Chapter 443 Jade Ding’s Dao

“Yuding?” Duobao was a little surprised, his junior fellow is a true ascetic, and he is either on cultivation or on his way to cultivation all his time.

Among the cultivation plans that he had set before, he was the only junior who had no complaints and was happy.

“Big Brother.” Yu Ding yelled, went to sit down in front of Duobao, opened his mouth, wanted to say something, but didn’t say anything, with a blush on his face, and he looked a little embarrassed.

“Want a weapon in hand?” In fact, there is no need to extrapolate it, nor does it need Yuding to say more. When it came in, Duobao glanced at it and immediately guessed his thoughts roughly.

Yuding practiced swords, and in the kendo, he already had a lot of accomplishments, and because of this he became the Taiyi Golden Immortal, which is regarded as the most top-notch among the juniors.

In the process of induction, Yuding’s whole body was sharp and sharp, like a peerless sword.

“follow me.”

Duobao stood up. In an instant, a golden gate appeared in front of him. After passing through the gate, Yuding trembled, his eyes lighted, and a Sword intent burst out of his body that pierced the sky.


Numerous ripples suddenly emerged and turned into a big mountain, pressing towards the jade cauldron.

The void solidified, holding the Yuding, time turned into ropes, locking the Yuding, in an instant, Yuding’s thinking stagnated, and only the stagnant world was left in his eyes.

“Golden Spirit?” Duobao frowned, looking at the familiar figure lying in the center of the treasure house where he had stored the many ways of civilization.

When did this girl run in?

“Yuding.” She shouted and didn’t get a response, only to realize that Yuding had been restrained by the aura of many civilizations, unable to move, and with a wave of his hand, the solidified world in Yuding’s eyes was instantly shattered.

“Um.” After recovering, Yuding couldn’t help but stared at this small space in horror.

What is this place?

So powerful?

He thought that his current strength was not weak anymore, he was suppressed in an instant?

“Master Jin Ling?” After the shock, he saw Jin Ling lying on the ground, called out, and quickly walked up.

“Big brother, what’s wrong with big sister?”

“What’s the matter?” Duobao looked at the sleeping Jin Ling angrily, and tapped his finger on his forehead: “Ask her yourself.”

Afterwards, he turned his head and looked at a place in his treasure house.

There was originally a book of silver in that place, a book of civilization made by his research on the laws of time and space, but now that place is empty.

“Hey…” Jin Ling slowly opened his eyes, confused: “What’s wrong with me?”

A moment later, from the corner of his eye, he saw Duobao, who was looking bad, and immediately closed his eyes again: “I don’t know anything.”

Yuding looked at Jin Ling stupidly, and didn’t understand what she was doing for a while?

“Now that you wake up, get up, don’t you think you can hide it from my eyes?”

Duobao darkened his face and looked at Jin Ling: “Let’s talk, how did you get in?”

His place is the cemetery of the gods. Except for the ancestral witches that he originally planned to Karma, they can step in because of their own emotional changes, but no one else can enter.

Moreover, this place is the core place of his previous test and research on many avenues, except for Xiaohong…hey? Xiao Hong?

Duobao raised his brows and suddenly realized the problem.

In the cemetery of the gods, Xiao Hong should be there, but now there is only Jin Ling, how about Xiao Hong?

Jin Ling closed Own’s mouth tightly, and under Dubao’s gaze, he shook his head again and again, as if he would not say anything.

“Heh.” Duobao sneered, “Do you think I won’t know if you don’t tell?”

“Where is Xiao Hong?”

Apart from him, there is only Xiao Hong who can enter and leave at will. Now Jin Ling is here, Xiao Hong is nowhere to be seen. If this matter has nothing to do with Xiao Hong, who will believe it?

“Huh?” Jin Ling’s eyes widened instantly. Big Brother guessed it?

Little Red Little Sister, this is not the one I betrayed you, but the big brother guessed it himself.

“Big Brother? What’s the matter?” Yuding was confused, especially when he looked at Duobao’s frowning brow, he didn’t feel a little trembling in his heart.

Master sister got into trouble?

Seeing this, it is almost certain, but how much trouble did she cause to make the big brother look like this?

Is it impossible to solve it with the strength of the big brother?


“Your matter, I will tell you later.” Duobao’s staring Jin Ling shrank his neck subconsciously, lowered his head, avoiding his gaze.

Reaching out for a photo, a dark book next to it flew into his hands.

“Yuding, you have enough foundation for cultivating kendo, and I can’t give pointers to the rest, otherwise you will never be able to step out of my path.”

call out!

The black book flew into Yuding’s hands, and in Yuding’s puzzled eyes, it turned into a black three-foot long sword.

Yuding subconsciously held the long sword, and at the moment he held it, countless information was uploaded from the blade. The kendo bottleneck he encountered, under the impact of this information, actually shook a little.

“This?” Yuding looked at the black sword in his hand in shock, unbelievable that its effect was so strong, and the information… turned out to be the sword’s information.

Thoughts flashed in his mind, almost every piece of information could be transformed into an extremely powerful Sword Technique in an instant, not worse than the Sword Technique he cultivated now, and even faintly stronger.

In an instant, he unconsciously sank in, forgetting everything about the outside world, and only the Sword Technique was left in his heart.

Sword Technique is more like a book, but it looks like a sword. He thought that way at the beginning. After seeing it for a long time, suddenly his thoughts changed again. This is a sword, just because it contains powerfulness. The complex and vast principles of kendo are like civilization, not the sword can bear, and can only be written down if they are recorded in a book.

“This is Kendo?”

Yuding was silly, silly, and drunk. This sword, or this book, seemed to open the door to his new world, allowing him to see a higher level of scenery.

Compared with it, the Sword Technique that he had cultivated before, was as childish as a baby.

“How is it? Do you still like it?” A smile on Duobao’s face awakened Yuding.

Yuding held the black sword in his hand tightly, very excited, speechless, just nodding constantly.

“Yuding?” Jin Ling raised his head quietly, looking at Yuding’s excited appearance, blinking his big eyes, a little curious, and his eyes fell on the black sword in his hand.

This sword… As for?

In her impression, Yuding’s personality has always been steady and mature, and she feels that even if she gets the Xiantian treasure, although there will be changes, she feels that it should not be as good as it is now.

That sword… can make him react like this…

“Look for time to borrow and take a look.” Jin Ling noticed in his heart, and suddenly felt something wrong. When he raised his head, Duobao was staring at her with a pair of unkind eyes, and instantly he buried his head like a quail.

I almost forgot, she is still a mistake.

Seeing a pair of honest and even poor gold spirits, Duobao was helpless. When he thought about it, he knew what the girl was doing. For this reason, he didn’t know what to say.

Isn’t this girl always afraid of own?

How dare you?

“Thank you, big brother.” At this moment, Yuding finally eased a little, and solemnly thanked him.

Duobao waved his hand: “You and my brother, don’t have to be so polite.”

He stared at Jin Ling closely, and Jin Ling quietly raised his head, just to meet his eyes, and suddenly lowered his guilty conscience.

“Master, what happened to Master Sister?” Yuding asked curiously.

Up to now, he has also seen some clues slightly, it seems that the trouble caused by the master sister is really not small.

“What’s wrong?” Duobao glared at Jin Ling again.

“Father.” A red light flashed, Xiao Hong appeared, and yelled sweetly, with a slightly surprised expression on his face. It seemed that Dubao would appear unexpectedly.

“Father?” Yuding almost lost his eyes when he heard this level. Big brother has a daughter?

When did it happen and why didn’t he know?

Most importantly, who is her mother?

Xiaohong is Dubao’s daughter. Most of the senior brothers actually know about it. However, Yuding is a very small number of them. He has been addicted to kendo and cares little about external affairs. Therefore, he didn’t know until now that his elder brother actually has My daughter.

“Introduce me, my daughter, Xiaohong.” Seeing Xiaohong, Duobao was also angry and helpless, and said helplessly: “Yuding, my brother, your name is Shishu.”

“Uncle Yuding?” Xiaohong bowed first according to the rules, and then looked at Yuding curiously.

When the two met, each was very curious.

Standing like this, a little embarrassed, Duobao sighed and opened a door leading to the manor: “Let’s go, go back and speak slowly.”

Sure enough, weird creatures are weird creatures. After getting the promise from the owner, he can immediately make such a big movement. He doesn’t know what to say, and even considers whether he wants to relieve himself of his omnipotence to the outside world. shield.


“The Lich disappeared, the position of the protagonist of heaven and earth has been vacated, and my human race should take the position.”

“That’s how it is said, but although the position has been vacated, the corresponding fortune, authority has not appeared… was taken away by the Lich.”

“They don’t know where they went, but they can be sure that they are definitely not dead. If they come back after we are in power, this is also a problem.”

On the shore of the East China Sea, in the ancestral hall of the human race, the high-level human race sits and discusses.

“Qiyun, power has always been there. The lich took away only what they should have received. It is only the division of power and the division of luck. As long as my human race stands firmly as the protagonist of heaven and earth, we can naturally get the corresponding from heaven and earth. Luck, authority.”

“So, this is not a problem.”

“It’s just that, if the Lich races return in the future and compete with us for the position of the protagonist of the world…this is the biggest problem.”

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