Magus Tech

Vol 2 Chapter 1161: Last chance

I saw that Richard had finished preparing his spell, and his whole body was wrapped in a circle of silvery white light. As soon as he raised his hand, the silver-white light quickly gathered towards the palm, and finally condensed into a silver-white hexagonal snowflake over ten centimeters in size.


Richard said, the sound was very small, but in a strange power, it echoed through the entire underground space, and even penetrated into the surrounding soil.

As soon as these words came out, the temperature of the whole space dropped suddenly, just like being in the snow in the winter night.

No, it's ten times or hundred times colder than that.

In the icy coldness, Richard pointed the "Hexagonal Snowflake" in his hand at Noan.


The hexagonal snowflake instantly became like a passage to the unknown world, and a very strong wind blew out. The wind was endlessly cold, mixed with thousands of finely divided ice crystals and snowflakes, like a white python whistling and crashing. On Noan.

In just one second, Noan felt that his whole body was stiff and his soul was frozen.

He gritted his teeth to squeeze the mana in his body, warming his body and resisting the cold, but it was useless under the blowing of the cold snow and ice, and his body continued to become stiff and his temperature continued to drop.


Noan roared, feeling that his body was losing control a little bit, and with a cruel heart, he released a violent fire spell, which caused the whole body to burn a blazing flame, and the temperature reached thousands of degrees.

As a result, as soon as the flame appeared, the sound of "poo" was blown out by the cold wind of ice and snow, and then more coldness wrapped his body.

One second, two seconds, three seconds...

Noan felt that his feet had lost consciousness, then his legs, arms, torso, and then his neck.

In the end, he was like an ice sculpture frozen in place, and only one head could barely move.

At this time, Richard slowly lowered his hand and terminated the spell.

"This ice spell was obtained when I collected the blood spell. It is an ordinary four-ring spell. It was simply improved after I analyzed it." Li Cha said with a voice, while speaking to the promise of losing his power. Ann approached, "Its power is not strong and preparation time is still long, but it has a strong binding effect, which is just used in the present to calm you down."

"Calm down? What do you do to calm down, do you run away?" Noan said hardly, with a bad tone.

"Don't go to extremes like this," Richard said. "From a certain point of view, you can also be a collaborator of mine. You are really proficient in blood spells, and very talented. And I, besides proficient in blood spells. In addition, he is proficient in many other spells, even the source of the spell, and working with me is beneficial to you."

"I know, you are very dissatisfied now, but you are dissatisfied. You have to be dissatisfied. As I said before, I have also been dissatisfied with others. Then I exploded a volcano, destroyed a city, and killed Hundreds and thousands of wizards tragically won.

Now you, in front of me, have no such qualifications. You are indeed excellent, talented, and ambitious, but these things have not undergone qualitative changes. It is a wise choice to lower your posture. "

Noan was silent, as if thinking seriously.

Taking a deep breath, Richard looked at Noan seriously: "Well, I will give you one last chance now. As long as you are willing to succumb, I will let go of you and guarantee you a better future, how? "

"I..." Noan said.

"Huh?" Richard moved closer.

"I killed you!" Nuoan's eyes widened and roared, his tongue spit out, strangely extended, and the end gave birth to an exporter, even like a poisonous snake biting Li Cha.

Richard's eyes were sharp, and he shot with lightning. A thick golden energy covered his arms. The "One Armor State" opened, grabbing Noan's tongue directly, and then snapped off.

Noan also tried to bite, the muscles on his face twisted wildly, as if to mutate.

Richard looked at it and stretched out one hand, strangling Noan's jaw.

Noan stared at Richard, his eyes were red, and his eyes were a little crazy.

Richard is very calm, calm and Noan looked at each other for a few seconds.

"It seems that you really don't want to cooperate with me. Well, I will fulfill you." Richard said, turning his hand, there was a tube of purple-red medicine in his hand, which was directly inserted into the mouth of Noan's tongue, Then forcibly close the other person's mouth and slap the other person's cheek.

With a clatter, I heard the medicine bottle inside broke, and the medicine flowed out and quickly entered Noan's body.

The pharmacodynamic response was extremely fast, and I saw that Noan was still struggling, and suddenly his eyes glared, and his cheeks obviously "thinned" down. The whole portrait was immersed in acid, and pieces of flesh fell off the face, and even the bones were melted. This trend quickly spread to the frozen body below.

But for a moment, Noan was like a snowman under the hot sun, melting away into a thick pool of blood-red liquid on the ground and dying cleanly.


Barry jumped out of the corner, looking a little stunned, his eyes excited and frightened, and asked aloud, "Dead?"

"Dead." Richard looked back at Barry and replied, "He died very thoroughly."


The medicine used just now is a special medicine developed by using blood energy extraordinary factor, and the name is called "zeroing medicine". Unlike "little incontinence agent", "big incontinence agent", "improved three-type mana antagonist", its priority is only a little lower than "repair elixir" its mechanism of action is aimed at The direct attack of the cell makes a life completely die from the cell level. No matter how strong the repair ability is, it is useless unless it can be transformed into cancer cells and add value indefinitely.

The medicament is specifically designed to target an existence like Rommel, which has the ability to recover from the sky. Every time the province encounters it, it takes six months.

Now, as a semi-finished product that is still being improved, it is used in Noan, but it has a more prominent effect.

It should be possible to continue along the established direction... Li Cha thought, glanced at the bar, and saw that the other party was still stunned, and asked aloud, "Why, are you surprised by the death of your brother?"

"Uh, no, I just thought that you have to fight for him again." Barry said, "I know the **** guy better. He was so crazy in the end, indicating that he was a little unconfident in his heart. Trying to hit him a few times, maybe he will really succumb. Of course, it’s best to die."

"Yeah, it turned out he was about to succumb... but it's not necessary anymore." Li Cha said lightly, "I said, give him the last chance, that is the last chance, don't blame me if he didn't catch it, After all, I don't have much time, energy and energy.

Although I am more optimistic about him, it is not necessary for him to submit. He may be excellent, but not the only one. I can give him preferential treatment, which is in exchange for his own abilities. When these preferential treatments are exhausted, and he continues to not cooperate, he can only die.

In other words, his ability may be stronger than you, but his strength is still limited. Maybe it surprised me, but I was not moved, and it was far from the level that made me violate the principle. "

Barry: "..."

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