle back!”

Ajutsu laughed wanton, raised the ball, swung the racket, and a series of standard postures made people overwhelmed.


The turbulent tennis ball burst out and hit the sand directly.

Shiinao’s eyes were full of unwillingness, struggling to move forward and move racquet.

next moment.

The ball seemed to have lost its kinetic energy in the air, dropped rapidly, and landed on the ground.

Hanging short ball!!!


At the end of the two games, Yajujin won the serve game of his opponent and his own serve game.

After a few minutes.

Shiinao stood there with a pale face.

He didn’t even score a ball.

The audience was silent.

A frequent visitor to the national tournament, the head of tennis at Rokkaku Middle-School, can’t even catch a goal from the former Gakuen No. 3 in Tamamo.

Just ask, who can imagine?

“Trash, what are you waiting for?

In the hands of Akutsu, with his head full of white hair, racquet slanted at Rokkaku and St. Rudolph.

How full of contempt between the hands and feet.

Although the people of Rokkaku and Saint Rudolf were angry, they had nothing to do with Yajutsu.


At the beginning of Guanyue, he let out a long sigh, and then he recovered from the game of Gang オ.

He always underestimated Yuzao Qian.

I thought before that, apart from Senyu Shinji, there were no strong players in front of Tamamo.

But now, any one of Yajujin has suppressed the audience.

What’s more, Kunimitsu, a hand player who is not inferior to Ajutsu, did not make a shot.

Tamamoqian is simply inhumane!

“We can only drag as far as possible to Ajujin’s exhaustion.

After meditation, Guanyuechu had no choice but to tell this shameful decision.

Everyone at Rokkaku Middle-School and Saint Rudolph were slightly surprised, and then nodded, expressing their agreement.

The only way to save a little bit of face now is to use everyone’s strength to defeat the opponent.

“Nomura, Domoto, you go first.

“Mugeng, Yanagisawa, Akasawa, wait for them to get off the court, and immediately pick them up.”

Order 0.1 at the beginning of the month.


Everyone at St. Rudolph’s College nodded.

Including moon watching, St. Rudolph’s College has a total of 8 players who are elected.

They are Nomura Kyo, Kisarazu Jun, Yanasawa Shinya, Akasawa Yoshiro, Nomura Takuya, Domoto Ki, and Ida Kaminori.

With so many people, Ajiujin’s sharpness has to be smoothed out.

“Caojian-senpai, Suwo-senpai, wait for Saint Rudolph’s men to finish, and I will invite you to play.”

Said Kusami Iname and Soga Iname, who was a junior member of the junior high school on the side of Toujiro Saeki.

Compared to him, Kisarazu Ryo, Kiyoshihiko, Kuroba Harukaze, and Soto Kan, these national first players.

Although Kusannabei and Suga Iname are not very strong, they have extremely rich experience in combat and can effectively wear down the opponent’s stamina and prepare for subsequent victory.

“Well, we will definitely go all out!”

Kuobingbing Weiming and Suga Iname nodded solemnly.

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