Chapter 439 Civilization Heavenly Emperor

To get over it completely means to fully understand the foundations of these civilizations. If you have such a strong foundation and foundation, you can’t comprehend the own Tao from it, and you can’t surpass other people, then you just die!

Hongjun’s eyebrows beat and the corners of his mouth twitched. Looking at the thick book, he couldn’t help saying: “Duobao, they are your uncle!”

Ninety-nine thousand nine hundred calamities, there are small calamities in the calamity, Dao calamities… how much do you hate them?

When did they offend you?

You don’t need to read it carefully. Just looking at this book and feeling the fluctuations in the breath, Hong Jun didn’t feel shocked.

Thinking in another way, even a few of his direct disciples have made Sage’s existence. If he falls into the calamity generated in this book, it is unknown whether he can survive a thousand catastrophes.

Even looking at that book, Hongjun himself didn’t have much confidence.

Luo Hui’s expression was exactly the same as Hongjun’s expression at this time, the corners of his mouth twitched, and he asked what Hongjun hadn’t said: “Duobao…Haotian and Yaochi have offended you?”

Duobao shook his head, staring at the two of own with weird eyes, and said in a condensed voice: “This is the way of the Heavenly Emperor.”

What is the Supreme Heavenly Emperor, surpassing Sage, and even more faintly with the Supreme Achievement Status equal to their status… If it can be achieved so easily and simply, is it still called the Supreme Heavenly Emperor?

“This is the result of my extreme simplification. To achieve the position of the Supreme Heavenly Emperor, you must experience these completely.”

Hongjun also understood in his heart that he didn’t really think that Duobao had opinions on Haotian and Yaochi.

If you really have opinions, you don’t need to do so many things at all.

However, looking at the book in Dubao’s hand, and feeling the shock, the horror of his hair and the tingling scalp, Hong Jun really lost his confidence.

“Can they get through it?”

Luo Hui also nodded, and said in agreement: “Even if it’s me…I’m afraid it will be hard to get through, right?”

He is the demon ancestor, rules the realm of Sage, but when looking at that book, he didn’t have much confidence.

“It doesn’t matter if you fail. As long as your will is not extinguished, you don’t give up, and you stick to it, you can definitely get over it.” Duobao said confidently.

This is the path he carefully designed. Under the strength of the rules, the test is not to survive many calamities, but to always maintain one’s will during the calamity and never give up. That’s it.

“But…” Hongjun is still hesitating, always keeping his will unchanged. How easy is this to say?

There are thousands of people, even if there are Dao Fa blessings and supernatural powers to protect the body, how many people can always maintain their original intentions and will not change?

“Let me see.” Luo Hui grabbed the book in Dubao’s hand, and at first glance saw the six characters on it [Civilization Heavenly Emperor Jieshu].

The six simple characters seem to be nothing at first, but after reading it for a long time, it seems to be able to faintly see a supreme being in it, controlling the heavens, domineering and unparalleled.

Supreme Heavenly Emperor!

Turning over the book, on the first page, I wrote the first great karma with the force of rules. There are countless small karma, Dao karma, mutual formation, mutual connection, and qi fluctuations fused together. The formation of a strange fate of one party, and after the completion of the fate, it became a good fortune of one party.

This is just the big catastrophe written in the text, good fortune, but when she read it, Luo Hui’s heart moved faintly, and he was attracted by the good fortune after the catastrophe, and wanted to plunge into it immediately and collect the good fortune. feel.


The feeling was so sudden and gradually intensified. Luo Hu’s heart was shaken and he dared not read it again. He immediately closed the book and looked at Duobao in amazement, “This book?”

“This book is called the Book of Civilization Heavenly Emperor. It is the Supreme Heavenly Emperor after all the calamities are completely passed on.” Duobao explained: “Each calamity has a related good fortune, which can strengthen the essence.”

“After the first calamity, no matter how many god-tiers are cultivated in the calamity, the Taoism will be transformed into the calamity, condensed into the background, and the second calamity will be opened in the body of an ordinary person.”

Luo Hui opened his mouth, and forgot what he originally wanted to ask.

“Ordinary people?”

He originally thought that the person of Transcends Tribulation would be a cultivator, but he did not expect that he would start from an ordinary person!

In itself, as a cultivator, it is very difficult to survive these catastrophes completely, and to become an ordinary person without the method of protecting the road, without the firmness of mind, the power of will, and it is even more difficult to survive!

Hongjun was also stunned, ignoring other things, snatching the Civilized Heavenly Emperor Tribulation Book from Luo Hui’s hands, looking through it, resisting the impulse in his heart, and looked over.

Containing good fortune, the regular words showed a strange light on Hongjun’s face, which made his mood fluctuate constantly.

After he became Taoist ancestor, it has been a long time since he has had such a big emotional fluctuation for such a long time.

After a long time, the impulse in Hongjun’s heart could not be suppressed. He didn’t dare to read it again. He closed the book without being amazed at the magic and powerfulness of this book. He looked at Duobao with inexhaustible words: “Dubao, they are your uncle. !”

When the same words are spoken from Hongjun’s mouth again, the meanings are different.

Luo Hui also looked at Duobao weirdly, and he was convinced, and couldn’t help asking: “Dubao, they really didn’t offend you?”

The calamity written in the book is based on feelings, from Karma, destiny, time and space, illusion, true and false… etc., countless levels, endless temptations are written.

Even if it was only one of the smallest tribulations, Luo Hu felt that there are not many people who can get through it, let alone the more difficult small tribulations and major tribulations.

In his opinion, the small catastrophe mentioned in this book can even catch up with the calamity in the original situation of the prehistoric world, and the catastrophe is no worse than the immeasurable calamity.

The power is much worse, far less, but when it comes to torturing a person’s soul, spirit, and body, it is enough to make up for the gap!

Are you sure that this was not done by Dubao in order to torture them and retaliate against them?

This book should not be called the Civilized Heavenly Emperor Tribulation Book, but should be called the Tortured Heavenly Emperor Book or the Heavenly Emperor Chronicles Book, or the Primordial Torture Book, anyway, no matter what the name is, in his opinion, it is better than the Civilized Heavenly Emperor Tribulation. The book should be appropriate.

Duobao Didn’t know whether to laugh or cry: “Master, Dage, where did you think of it!”

“How can I have opinions on Haotian and Yaochi’s two uncles?”

“I’m all for their good, for their consideration.”

Hongjun hesitated to speak again, holding a word in his chest, so Xuan said: “The greatest harm in this world is for your good!”

Seeing that the two of them still looked at him with such suspicion, Duobao was helpless: “This is the Supreme Heavenly Emperor. If there is no such experience, such encounter, such a state of mind, and will, how can it be the Supreme Heavenly Emperor? How can you truly control the power of heaven?”

The heaven and the earth can be learned. When writing this civilizational Heavenly Emperor’s robbery book, it consumed his endless brain cells and abolished his countless thoughts. It can be said that it was written with great effort. It can be described as his painstaking effort. do.

Moreover, under his influence, he completely constructed the system of the way of the Supreme Heavenly Emperor, which was originally unpredictable and unfixable, and could only be realized by himself.

Anyone can become the Supreme Heavenly Emperor as long as they can get through it completely, that is, he, who can do it with someone else?

Moreover, even if it is impossible to survive all the catastrophes, even if only one of the catastrophes can be completely overcome, at least it will be no problem to achieve the real Heavenly Emperor.

This is the true treasure of cultivation. Although it is a little bit more difficult, it is better than being systematic, simple and crude, without the need for brains. After passing through, it will naturally be able to achieve supreme achievement.

Hongjun Luohu glanced at each other and understood the power of this civilization, Heavenly Emperor. He also knew that Duobao really had no opinion on Haotian and Yaochi.

But after seeing the calamity recorded in this book, the difficulty was that they couldn’t help being shocked, shocked, scalp numb, and cold all over.

“This book, if they can really get through it completely… I, Luo Huo, will admit that they are qualified to be side by side with me!” Luo Hu looked at the civilization Heavenly Emperor in Hongjun’s hand, with his pride, too. Said such words.

Hongjun nodded and did not speak, but he also felt in his heart that if Haotian and Yaochi had passed through it, it would be enough to escape his influence and become an existence equal to him.

“Cough cough, it won’t happen, it won’t happen.” Duobao coughed, and said repeatedly: “Even if you pass through it, it will only become the Supreme Heavenly Emperor. He said that he wants to be equal to me and needs to rely on their own efforts, which is not good. Quite a lot.”

Hongjun and Luohu looked at each other without speaking.

A lot worse?

Not bad!

As far as the catastrophe in this book is, after passing through, his will is absolutely stronger than them, and it is not difficult for Sage to rule such a strong will.

“How did you get it out?” Hong Jun calmed down his excitement and asked Duo Bao.

Is the power above the rules so powerful?

Can such a horrible book be accomplished?

In his opinion, throwing away the difficulties and not mentioning the difficulties and dangers, the appearance of this book perfectly writes the strengths, levels, and levels of each Realm incisively and clearly.

It is so unbelievable that you can reach the realm of the Supreme Heavenly Emperor with only step-by-step cultivation!

Sure enough, a Realm is missing, is it a huge gap?

“It’s actually very simple. The so-called Realm is just a different level of power.”

“Control and power control is the way, power is strength… Put every bit of power under control, unlimited Ascension, no matter how powerful the ultimate strength, Realm is, as long as it continues to overlap and grow, it will finally be easy to transfer Its understanding.”

“The so-called incomprehensible power, in simple terms, is just that it is not strong enough to understand, and its foundation is too poor to understand.”

“As long as the foundation is sufficient, the strength is sufficient, and the most profound things fall in the eye, in fact, it’s only one thing!”

“It’s just that, compared to the higher level of power that is based on Insight, the difficulty of such a simple Insight power and superimposed power is countless times higher!”

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