Chapter 484: Civilization Scroll

“Lose?” Duobao chuckled, “It looks like you are floating!”


With a low cry, in front of him, a picture scroll flew out, mountains, rivers, sun, moon and stars were all there, countless creatures looming, surrounded by the air of time and space.

“This is?” Nanjizi suddenly widened his eyes.

Beside, a ripple appeared, and Suiren stepped out of it, his face was ugly, he felt the aura on the scroll, his face became even more ugly, and he said in shock: “Civilization!”

With no special suppression by Dubao, he finally broke away from the hope and despair Samsara, completely reborn, with great strength.

However, he was not happy, his eyes staring like copper bells, staring at the picture scroll, on which he felt the atmosphere of civilization, very familiar.

“Great!” The pride in Nanjizi’s eyes disappeared, replaced by dignity, and the content on the picture scroll gradually became clear. The endless creatures were the prehistoric creatures, and in the faint, he seemed to see Karma implicated.

He turned his head abruptly, looked at the wild creatures who had been endowed with endless life by himself, his expression changed.

“Honghuang…” Duobao whispered softly, as if whispering, his voice was not loud, but it fell clearly in everyone’s ears.

The crowd around the audience who didn’t know what was going on, but didn’t understand much, suddenly looked at the creatures above the river of hope.

It can be seen that the aura on their bodies is gradually connected to the picture scroll. The light and fluttering, not big picture scroll seems to cover the entire ancient civilization, the past, the present, and the future.

The entire prehistoric world, endless creatures, seems to be just the characters on this picture scroll, the scenery is just like.

“Picture scroll? Are we just the characters in the painting?”

Everyone was shocked, and there was an unimaginable sense of absurdity, and there was a trace of truth in the absurdity.

The sense of reality keeps deepening, slowly rushing away from the absurd in my heart, the illusion is becoming real, and the reality is changing to the illusion.

Their own cognition and worldview were distorted by the small picture scroll, and slowly, they really felt that they were not actually a real person, but just a villain on the picture scroll.

“Twist the will!”

The crowd was horrified and looked at Duobao dumbfounded, shocked and unspeakable.

They know that all this is false, they are real, but this kind of cognition is constantly being washed away, and the source is exactly a picture scroll.

“Big Brother!” someone shouted in surprise.

Antarctica’s complexion turned pale, the golden wheel of life turned rapidly, life was passing by, and the golden peach in his hand slowly faded.

His endless life span is being suppressed and being swallowed.

The life span, which was already incalculable, was suppressed by the force of the picture scroll.

It’s not like cursing yellow grass to reduce life span, it’s more domineering and more terrifying than that.

Lifespan is still endless, but the level is different, from reality to illusion, from high-dimensional to low-dimensional…Endless lifespan is becoming something on paper.

If he wants to resist, he really wants to be knocked out of the dimension, no matter how long his life is, it is useless!

It’s just that the power of the scroll is too strong to resist. He tried his best without blocking one minute and a second. The force of the scroll is still constantly impacting. The endless life span, including the entire prehistoric and endless creatures, is being affected by that. Strength, the picture rolls up.

Antarctica is stupid, unbelievable, unbelievable!

He was full of self-confidence and thought he was going to eat it!

He also has enough self-confidence. After all, the life, hope, and desperate Samsara is so powerful and perfect that it can’t be broken at all!

But he never expected that such a perfect Samsara could be cracked like this, unimaginable, incomprehensible, but it is a fact!

Suiren opened his mouth wide, and looked at everything in front of him in shock. Everything he could see was quickly fading into black and white.

The strength of oneself is not diminished, but the essence is constantly changing.


In the void, there was a tremor, and a huge palace flew out from one side, and above the palace, the three big characters [Temple of the Gods] appeared impressively.

The palace flew into the picture scroll, countless powerful gods, looming, divine grace like the sea, supernatural power like prison, extremely powerful, but turned into paper tigers, lacking a bit of reality!

That infinitely powerful god, without even making the slightest resistance, was thrown into the picture scroll. On the contrary, it was an ordinary creature, which could still exist at this time and was still resisting.

“Is it false?” Nanjizi looked at the temples in the picture scroll, and a clear enlightenment rose in his heart.

When he saw the gods before, he was a little shocked. These divine residences, one by one, are extremely powerful, but they always feel that something is missing, and there is a feeling of being strong on the outside and empty on the inside!

However, after a few battles, they found that their strength was not imaginary, powerful and terrifying, but that emptiness has always existed in their minds. After searching for a long time, they did not find the source.

Now it seems that he understands!

It turns out that these divine residences are really virtual, and their essential differences and lack are the manifestations of virtuality.

To put it simply, they were originally the characters in the painting, lacking reality, and only under the support of unknown forces, they turned the fiction into reality.

However, because the power does not belong to them, it is an external force, so it gives them such a feeling.

“Unknown power…big brother!” Nanjizi’s eyes were shocked, suddenly, relieved.

Worthy of being a big brother, sure enough, even if he communicates with the future, he is far from an opponent.

“Big brother, you won this round.” Nanjizi looked down at the golden peach in his hand. At this time, he couldn’t call it a golden peach, but rather a white peach.

The golden color faded completely, just representing his life span now that he has been knocked down.

As soon as he finished speaking, the whole person turned into a white light and flew into the picture scroll.

Everyone’s eyes fell on Duobao’s body, shocked inexplicably, then, Qi Qi turned into a ray of light and flew into the picture scroll.


Duobao raised his hand, took off the picture scroll, and looked down. Everyone appeared in it and turned into a painting.

“Prehistoric civilization!”

The picture scroll is the supernatural power of space rules civilization produced after he regularizes the power of space, which can incorporate all civilizations into it.

As long as it is civilized, there is no way to escape the containment of the picture scroll unless it truly reaches the realm of rules.

Nanjizi, Suirenshi, etc. joined forces, but they just touched the rules, but did not step into the rules, so they couldn’t resist!

In the starry sky, the silence was restored again, deathly quiet, without any movement, everything turned into a picture, knocking down the low-dimensional from the high-dimensional.

Holding the picture scroll in his hand, Duobao’s eyes were full of smiles. To be honest, this time, the power of everyone has already made him very satisfied.

He felt that it was time to tell the truth, their strength should have been exhausted, and the exam should be over.

“Yes, yes…” Shaking his hands, he was about to recover everyone, his hands hung in the air, and suddenly he stopped, his eyebrows flicked, revealing an unexpected color.

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