Chapter 471: Mobilizing the World of Gods

In the darkness, there were too many figures, almost all of them caught up with the number of Lich races.

The thought came out, but he didn’t get Heavenly Dao’s response. A force of power blocked his connection with Heavenly Dao.

Vaguely, he actually felt that the power was still a bit familiar.

“can not be reached?”

Dobo paused and laughed, things seemed to be getting more and more interesting.

In the darkness, a terrifying force suddenly appeared.

“Dobo… let’s go together!”

Tai Yi, who was full of black aura, walked out, his eyes were full of black light, and he waved at Duobao.

The power of confusion appeared beyond the law. If it was Sage, it would have been lost at this time.

“Duobao, you and I are brothers.” Seeing Duobao unmoved, Tai started to play emotional cards, and said sadly: “It’s so cold here, so yin, I’m so hard by myself, come with me. ”

Facing Tai Yi who was crying out of sorrow, Dubao didn’t know why, he didn’t feel gloomy and horrible, but he wanted to laugh a little.

What the hell does this inexplicable horror theater feel?


He couldn’t help but laughed out loud.

Suddenly, the atmosphere broke, and Taiyi froze in place.

“Sorry, I didn’t mean it.” Duobao said with a serious expression, “You can continue.”

“Such a thing, would you even find it funny?”

Taiyi put down his hand: “The two families of Lich are all dead because of you.”

“Such a result, you even laughed out.”

“The strangest thing is that I don’t even think it’s weird.”

“After all, that’s you… and you are heartless.”


The words fell, the darkness broke out, the huge frenzy, the endless wind and waves, instantly condensed, and rushed towards Duobao.

When Duobao thought, a dim light appeared around his body. The next moment was swept by a huge wave of darkness and disappeared in an instant.


The darkness swept through, rolled back and turned into a coffin, Tai Yi’s hand was still on the coffin, expressionless.

“How is it?” Di Jun asked anxiously, “Is he dead?”

Tai Yi shook his head: “It’s just trapped. Although his strength is as we thought, it is extremely powerful, and it is impossible to speculate. With the coffin of civilization, he cannot be killed or even injured.”

“That…” Di Jun frowned.

“It’s just trapped him temporarily, and it won’t last long. The future plan needs to continue.” Taiyi said.

Di Jun was taken aback for a moment, then nodded: “If this is the case, then go ahead.”

After the words fell, in the world, naturally there was a change, and ten huge figures suddenly appeared, standing on top of the earth, standing in the world.

They are so big that the world seems to be unable to accommodate their existence.

The murmurs that couldn’t hear the specific meaning sounded, vicissitudes and ancient times, it seemed to sound from the years.

The initial voice was vague, low, and gradually, there were countless murmurs from unknown places, resounding through the stars with inexplicable power.

That whisper can finally be heard clearly, it is a sacrificial text.

Sacrifice to ancestors, sacrifice to the devil, sacrifice…the sacrifice of the dead.

The sacrificial text carries the cold power, converges into sea water, and heads to the coffin in Tai Yi’s hand.

The sacrificial sound became louder and louder, and the ten huge figures in the world gradually became clear.

It is the ten great ancestor witches!

They carry ancient, vicissitudes, and powerful strengths, and they are in an array to communicate with the powerful existence in the future…Creation God Pangu!

The power of Pangu fell, turned into a mini axe, mixed in the sacrificial text, and headed towards the coffin.


Accompanied by a crisp sound, the axe fell on the coffin and turned into a relief, Tai Yi released his palm, glanced at everyone, and turned his body into a pure black Golden Crow.

The body is flying, what is surging is not the real fire of the sun, but the endless death.

“Next, I’ll leave it to you.”

The Golden Crow of Taiyi Institute flew towards the coffin, under the small axe, holding the axe, it also turned into a relief.

Dijun looked sad and looked behind the ancestral witches: “Lei King, it’s up to you to do it.”

King Lei responded with inexplicable eyes, looking at the dark coffin: “You created us and controlled us.”

“You underestimate human nature. No one wants to be controlled by others all the time. People yearn for freedom.”

“It’s the same for us…”

“Father… I’m sorry!”

Lei Wang whispered, beckoning suddenly, his figure dissipated in the same place and turned into a sea of ​​thunder.

The thunder roared, and the shaking world kept trembling, as if it could not bear such a force, The next moment was about to shatter.

Fortunately, after all, it was not broken. In the sea of ​​thunder, a passage was opened, and the endless richness flowed out of it.

“Universe Star Dou Great Array!” Hetu Luoshu appeared in Di Jun’s hand, and the light in it turned into countless stars and fell on everyone.

In an instant, everyone regained the power of action, and they formed a large array without saying a word.

The power of the large array condenses into a huge Galaxy Cluster, which penetrates into the sea of ​​thunder and turns into a road, connected to the channel at one end and the coffin at the other.

Death seems to be paint. After falling into the coffin, the coffin that was originally like black charcoal suddenly became darker, and the aura in it was even more terrifying.

After a short time, Di Jun’s expression changed: “It’s the limit, we can’t bear it anymore!”

He looked at the passage in the thunder ocean, surprised and shocked.

He knew the world of the gods, and knew that there was the death aura of the gods after their fall, but he didn’t expect that with their strength, after forming the Universe Star Dou formation, he would not be able to withstand how long!

It’s just how long it takes to reach the limit.

Then, he suddenly thought of a question, the world of gods was created by Duobao.

They can only endure the death aura of the world of the gods alone…Although they have made a lot of preparations and have countless backs, can they really get a lot of treasures?

You know, he is in a different state now. He has surpassed Sage. Although he has not reached the next level of Sage, it is not much worse.

Under his control, the Universe Star Fighting Array can only perform like this…

“Still underestimated!”

“What to do?” Di Jun was very anxious.

The lifelessness of the world of the gods is a very important method in their plan. It is necessary to deal with Duobao. They must fully bear the power in it and use its strength to reinforce the coffin to ensure that Duobao is always trapped.

It’s just that, so far, his power has reached its limit, it is difficult to continue, and everyone else has their own things to do and can’t pull hands.

“How could this happen?” Di Jun gritted his teeth and planned everything, but he didn’t expect that there would be a problem in his link.

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