Chapter 486: Why Are You?

He is really curious. Judging from the current situation, there is a pusher behind all this, and it has not appeared so far.

He is really curious about who the other party is!

The methods again and again exceeded his expectations, and now it is an altar that can gather the power of sentient beings and condense them into a level of rules.

Even more, through the sacrifice of his Karma, he was transformed into the altar, and completely penetrated into the high-dimensional world, but at the same time, it also used this to restrict him.

This is not suppression, but it is equivalent to suppression!

All the prehistoric creatures appeared, each looking at him complicatedly, and the last one to appear was a familiar character…Taiyi.

Taiyi carried the kingdom of Karma on his back, and he exuded a heavy aura. As soon as Fang appeared, the kingdom of Karma exploded and fell on all the creatures.


Karma fell, and in an instant, everyone died.

Can’t bear such Karma!

Duobao was moved and looked at them a little puzzled.

It’s all reached this level, and he didn’t resist. The matter has been settled. They have all won. Why is this still happening?

As soon as Fang Taiyi appeared, he immediately killed everyone.

Death, death will spread, and become the sea of ​​Death.

Taiyi looked at Duobao, disappeared, and died!

Duobao opened his mouth and was speechless. It is certain that Taiyi is not behind the scenes. Although his growth has exceeded his expectations, it is not enough, and it is not enough to support him to do all that he sees now.

“There is still someone behind the scenes, he hasn’t shown up yet!”

Duobao’s breath surged, and as all the creatures who worshipped him died, the stolen power returned, and within a few breaths, he had recovered to his peak.

But he couldn’t get out of the altar, he had been completely penetrated into the high dimension, unable to break through, and even if he recovered his strength, he couldn’t step out.

“Who the hell is it!”

Duobao was really shocked. The other party was really cautious. It was the time, and he still didn’t show up. He became more and more curious.


Suddenly, the power in the body surged and a vision appeared.

Looking down, all the returning power suddenly turned into a chain of black shackles, moving vertically and horizontally, from the inside to the outside, blocking everything he had.

The state that had just been restored was locked for an instant.

At this moment, Duobao felt that he had really become a mud-carved wood-plastic, and he was firmly locked on the altar. He could do nothing but give back to the worshippers’ sacrifices.


With a thought, I immediately understood the whole story.

Taiyi’s movements are not for nothing.

Sacrifice requires a price, and to obtain power from him, they also need to pay.

But when people die and debts are eliminated, Taiyi kills everyone, including himself, then all the price disappears, and, at the cost of their death, they add shackles to the sacrificial power they have obtained, turning it into the power of backlash, and turn around. , Backlash his master, turned into a chain, locked him firmly.

“Awesome, wonderful!”

Dubao couldn’t help but admire. After he figured it out, he was also amazed and admired.

This kind of plan, this kind of action, it’s really amazing!

“I really want to know who has devised such a powerful plan!”

The thought just came out, and he didn’t let him wait for long. It seemed that the other party’s methods were exhausted, and the final behind-the-scenes man finally appeared in the dead Qi Sea ocean.

He was dressed in black, with loose hair, holding a black and white chessboard in his hand, and staring at Duo Bao with a silent look in his eyes.


Dubao couldn’t help but exclaimed in surprise.

That person was indeed Fuxi.

“How could it be you?”

He had guessed about the black hand behind all this. The two Western Sages, Shizu, Luo Hu, and even his master and uncle, have all guessed, but he did not expect it to be Fuxi!

Fuxi wasn’t even Sage, and he couldn’t even rank among the great powers.

Although the strength is strong, it is nothing more than that!

Such a big plan involves the past, present, and future three major time and space, and it also involves all living creatures. With the entire prehistoric world, endless living creatures, set this chess game…the scheming and the depth of calculation are unimaginable!

If I really want to talk about it, I feel that Shizu Hongjun is more appropriate!

How could it be Fuxi!

“Yes, Brother Bao, it’s me, didn’t you expect it?” Fuxi looked at Duo Bao who was locked up, and let out a long sigh: “We finally meet again.”

Duobao looked at Fuxi in surprise: “You do all of this?”

“Yes.” Fuxi nodded, looking at this person who had watched her grow up since childhood, sad, happy, unspeakable: “Brother Bao, you are too strong and your character is too unstable. For Hong Huang, your existence is, Is the biggest variable.”

“So, are you going to move me?” Dobo blinked.

I still remember that he was separated from Fuxi not long ago. He was still an underage child, well-behaved and sensible. In the blink of an eye, he grew up, and he was calculated.

It feels like…how to put it, it’s amazing.

Fuxi in front of him was very mature, breathtaking, and extremely powerful, but in his eyes, he always felt that he was still the child who hadn’t grown up, or the little guy who called his brother Bao in a tender voice.

If there is a bear child in this world, I am afraid that this guy will be the biggest bear child!

“No, because of Little Sister.” Fuxi suddenly burst into bloodshot eyes, staring into Duobao’s eyes, angry and sad: “Brother Bao, what the hell did you do to me, Little Sister?”

Duobao: “…”

Little Sister? Nuwa?

What’s up with her?

Isn’t she good?

Seeking the way through the sky, good fortune, Nuwa has found the road to conceptual Sage, and is moving forward steadily, developing very well. How could Fuxi ask such a question?

“Huh?” Thinking, he suddenly realized something was wrong.

Fuxi’s current strength is not bad, with the power of the rule altar, he has the power of the rule Sage.

Moreover, based on the calculations he showed before, Nuwa, a small Sage who is pursuing the power of conceptual Sage, shouldn’t he be able to escape Fuxi’s calculations?

No, to be precise, Fuxi will be able to discover the true situation of Nuwa after the strength is reached.

It’s not difficult, he didn’t hide it specially!

How did it feel that Fuxi didn’t know it until now?

“You…don’t know?” Duobao guessed, he had an idea in his heart, and he still needed to be sure.

“If I know, can I still ask you?” Fuxi slowly became irritable. When he mentioned Nuwa, his emotions could easily get out of control, and he was not like a big boss who calculated everything.

Sister control, this is definitely the strongest sister control!

Duobao was a little speechless. It felt as if Fuxi did all this because he thought he had calculated Nuwa, so he shot himself?

Just because of this?

Emotional Fuxi is not only the biggest bear child in the prehistoric age, but also the most senior sister-in-law!

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