Chapter 469 The farce should end

“You plan to use this method to deal with me?” Duobao asked with a smile: “It seems a little insufficient, right?”

To be honest, this lineup is not bad, the high-level human race has gone through many battles for many hours, and there are many quasi-sages.

The big demon outside, the god-tier, is made of the luck and authority of the protagonist of heaven and earth. It is even more contaminated with Xiao Hong’s power. It is strange and powerful, more powerful than the human race.

The two sides unite, and their strength is not to be underestimated by any force in the prehistoric, but for him, it is really weak.

“of course not.”

It wasn’t Chao Shi who answered the question, but an unfamiliar and familiar voice.

Duobao turned his head, outside the house, countless big demons, the position of god-tier quietly changed, each with mysteriousness, and each other formed a big formation.

In the center of the big array, a black and gold three-legged Golden Crow flies high, full of strong and powerful solar fire.

Yin & Yang Sun’s real fire is extremely strong, and every real sun fire perfectly shows the power of the law of fire.

That is to say, the power of the sun’s real fire is contained, otherwise, if you really want to let go, this world can be destroyed by it.

“Di Jun?”

Duobao raised his eyebrows, a little surprised: “It turned out to be you? You came out?”

Sweeping his eyes, the big demon and god-tier formed the universe star battle array, and through their authority, they condense the power of this world. Together, the power has surpassed Sage, and it is a great surpass. , Almost reaching the concept of Sage.

With such a lineup, even if the Six Saints meet, they must die!

It’s really not that small, but he doesn’t understand that Dijun’s strength Ascension is at this level. The key is, how did he come out?

Shouldn’t he be in the dark?

The Black Territory was completely closed after the Lich Clan entered, and unless he got his mark, it would be basically impossible to return to the prehistoric land again.

“Duobao…it’s time.” Di Jun’s voice was cold.

Duobao was curious: “What’s the time?”

“You are still so careless.” Di Jun shook his head: “It’s time to calculate the account between us.”

“My monster clan is in charge of Tianwei, and I am the Lord of Heaven. How strong it is. Because of you, we have to go through bloody battles and watch our own comrades die one by one.”

“You count my two races of Lich and Human race, even your junior brothers and younger sisters, you are all calculating, Dubao…Are you really inhumane?”

Duobao blinked, calculating the Lich races and the Human races. He admits all of these, but calculating Junior Brother, Junior Sister…When did he do this?

He thinks, is there any misunderstanding between the two of them?

“With so many calculations, you really won’t be tired, won’t you hurt?”

“We used to… but friends!” Di Jun couldn’t help asking loudly.

“Friend?” Duobao touched his chin, and suddenly grinned, showing neat white teeth: “What is that? Can you eat it?”

Now that they all think so, it seems that there is no need to clarify for the time being… I wonder what they have prepared for themselves.

This kind of feeling like opening a blind box is really a bit superior.

Dijun, the Universe Star Dou formation has come out, what else will be behind?

I always feel inexplicably looking forward to it!

“Eat…” Di Jun was stunned, choked, and looked at Duo Bao for a long time, finally letting go of the last thought in his heart.

“It seems that you really have no feelings. In that case, don’t blame us!”


The universe star battle array is running, countless stars appear, the secret is numb.

The Chao family and other human races disappeared instantly, being dragged away by the force of the big formation.

Only Duobao was left on the spot for a moment!

The huge Star fell, tracing the void, forming a white line.

Duobao moved his body and wanted to move a little bit. He suddenly discovered that the power of the big formation had surrounded him at some point, occupying all the space, so that he had no place to move before he knew it.

At this moment, Dubao had an illusion, as if the end of the world, with his head up and his eyes full of meteor showers, the mighty power was huge, and one could destroy one world.

The endless Star, when I saw it, had already fallen on him.

Star smashed down. This was the first force. When it touched him, it suddenly collapsed. All the power burst out instantly. This was the second force.

The large array of rotation, combined with the power of the collapsed Star, once again formed a new Star, so a new round of Star rain fell, so that the Samsara again and again, the Star seems to be endless, repeating.

The endless Star obscured the line of sight, even the countless human races, big demons, and god-tiers that made up the big formation could no longer see clearly.

“Is he dead?” someone asked in a low voice.

No one answered, running the Magic power at full power to support the big formation while staring at Dubo.

This endless Star has been smashed for a long time, and for a long time, there has been no response from Dubao. It seems that the Star has lost the power of resistance.

Di Jun didn’t have the slightest joy on his face, he was in control of the big formation, he didn’t feel the aura of Duobao’s life, but he was inexplicably uneasy.

He knew that Duobao was not dead.

“Continue!” Di Jun gritted his teeth, this did not exceed his expectations.

There are some accidents, but not so unexpected.

After all, that is the biggest black hand who has calculated so many people and so many races. If it is really so simple to solve it, it would be too trifling. I am afraid they will feel unbelievable.


Star fell, and suddenly, a huge roar sounded. At the place where Star fell, where Duobao was originally, a wave of air rose, supporting many Stars.

“Well, it’s really comfortable.” Dobao tilted his head and wandered among the stars, smiling at everyone: “Thank you so much, it’s very comfortable.”

Shouldn’t you tell me, the Star of the Universe Star Battle Array, the strength formed after the collapse, is like a right fist, falling on the body, and his whole skin is loosened, which is very relaxed.

It feels like a previous life. I found the best technician and gave the best massage. It was extremely refreshing and my pores opened up.

Everyone’s hearts sank, watching Duobao, who walked in the big formation without a trace of injury, and wherever he passed, Star dissipated naturally, as if he had never appeared before.

“However, it’s almost time to end.”

After moving his hands and feet, Duobao felt that the farce should end here. Looking at their appearance, they have gained a lot. Since they are so resistant, then it is almost time to clarify the matter and solve the misunderstanding.

“Do you have any other means?”

“If not, then it’s over?”

Duobao looked at everyone and gave the final announcement.

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