Chapter 366 Heavenly Dao Reorganization


The sea of ​​blood and sea water flowed upside down, the blood shining on the sky and the earth, and the six poles, forming a huge vortex in six directions.

In each side of the vortex, there are endless laws and Taoism, powerful and unmatched.

The crowds could look around, and they stretched out their hands to cover their eyes. They didn’t dare to look straight. A great pressure came from the whirlpool. When they saw it, they only felt that their souls seemed to be sucked into it.

After her words fell, Houtu’s body naturally disintegrated and turned into a khaki, exuding a magnificent divine light.

The divine light rotates and buzzes continuously, gradually forming a disc.

The disc rotates, and from above the sky, a heavenly will falls, vast and boundless, and a ground virtue rises from the earth, broad and vigorous.

The true meaning of heaven and earth rose, and all fell onto the disc.

In an instant, everyone’s eyes were tightly glanced over, unable to move away.

The Yaozu, Dijun, Taiyi, Kunpeng and others stood on the sky, with countless monsters behind them, their eyes shocked and complicated.


I don’t know who made a long sigh.

“Six Paths of Reincarnation, it will finally appear, but this time…” Di Jun stared at the movement between the heavens and the earth, focusing on the Samsara disc formed by the back soil on the sea of ​​blood, which is the back soil. So, the core of Samsara is used to carry the foundation of the six realms.

“I don’t know, is Houtu Houtu or peace?”

Samsara is not a trivial matter, the entire prehistoric world, at this moment, stopped and waited for Samsara to appear.

Outside the Pangu Hall, the remaining eleven ancestral witches all walked out of the Great Hall, staring at the direction of the sea of ​​blood. Unconsciously, their fists were already clenched.

When Houtu left Pangu Palace, although she didn’t say anything, all the ancestors knew what she was going to do.

There is no stop, and there is no way to stop… The ancestors just walked out after waiting for Houtu to leave. They did not dare to go to the sea of ​​blood, fearing that it would affect Houtu, they only dared to stand far away, not approaching. Pray for her.


Suddenly, there was a humming sound, and the source of the sound was a group of ancestral witches.

It was the sound of blood boiling in their bodies, which caused the blood to resonate and couldn’t calm down when the earth disintegrated themselves.

“Little girl!”

Di Jiang’s complexion was serious, and the veins were violent above his body.

The boiling of blood is filled with joy, they are the blood of Pangu god-tier.

Pangu god-tier is the creation god, so they are also the bloodline of creation god.

The primordial world was developed by the Pangu god-tier. The primordial world was incomplete. Without Samsara, it should be filled by the blood of their creator god.

This is a good thing. The appearance of Samsara represents a further enhancement of the prehistoric world, but… Dijiang’s incomparable hope, the person who transformed Samsara, is him.

Above the sea of ​​blood, Houtu’s figure has completely disappeared, and even her consciousness has disappeared into the perception of the powers at an extremely fast speed.

The six huge vortices formed above the six poles of the heavens and the earth quickly flew towards the land of the sea of ​​blood.

The Samsara disc of Houtu turned continuously, emitting a powerful force, pulling six vortexes to come.


In the wild world, a huge roar suddenly appeared, like endless thunder.

A huge wave swept across the world, not knowing how it rose, but in an instant, it covered the entire prehistoric world, which was so huge that it was unimaginable.

Under this wave, almost no creatures can avoid it, and they are all covered by the wave.

Even Kunlun, which has closed the mountain, was covered by the wave.

“Karma, karma… Six Paths of Reincarnation now, karma, Karma liquidates.”

Duobao narrowed his eyes slightly.

This wave is all the unresolved karma that has been generated since the opening of the prehistoric world and accumulated to the present time period, Karma.

The original arid world was not complete, and Samsara was missing.

Only after the appearance of Samsara, the world will be complete. Therefore, the world regroups, liquidates everything in the past, and starts to build the core again.

Duobao’s thoughts turned in his heart, and his chest was slightly hot, and a jade butterfly with good fortune divine light flew out from it.

good fortune jade butterfly!

The endless good fortune divine light covers the good fortune jade butterfly, which is extremely radiant and contains almost all the true meaning of the great road.


There was a crisp cracking sound, The next moment, good fortune jade butterfly actually shattered in front of Dubao, very fast, almost in a breath, it shattered into powder, even a whole grain of millet-sized jade No butterfly fragments can be found.

Seeing this scene, Duobao didn’t seem too shocked or flustered. This was what he expected.

He stretched out his hand and grabbed it, from the wild world, countless strange auras flew immediately before him, gathering the sea of ​​enlightenment.

Those breaths come from heaven and earth, mountains and rivers, sun and moon, stars, all things…It is Karma, karma, Tao, Dharma, spirit, wisdom, and god… including intervening, everything, All turned into breath and gathered together.

“Heavenly Dao reorganized!”

Duobao took a deep breath, and as the many breaths gathered, he gradually felt strenuous.

Samsara’s importance to the prehistoric world is extraordinary!

Samsara found that heaven and earth, the foundation, essence, and everything of everything will undergo subtle changes under the influence of Samsara. Therefore, everything needs to be recollected and Heavenly Dao reorganized.

As the new predecessor leader, with the incarnation of Heavenly Dao, good fortune jade butterfly, the reorganization of Heavenly Dao will naturally be presided over by him.

This is the transformation of Heavenly Dao and the perfection of Heavenly Dao, which should not be underestimated.

“It’s harder than expected.”

Duobaonan’s face was serious, and he grasped the many things tightly, the breath of heaven and earth, and he did not dare to neglect the slightest.

In the heavens and the earth, the breath of all things poured in one after another, forming a huge ocean of 100 square meters in front of him.

How can one hundred square meters be considered huge?

For ordinary mortals, they are extremely small, let alone for the fairy gods, for Dubao.

But these breaths are all things, transformed by the heavens and the earth, as the information carriers in them, and can almost represent the primordial heaven and the earth, all living beings.

Although it only converges into a one-hundred-square-meter ocean, it has a weight comparable to the entire prehistoric world.

Six Paths of Reincarnation has not yet fully appeared, this is just the beginning.

On the sea of ​​blood, the consciousness of Hou Tu has completely disappeared. The Samsara disc that it transformed into suddenly accelerated with the disappearance of its last consciousness. Following this, the huge Karma, karmic wave, and scale produced in the prehistoric Become bigger.

There was no peace, relaxed, and heavy on the Sage’s face.

They looked at the scene of the majestic world in front of them, each with a heavy heart, intuition, this time things seemed not as simple as they thought!

“how so?”

Zhundi was puzzled. When he mentioned it unconsciously, he couldn’t help but worry, and at the same time there were more doubts.

In their understanding, Samsara’s appearance shouldn’t be like this!

Houtu is a descendant of Pangu god-tier, and has the opportunity of Pangu god-tier Samsara. She transformed Samsara, it should be natural, easy and simple.

In the future they have observed, Samsara, which is transformed into the land, is not so serious at all, and it is only right for such a big momentum.


Among Kunlun, Sanqing, who was carefully thinking about the future road, suddenly felt tight in their hearts, and the complexion in the sky changed. They were flustered, and there was no time to speak, and they suddenly headed towards Kunlun Manor.

Taishang, Yuan Yuan stayed for a moment, and they all reacted, rushing towards Kunlun Manor together.

They don’t know the specific situation, but they always feel that something is wrong.

The two followed the sky, and they had not yet stood still. There was a flower in front of them, and a figure flew back. When they fixed their eyes, they were shocked: “Tongtian?”

That’s right, the figure that flew back upside down was the sky above the sky that they had arrived before.

Tian Tian was very anxious, and he didn’t care to keep up with him, so he rushed over with the original explanation.





Four swords in a row appeared, and then four Xeon Sword intents appeared.

Tong Tian, ​​who rushed past again, had already used the Four Zhuxian Swords that Duobao had given him before.

It is recognized that there are three strong formations in the prehistoric, one is the monster universe star battle formation, the second is the witch tribe twelve capitals, the gods and evil formations, and the third is the heavenly punishable sword formation.

The three battles have no points, have never played against each other, and are not sure who is strong and who is weak!

But in the hearts of all living beings, the Zhuxian Sword Array is at least above the damage, which can be the first!

Because its owner is Sage, this is incomparable to the second family of Lich!

At this time, Tongtian used the Zhuxian Sword Formation, and his body flashed with four swords.

All the prehistoric creatures were terribly shocked, and Qi Qi looked in the direction of Kunlun in amazement!

The heart that was already heavy, suddenly it seemed as if there was another big mountain!

In the west, on the Lingshan Mountain, the always calm lead couldn’t help but change his color, and looked at Hong Huang incredibly: “Tongtian…what is he going to do?”

“Zhuxian’s four swords have all come out… Has anything major happened to Kunlun?”

“Does this matter have anything to do with Samsara, who is different this time?”

In an instant, because of the movement of Kunlun, all the saints speculated.

Nuwa’s eyes widened and looked at Kunlun, who had been covered by the infinite meaning of punishing the immortals, and her heart trembled: “Brother Tongtian…”

She worked hard to display her magical powers, trying to see the specific situation in Kunlun.

However, under the Zhuxian Sword formation, the huge formation was shrouded and obscured the line of sight, and the barrier set up by Duobao was even more impenetrable, and it was impossible to see a single trace of it.

The barrier set up by Duobao can only go out, not in… the power inside can rush out, but the power outside cannot rush in.

“Looking at the aura of Senior Brother Tongtian, I am afraid that I am really angry… Vaguely, it seems that I can still feel a little helpless?”

Nuwa was shocked, helpless?

Tongtian is Sage, and there is Kunlun. Among them, there is not only Tongtian, but also Taishang, primitive, all of which are Sage, and there is even a Duobao hidden above Sage!

What happened there that could make Tongtian feel helpless?

Nuwa doesn’t feel that she is wrong. As Sage, she will never have an illusion, so this is the truth!

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