Chapter 434: Fuxi and Xiaoqing

“Oh, do you really think so?” Duobao asked seriously, “Don’t force it?”

Gonggong righteously said: “Don’t force it at all, this is from the bottom of your heart!”

“After all, it’s my brother, how can you keep bothering Brother Dubao?”

“For us, you are so heartbroken. Look, all this white hair has appeared.”

Gonggong leaned in front of Dubao, stretched out his fingers, grabbed a piece of Dubao’s hair, and pulled it hard: “I’ll pull it out for you.”

Under this pull, his hair didn’t move at all. With his current strength, he didn’t even pull out a single piece of Dubo’s hair!

“……” Duobao stared at Gonggong, and stretched out his hand to pat his palm apart: “I don’t need to work hard for anyone with white hair. As long as you are willing to take over this job, I will thank God.”

Gonggong stayed for a while, finally recovered, and couldn’t help asking: “Brother Duobao, what is your current strength?”

Now he has established his way, proving the way, comparable to Sage, even he thinks, compared to ordinary Sage, such as Zhundi, Zhundi, Zhundi, etc., he can hit ten of them one at a time.

But with such strength, he couldn’t even pull out a single hair of Duobao.

It felt that that piece of hair was like an unshakable sky, and his power fell into it, like a mud cow entering the sea, without any reaction at all.

“It’s better than you anyway.” Duobao rolled his eyes. This guy definitely wanted to take the opportunity to retaliate against him just now.

“Of course.” Gonggong grinned, but also at a loss: “Brother Dubao is stronger than me. Isn’t that a matter of course?”

“Huh?” As he spoke, Duobao suddenly let out a suspicion and looked in the direction of the land.

“Brother Dubao? What’s the matter?” Gonggong asked puzzledly.

“Interesting, interesting.” Duobao’s mouth called up: “Gonggong, you have been in the dark during this period. Someone will tell you about the next thing. I have to go out now.”

“Huh?” Gonggong was dumbfounded and wanted to ask, but after Dubao finished speaking, he disappeared before he could say anything.

When his words reached his throat, there was no need to go out later, and he swallowed back silently.

“Who is it!”

Gonggong said without turning a word, then looked at the Lich family below, and narrowed his eyes: “Anyway, I can’t escape this matter. In the future, you will definitely not be able to let me go easily. Now, I don’t want to stay. hand.”

“This is for your own good. It doesn’t matter if you don’t understand now, you will always understand in the future… So, I’m not to blame, right?”

As he said, a smirk flashed in his eyes, and his eyes focused on a brawny man who was covered in flames.

“Hiss~” Zhu Rong was recovering from his injury, and suddenly he felt a chill in his vest and hissed lightly.

“What’s wrong with Zhu Rong?” Di Jiang asked from the side.

“I don’t know why, I just felt cold in the vest, as if someone was calculating me?” Zhu Rong said.

After hearing this, everyone looked at each other without thinking, Zhu Rong’s feeling was definitely right.

And those who calculated Zhu Rong didn’t have to guess too much, they got the answer immediately.

After the two groups of Lich came together and exchanged information, everything had an answer.


However, they don’t understand, what else does Duobao need to calculate Zhu Rong at such a time?

And why is Zhu Rong alone?

Just returned to the prehistoric Duobao, feeling the resentment of a group of liches, he couldn’t help but roll his eyes: “How can it be me?”

“Although it was me before, it is indeed not me this time!”


“The Tianzhu is broken, Karma’s karma is cleared, almost.” Xiaoqing flew in the starry sky, collected the remnant karma from the prehistoric sky, and turned it into a black seed in his hand, turning around and heading towards the black area. .

Suddenly, countless auras of heaven appeared before him, like clouds and mist, quickly condensing and forming, turning into a figure.

“Fuxi?” Xiaoqing looked at the incoming person, yelling at the other person’s name.

“Do you know me?” Fu Xi was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly: “Yes, you people in the black world, it is not surprising that you know my existence.”

His gaze fell on the black seed in Xiaoqing’s hand, and said calmly: “Leave that kind of thing, and I will let you go.”

“Huh?” Xiaoqing blinked, then glanced down at the hand of the residual karma condensed in his hands, Karma’s seed: “Are you here for it?”

“Stop talking nonsense!” Fu Xi was impatient, but her gentle appearance was unspeakably irritable.

Xiaoqing’s face became cold: “Fuxi, are you too high to see yourself? Do you dare to grab the things in my hands?”


Fuxi didn’t say a word, and with a wave of his hand, countless auras of heaven appeared out of thin air, transformed into a huge chessboard, and appeared in the starry sky.

The chessboard slowly turned, and in an instant, Xiaoqing took in a ray of energy.

Xiaoqing’s heart shuddered, and she suddenly felt like her whole person was transparent, her own every move was controlled by the chessboard, no matter what she was going to do, she couldn’t escape the calculations of the chessboard.

“Heaven’s secret, calculation…” Xiaoqing looked at Fuxi with some surprise: “Unexpectedly, you can actually cultivate the secret secret to such an extent.”

Xiaoqing is the mother tree of ginseng fruit. It is powerful. Although it is not Sage, it is the peak of Taiyi Golden Immortal under Duobao Realm. It is equivalent to the most powerful quasi-sage in the prehistoric world and the absolute first person under Sage.

In her original impression, Fuxi was just breaking through the Taiyi Golden Immortal, so she didn’t take it seriously.

Unexpectedly, after not seeing her for a while, Fuxi’s Ascension strength has reached such a level that she can even calculate her movements and secrets in it.


Xiaoqing stopped talking, and a huge fruit tree appeared behind him, occupying several galaxies.

Above the branches, one by one, baby-like fruits swayed, bursts of innocent and innocent laughter like babies.

Fuxi’s figure disappeared in an instant, the chessboard turned, sprinkling breaths, enveloping the fruit trees, and realizing those voices, turning them into black and white auras, and turning them into criss-cross lines on the chessboard.

The more voices of the baby, the more lines on the chessboard, the thicker and clearer.

“Interesting, you can resist this trick, but you can pick me up again!” Xiaoqing looked at Fuxi who disappeared. He didn’t care, smiled, and pointed a finger, and suddenly there were countless swaying fruits on the tree. fall.

When the wind passed, the fruit turned into a series of creatures, wearing green clothes, with a leaf-shaped belt wrapped around his waist, with a pure and extremely smiling face on his face, and rushed to the chessboard.

The chessboard is a masterpiece of light, turning all fruit tribes into chess pieces and falling on the chessboard.

The chess pieces are black and are distributed in various places on the chessboard.

Soon after the black chess pieces were born, countless auras of heaven appeared, transformed into the chessboard, turned into white chess pieces, criss-crossed, surrounded by black chess pieces.

Little Qing’s fingers moved again, and countless fruits fell, turned into fruits, and turned into chess pieces. On the chessboard, they combined with other black chess pieces to form a big black dragon.

The momentum of the white chess was suppressed, and the sense of existence disappeared in an instant. The entire chessboard seemed to be occupied by the black chess pieces.

Xiaoqing stepped forward, stepped on the chessboard, and stood on the head of the big black dragon, with long hair flying and domineering exposed: “Fuxi, is this your method?”

“If you are just like this, today, die here!”

“As expected to be a person from the black world, really amazing!”

Fuxi’s unhurried voice came: “However, the chess game has just begun, how can it be said that it is over?”

Before the words fell, more heavenly auras appeared. On the chessboard, white chess pieces increased, and a large axe gradually formed, rushing towards the black dragon!

“Slay the dragon!”

Fuxi shouted, the chessboard shook, the big axe fell, the black dragon was broken, and all the black chess pieces disappeared in an instant.

Xiaoqing’s face remained unchanged, and she actually laughed: “It’s really good, as expected to be Fuxi, but the warm-up has been completed, the next move, if you don’t die, you can get what you want!”

Following the words, a huge fruit tree appeared behind him, with countless giggling fruits hanging on it, rushing into the chessboard.


Suddenly, a crack appeared on the chessboard to make up, unable to withstand the power of the fruit tree, and it was about to break.

The fruit tree has not completely rushed in, and the chessboard has already felt that it is about to be broken. If it waits for the fruit tree to completely rush in, the chessboard will simply not be able to bear it.

“Sure enough, Fuxi admires it.”

Fuxi’s figure reappeared not far from Xiaoqing, stretched out his hand, and the broken chessboard was completely shattered, turned into countless secrets, fell into his hands, and once again condensed into a chessboard.

“What? Is this giving up?” Xiaoqing smiled, did not take advantage of the momentum to attack, just asked softly.

In the palm of Ruyu’s hand, the black seeds transformed by the remnant Karma were continuously thrown: “Do you still want this thing?”

“Of course.” Fuxi said in a deep voice.

“But, you are not my opponent.” Xiaoqing tilted his head, her delicate face turned out to be a little cute: “You can only get it if you beat me, but you… it’s too far!”

“I’m really not your opponent.” Fuxi’s expression remained unchanged, and she saluted the side instead: “Please also senior to take action.”

“Senior? There are other people here?”

Xiaoqing’s complexion changed, and she didn’t even feel at all.

Impossible, this must be Fuxi’s…

Before she could finish her thoughts, she saw a figure in black quietly appearing at the place where Fuxi was saluting. His eyes were beautiful, not very handsome, but there was a powerful force on her body.

Just standing there, Xiaoqing felt that he could no longer move, being pressured by his breath.

She has lost the power to resist before she does it!

This is a strong man far beyond her!

“There is such a thing in the prehistoric land?”

There was a huge wave in Xiaoqing’s heart.

“Little girl, give me that thing, and I will let you go.” The black-clothed youth said with a smile.

Following his words, Xiaoqing suddenly felt that he had regained the power of action, and instantly wanted to escape, without the slightest thought of fighting.

She is definitely not an opponent, if you dare to do it, it is death!

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