Magus Tech

Vol 2 Chapter 1177: Beg to die

  After a few hours of intermittent investigation, near dusk, Richard stopped at a common hill in the mountain.

   Rao is supported by a short staff of energy storage, at this time his source of law is also slightly empty, and his face is a little tired.

   However, his eyes were very bright, staring sharply at the stepped position under his feet.

  In his field of vision, there is a channel that slopes downward and leads to the mountainside at a distance of more than ten meters.

   Found it? This is where the grave of the real wizard Thangka is?

   Or, is it the entrance of another place?

   However, it is just a fantasy, doomed to have no answer, what is it, it is clear to explore.

OK then.

  Richard's expression condensed, and he made a decision in his heart. His eyes condensed with the light blue luster, and he patted the ground heavily with one hand.

   "Pap! Buzz!"

   The sound of the vibration sounded, with the ground as the center, and the cracks of the finger thickness quickly appeared in the surrounding soil.

  The cracks of the turtle spread and branched, and the number was increasing. The soil then shattered and almost became powder.

   "Brushed", a large piece of soil fell down like quicksand, revealing a black hole entrance of a black hole a dozen meters underground.

  Richard did not hesitate, and quickly fell down. The whole body produced golden energy for protection, opened the "One Armor" state, and stepped into the Yongdao.

   stepping on the finely crushed soil powder that slipped into the corridor, Licha kept moving forward while quickly moving forward. I don’t worry too much about the traps and guardian creatures that might exist.

  After all, after such a long period of research and growth, he has made great progress compared with before. Although he is still him, he will not be like the first exploration of the Black Spirit King's treasure on the East Coast. After three explorations, he was successful, and he was even injured and dying.

  He researched so many things and analyzed so many spells, not just for fun.

  Thinking like this, Richard stepped out in one step. After sliding his body in the air for more than ten meters, he fell heavily, and a strong impact was transmitted downward.

   Only listened to the sound of "Wola", and an arrow trap hidden on the ground of Yongdao was completely destroyed before it was launched.

  After doing this, Richard's expression did not change, and he continued on.

   One step, two steps, three steps...

  After taking three steps, he slightly slowed down, frowning and looking deep into the corridor.

   The sound of "簌簌" sounded, getting closer and closer. Under the action of the night vision spell, Li Cha clearly saw dozens of multi-legged reptiles resembling a serpentine appearing and crawled towards him.

   Each snail is about half a meter long, and the outer shell is black like ink, which is definitely not a thing.

   However, Richard did not observe too carefully, but simply glanced a few times to determine the strength level of the other party. With a wave of hands, dozens of blood-red energy spears condensed in front of him, and then released.

   "Boo! Boo! Boo!"

   "Boom! Boom! Boom!"

  Dozens of "blood spears" flew out and exploded quickly. The **** energy was like splashing water, which covered all the giant snake bodies.

   saw the giant scorpion like a collective fall into the boiling oil pan, his body curled up violently, and most of them collapsed into a mass, and there was no breath.

  Very few of them have strong vitality and are still struggling, trying to stumble and attack.

  Richard looked at it, without any mercy, with a wave of his hand, several "blood spears" flew out and landed precisely on the tenacious scorpions, killing them by name.

   So, within seconds of the emergence of the giant zigzag, the entire Yongdao returned to calm again.

   There was no fluctuation in Richard's face, and he stepped on the giant corpse and walked deeper into the corridor. In his view, with enough research methods, it is normal to find out what dangers to solve in the process of exploring the grave.

  After all, Thangka's grave is much lower than the treasure of the Black Spirit on the East Coast.


   footsteps echoed, not long after Richard went to the end of Yongdao, with a broad view, stepped into a huge cave.

It should be in the real mountain belly now... It should not be too far away from the real tomb... If it goes well, maybe you can get the clues left by the blood wizard Soros and the Thangka tomb before the end of the evening. ... Richard thinks.

   As soon as I thought of this, I heard the sound of "簌簌". Two black pythons with a length of five or six meters didn't know where they came from, so they approached and bit him quickly.

   The second batch of guardian creatures... Trouble... Not a little long... Licha raised her eyebrows without raising her hands in a wordy manner.


   waved his hand and saw a flash of light flash in front of him. In a moment, there were more than a dozen rounds of miniature spell tracking missiles under test being removed from the space iron ring, activated, and whistled out.

   Seeing with naked eyes, two black pythons approached fiercely and marched to the middle, with their mouths open and a sound of demonstrations about to be made, and they were very "blended" on their faces by a dozen miniature spell-tracking missiles.

   "Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang..."

  Miniature spell-tracking missiles exploded successively, making a series of sounds, but there was no flame and explosion, just a blue flash of light.

   Two black pythons seemed to be strongly hit by the flash of blue light. The body twisted violently and became twisted in a moment, very painful.

   The miniature spell tracking missile just launched is a miniature spirit spell tracking missile that Richard is still experimenting with. It has little physical lethality, but it can cause extremely powerful damage to the spirit, and is specially developed for creatures.

  It seems that the miniature spirit spell tracking missile in the experiment is very effective against two black pythons. After the two black pythons were attacked, the struggling movement became slower and slower, and after a dozen seconds, they simply did not move at all.


  Richard glanced at it, and the thought flashed in his head, then he looked away, showing a contemptuous smile.

On the surface, the two black pythons are indeed dead, but in his induction, the breath of life in the two black pythons still exists, the mana fluctuations are also increasing, and the spirit may be a little chaotic, but it has never arrived. The degree of death.

  In other words, two black pythons are pretending to be dead.

Is    clever? Is this ready to launch a sneak attack when he walks forward?

   It's a pity... I chose the wrong I want to pretend to die, it is better to help you and let you die.

  Licha's eyelids were raised, his hands were raised at the same time, dozens of lights flashed in front of him, and a large number of miniature spirit spell tracking missiles in the experiment were taken out and activated together.

   "Brush, brush, brush..."

   A swarm of tiny spirit spell tracking missiles whistled and flew towards the dead black python.

   The black python realized that its trap had been seen, and hurriedly raised its head, preparing to escape and dodge, but it was too late.

   "Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang..."

  The number of mini-spiritual spell tracking missiles that surpassed the previous number exploded in succession, and a mass of blue light directly flooded the bodies of the two black pythons, and at the same time completely destroyed the spirits of the two black pythons.

   "Boom! Boom!"

   After a while, two sounds sounded, and the heads of the two black pythons fell heavily on the ground. During Richard's induction, all of their vital indicators were sharply reduced, and eventually dropped to zero.

   This time is really dead.

   Seeking benevolence, begging for death

   "Very good." Richard nodded and stepped over the body of the black python, moving forward.



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