Chapter 475 Sage

There are a total of three hundred and sixty-five such beads, which is the number of the universe.

Wow, three hundred and sixty-five Star-sized beads slammed together one by one in the palm of Dubao’s palm, and then they seemed to be stuck together. A huge sugar Calabash appeared in it.

“Dinghai God Orb, Junior Brother Gongming, don’t you show up yet!” Duobao grinned. These 365 Dinghai God Orbs were refined by him and given to Zhao Gongming, but now they are used by him to deal with himself. .


Accompanied by a roar, a cloud of golden-blue gas emerged from the three hundred and sixty-five Dinghai God Orbs, and the gas gathered on the top to form a huge figure that looked like a galaxy.

“Gongming see Big Brother!”

Zhao Gongming sounded like thunder, and the whole world was rumbling.

“He is Zhao Gongming?”

In the distance, King Lei and others stared at the scene in front of him dumbfounded, looking at the huge Milky Way Zhao Gongming, couldn’t help turning his head to look at the normal-sized Zhao Gongming next to him, shocked!

As if seeing his gaze, Zhao Gongming waved at him.

“What’s going on?” Lei Wang felt that Own’s mind was a little confused. How could the situation in front of him be so fantastic?

To be honest, as an existence beyond Sage, he is actually some people who look down on this world. Except for those who are far above them and reach the guessed God Emperor Realm, I see that everyone else is carrying A bird’s eye view from above.

In their eyes, the six great Sages were nothing, let alone the disciples of Sanqing.

In their hearts, Zhao Gongming and others have always regarded them as children of later generations. It is also because this battle requires all the forces to be assembled, and the hope is not great, so they are allowed to participate. Otherwise, at this level of battle, where are they? Can participate!

But now, they are all stupid!

That huge galactic figure, is it Zhao Gongming?

Judging from the aura, Zhao Gongming at this time was not much worse than them, and there was still a breath and power in him that they hadn’t had, and they had been looking for.

“Are they really younger brothers?” Lei Wang couldn’t help turning his head to look at Yuding.

This was the only Kunlun disciple they had seen before.

Yuding raised his head slightly, his eyes calm: “Of course, how low do you look at my Kunlun disciple?”

“Do you think I am the strongest among Kunlun disciples?”

King Thunder and even the other people around couldn’t help but nodded.

Is not it?

Yuding is obsessed with kendo, the purest kendo, has already reached the level of breaking Wanfa with one sword, even if they have to avoid the edge for a while, and they may not be able to avoid it.

Such strength is not considered the strongest among Kunlun disciples after Duobao is removed.

“Disciple Kunlun, I am a junior, and there are more than a dozen senior brothers and senior sisters on it.” Yu Ding just said this, but it made everyone horrified and shuddered.

Just kidding, this means that he is not even the top ten in Kunlun?

This is horrible!

What kind of monster is Kunlun, and how can there be so many monsters?

Everyone trembled inexplicably, and suddenly developed a deep sense of awe for Kunlun.

Dijun, Hou Tu, a few people together looked at Yuding, a smile flashed deep in their eyes.

Yuding does have more than a dozen senior brothers and sisters in Kunlun, but that doesn’t mean that his strength is the same, it’s just seniority.

The strength of Yuding is obvious to all, otherwise they would not be invited here.

This kind of strength may not be the strongest among Kunlun, it should also be among the top three, and the top ten must be the last time, otherwise it would be too bizarre.

Duobao frowned, looking at the huge Zhao Gongming, and said unhappy: “What are you doing so big, do you show off?”

He is only normal size, Zhao Gongming is so huge, it feels like he has become an ant, although it is not the case, but it is inexplicable, he clenched his fist.

Zhao Gongming’s huge eyelids the size of several stars flicked, and his body trembled: “Big brother and…”


Before he finished speaking, Duobao’s fist had already fallen, and he punched out, forming a miniature vortex before his fist.

The vortex was not big, but with incredible suction power, Zhao Gongming’s body was comparable to the Milky Way, and he was sucked in almost instantly, along with the three hundred and sixty-five Dinghai God Orbs.


Duobao fisted to the side, and Zhao Gongming, who had returned to his normal size, was thrown out.

Zhao Gongming’s eyes were confused, and he hadn’t reacted yet. A series of loud noises appeared out of thin air along with a pile of golden and blue beads, and fell on him, almost smashing him into a ball head.

“Big brother.”

Gong Zhao held a group of Dinghai God Orbs and looked at Duobao bitterly.

As for, is it so cruel?

I’m just getting started.

Didn’t you say good assessments?

Since it’s an assessment, isn’t it because I was asked to fully demonstrate my own means and then do it again?

Did you do it from the beginning?

It’s like an exam. Just after the test paper is issued, the name of own is written down, and the invigilator is about to collect the paper!

This is really outrageous!

“Ahem.” Duobao rolled his eyes and coughed twice: “Well, you passed this time.”

Zhao Gongming was taken aback, then overjoyed, he got up numbly, his face no longer dissatisfied.

Although the process was simple, the result was gratifying, and he was very satisfied.

Out of the corner of Duobao’s eyes, he glanced at Zhao Gongming and squinted slightly: “Time and space…”

This Zhao Gongming’s strength is not normal, at this moment, his strength should not be able to reach such strength.

Even with the three hundred and sixty-five Dinghai God Orbs he refined, he didn’t dare to have such strength.

This is comparable to Sage, and, in him, there is still a vague way, a way that can be established.

It’s just that he hasn’t established it yet…It’s also because of this Dao that he has such strength.

In him, there is a breath of time and space, obviously, this is his power in the future!

Relying on Zhao Gongming’s own power, it is difficult to spur the future self at this time, to spur the future own power, someone will help him!

Duobao secretly figured out in his heart, no accident, there was power to interfere, and he found nothing.

He looked at the fellow juniors and younger sisters on the opposite side. In the same way, he saw the same feeling as Zhao Gongming in them. They have already moved the future self, and their strength has increased greatly. Than Sage.

“Can they achieve such strength in the future?”

Duobao was really pleasantly surprised and surprised, and it was really worthwhile for them to reach such a level in the future.

It’s just that in the future, even he will not be able to cross, what kind of power is there behind these people to make them do this?

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