Chapter 478: Corpse

Breaking fate is what Dubao expects for them, and it is also a test for them, and they have failed!

The loser is not qualified to see him. It is not that he is cold-blooded. It is really… Is he the ordinary person, God can see?

Later, I found out that their survival plan did not help or stop them.

It’s okay for them to die, but their destiny is silent. When they are resurrected and wake up, their destiny will continue!

The power of destiny still traps them, unable to break through their destiny. Even if they appear in the wilderness, they are ultimately just like paper people on paper, suddenly walking into the real world, maybe some strength, but only a fire is needed. Burn them to ashes instantly.

“Father God!”

In the center of the world, at the very center of the mountain full of gods’ residences, a god’s residence with blazing flames on its brows, looked at Duobao with a complex complexion.

The most powerful in the world of the gods is not the Thunder King who controls the Thunder, and he is not even the top ten. This fire god who controls the flames is the real strongest.

“We finally saw you.”

Vulcan’s eyes were complicated, and he looked at Dubo carefully.

It is this person, the person in front of him who created their world and created them for their God Father.

They can be said to be his children, and the relationship between them should have been very good.

But this person, the existence they called the Father God, controlled the ending of their fall with one hand.

They were angry, resentful, puzzled, and grateful towards Duobao.

In any case, it is the person in front of you that will have their existence!

“You are resurrected, and a new era has begun, so in this era, can you break through your destiny?”

Duobao calmly looked at the gods, and said words that made the gods crazy.


The gods were in an uproar. They originally thought that when they saw the existence of this creation, even under his guidance, they would eventually fall, because of the virtue he created, they could remain calm and grateful.

However, they were wrong.

The person in front of me suddenly said something like that, in disguised acknowledgment that everything they had encountered before was all designed by him. Suddenly, his past experience, sadness, suffering, torture…etc., all Appeared in their minds, washed away their sanity, and brought anger in their eyes.

Suddenly, the little love in my heart is not so important, it is like a handful of withered grass, a spark, and it burns away.

“Good, good!” A raging flame ignited in Vulcan’s eyes, which seemed to be able to burn the sky, and the flame rushed out of his eyes and fell in front of him.

A little flame fell into the void, burned quickly, and with a crash, it turned into a huge sea of ​​flames.

The sea of ​​fire separated Vulcan and other divine residences from Duobao, the flames rushed, and the void was burned through. The surface of the world only persisted for a few moments, and then it was evaporated, and the laws that made up the world appeared and merged into the sea of ​​fire. The pillars of different laws.

The sound of crackling sounded, and the flames steamed. In the horrified eyes of the audience, the law was slowly melted by the flames and turned into nourishment. The fire was bigger and more powerful. Unconsciously, many people who were close to each other were facing Retreat behind.

The flame was too fierce, it had surpassed the law, surpassed Sage.

“It’s really them!”

Di Jun’s heart was shocked, and a horror flashed across his eyes, fixedly looking at the side of the sea of ​​fire, slowly calming down the gods.

At first, when the gods first appeared, they were shocked because of their strength. Later, they discovered that there seemed to be something lacking in them, which led to huge defects in themselves, and their strength was far from what they showed. Compared with the momentum.

If you really want to fight, even if it is the strongest among them, the god king who claims to have completely stepped into the realm behind the realm of Sage, they have no way to deal with it.

To put it simply, in the same Realm and the same strength, they can crush the gods. Therefore, the shock to them has been reduced again and again. After being familiar with them, now, there is nothing more.

It’s just a fake Realm, it’s too flawed to get done!

But now… he had to change his own thoughts, cognitions, just because of all this in front of him.

The power of the sea of ​​fire has surpassed Sage, and may have reached the second step of Sage. Even the laws can be melted. With his current strength, if he enters the sea of ​​fire, I am afraid that it will not be able to support more than those laws. Long!

“What is that?” Suddenly, someone said in shock, his voice trembling, full of shock, as if he had seen something incredible.

When everyone heard the sound, they looked over, their eyes widened unconsciously!


In the sea of ​​fire, the law was melted, and a huge golden palace slowly rose from it, with greater power and momentum. Just looking at it brought tremendous pressure to them.


Looking at the palace, the onlookers swallowed unconsciously, and a trace of fear flashed in their eyes…this was instinct.

“This must have reached the second step of Sage!” someone trembled.

If it was said that the strength of the sea of ​​fire just made them estimate that it might have reached the second step of Sage, but not certain, then now, the palace rising in the sea of ​​fire can already be confirmed by them, it is definitely The strength of Sage’s second step!

Duobao’s eyes condensed slightly, and he looked at the huge palace in the sea of ​​fire with interest, with some surprises and some small surprises: “Huh, there is this kind of operation?”

He also didn’t expect that the gods after the resurrection would have such methods.

“Concept Sage.”

The palace in the sea of ​​fire has indeed reached the level of the concept Sage, and the concept was born. He looked at it carefully, and his eyes became more unexpected: “Huh?”

Can’t help but make a sound of surprise again, because the concept contained in the palace is not the fire in guessing, but… the corpse, yes, it is not the death, it is the corpse.


He had seen this concept for the first time. Although the concept was all strange, the concept of the corpse still exceeded his expectations.

“Father God, let’s call you Father God one last time.” Vulcan took a mansion of gods, and a strong will of death gradually appeared on his body, rushing into the void, and the temperature dropped rapidly, forming a death extremity.

“You created us, but you also destroyed us. We can’t guess what you think, but the next strike is our counterattack against you. You… don’t die!”

Vulcan said quietly, talking about terrifying things in a homely tone.

After speaking, Vulcan stepped into the sea of ​​flames. The moment he stepped into the sea of ​​flames, the breath on his body completely disappeared. In his eyes, the pupils disappeared, completely occupied by the whites of his eyes, like a corpse.

The flame burned on the body, and it soon burned to ashes, turned into a black gas, and floated toward the Great Hall.

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