Chapter 355 Five Elements Big Cycle Chaos

“Will it be done?”

Zhu Rong breathed continuously and said in surprise.

The energy seawater keeps flowing out, the scale is getting bigger and bigger, and gradually, huge waves have been formed, which have the potential to sweep the world.

Under the energy sea water, Xiantian Spiritual Qi was swallowed, the law loomed, and the exhausted ancestors were also recovering at an extremely fast speed.

This makes them even more excited.

Just watching it quietly, not long after, the energy seawater spread and scattered in the wilderness, and soon, there was a roaring sound in the wilderness.

A five-color ring suddenly appeared, it was the Five Elements circle in the world.

The energy seawater is particularly overbearing. After the appearance of the Five Elements cycle, it immediately impacted it, and wanted to replace it.

Five Elements was hit by the energy sea water and suddenly became chaotic.

The Majestic World became dim in an instant, like a seriously ill person!

“not good!”

Di Jun’s expression changed, and he suddenly shouted.

Seeing this scene, the surprise on the face of the 12th Ancestor Witch also disappeared, full of surprise.

“What’s wrong?”

“How could this be?”

Obviously the energy sea has been opened up, shouldn’t the matter be resolved at this time?

Why is there such a change?

Energy seawater is actually eroding the Five Elements cycle, chaosing the world?

Di Jun’s complexion was very ugly, his eyes reflected the vast world, because of the constant invasion of the energy sea water, the Five Elements cycle was constantly invaded, the heaven and the earth became chaotic… thus produced endless karma, Karma.

Because all this is what they did, these karma, after Karma appeared, fell on them.

Feeling the weight of his body, Di Jun’s brain quickly thought.

“Why is this? The energy has already been opened up. It should be directly transformed into the Xiantian Spiritual Qi in the general trend of the Xiantian era… But it not only engulfed the Xiantian Spiritual Qi, but also eroded the Five Elements cycle? ”

Di Jun didn’t figure it out for a while.

Not only him, but in Kunlun Manor, Sanqing also looked at Duobao with a puzzled expression.

“Why is this?” Tongtian asked anxiously.

Originally this was going to be successful, and the Xiantian era continued. How could this happen again?

“The sea water of the energy sea is transformed by the power of law, and it also contains a lot of conceptual power. Above the level, it is stronger and thicker than Xiantian Spiritual Qi!”

“The stronger energy falls into the weaker energy environment. If the amount is small, it will be slowly changed by the environment and turned into weaker energy.”

“But what if the stronger energy has more quantity?”

With a word from Duobao, Sanqing immediately understood, and one after another looked at the energy sea.

Even though it is a sea, the amount of energy in it is not less than that of the prehistoric world.

“If you can pass this level, you will be considered to have passed this calamity…This is the final test.”

Duobao looked at Dijun with some expectation, Taiyi.

To be honest, even he hadn’t expected the operation of the two groups of Lich.

Because of his own existence, this time in Samsara’s prehistoric, heavenly secrets have been completely chaotic.

Perhaps under the calculations of ordinary immortals and even Sage, Honghuang seems to be the original development, the general trend, but in fact, there are too many variables, and it is no longer stable at all.

All the general trends that have been estimated and seen, in the future, are no longer accurate.

This is a good thing. The invisible future is full of variables and full of potential to reach farther places!

Just now the behavior of the Lich family, even he hadn’t expected it.

Originally, the channel between the sea of ​​energy and the prehistoric was very powerful, even for Sage, it was impossible to break it!

Therefore, he is actually not very optimistic about the behavior of the Lich races, just thinking, what if?

What made him even more unexpected was that the two groups of Lich had actually cooperated. The combination of the Universe Star Dou formation and the Twelve Capital Celestial Shame formation, the two most powerful formations, gave them the power to break through the passage.

This is the first step, but if the next step cannot be completed, the first step to success will become a step to drag the Lich family down The Underworld!

The Five Elements cycle is already at risk under the impact of energy seawater.

It’s not that the power of the Five Elements cycle is not strong. As one of the three major cycles of heaven and earth, its power is of course very strong.

Even if Sage shoots it, it will be suppressed, but the problem is that the energy seawater is not a shot at all. It just wants to replace the Five Elements energy in it with pure energy, and turn the Five Elements cycle into an energy cycle. .

This is a replacement, an internal struggle, and an impact between energies. Therefore, the Five Elements cycle itself will not attack it. The final result depends on whether the energy of Five Elements overpowers pure energy or whether pure energy overpowers Five Elements energy. !

Obviously, as it stands now, pure energy has the upper hand.

After all, the energy intensity is too high, and the quality is higher. If you go away like this, where the simple Five Elements energy can resist.

Pure energy is slowly and persistently replacing Five Elements energy!

The Five Elements cycle is the third largest cycle of heaven and earth, and is dominated by the great Rogue Cultivators… Countless karma positions have also been born. Almost every karma position is controlled by creatures.

The changes in the Five Elements cycle have immediately made those who are in charge of the Five Elements industry anxious.

Their respective operating powers, countless magical powers, Taoisms, and powers are transmitted to the Five Elements cycle through their own karma.

The shot of the endless cultivator slowed down the erosion of the Five Elements cycle, but it was still being eroded and impacted continuously.

Above the Earth Immortals, above the ginseng fruit that Zhen Yuanzi transformed into, a mysterious light flashed, transforming into Zhen Yuanzi’s figure, with an anxious expression, and rushed straight into the lower realm.

Soon, he came to the dilapidated, cobwebs to make up for the five villages, and he didn’t care much about it, running Magic power.

In the backyard, the body of the ginseng fruit tree, which had withered and seemed to die at any time, quickly turned green and recovered.

The powerful earth power was turned into a strong earth power with Zhen Yuanzi’s full shot, carrying his power straight into the Five Elements cycle.

Zhen Yuanzi is also a Rogue Cultivator and has a high status.

When something happened to the Five Elements cycle, he naturally couldn’t stand by.

They don’t care about their own cultivation, return to the deity, and help each other with all their strength.

With the help of Zhenyuanzi, on the Five Elements cycle, the power of the earth yuan rose greatly, and it was finally the first time that the invasion of pure energy was blocked.

But this is not enough. Energy sea water is still emerging, and the impact of pure energy is heavier. It is simply difficult to resist the strength of the earth element alone.


Among the prehistoric undead volcanoes, there was a faint sigh, followed by a thick firelight emerging from it and flying into the Five Elements circle.

Soon, the power of the fire element was also able to soar, and the flames soared into the sky, and together with the power of the earth element, they resisted the invasion of pure energy and stabilized the situation again.

Above the wild land, there was a sudden violent shaking, and all the people who saw their hearts raised up suddenly felt a sense of luck.

The next moment, a five-color Qilin true meaning, appeared on the ground and rushed into the Five Elements cycle. As a result, the power of Mu Yuan skyrocketed!


Seeing this scene, three obvious question marks suddenly appeared on Dubo’s face.

Why is Qilin a wood genus?

Shouldn’t Qilin belong to the native genus?

The so-called Eastern Azure Dragon, Southern Vermillion Bird, Northern Black Tortoise, Western White Tiger, Central Azure Dragon!

In his understanding, Qilin should have the attributes of central loess, right?

Suspended for a moment, and thought, I immediately understood: “Oh, Central Five Elements Qilin, Five Elements has it all.”

Qilin originally has Five Elements Qilin, each of which has different attributes. In various legends, there are also golden Qilin, wood Qilin, fire Qilin, water Qilin, soil Qilin and various other two elements and even Five Elements Qilin.

Because it has Five Elements, it can be transformed into Five Elements. The original local line is the best and the most powerful. However, the local line already has Zhenyuanzi, and they will be the icing on the cake if they go there, and the impact will be small. Therefore Turn into a wooden line, with all your strength, turn into a wooden line, to support the Five Elements cycle.

In the West, a tiger with platinum hair and a huge mountain-like tiger woke up from its deep sleep, opened its mouth, and exhaled a platinum-gold power, rushing into the world and heading towards the Five Elements cycle.

The Qibao Miaoshu in Zhundi’s hand appeared, and the seven-color light was shining, and it was necessary to stop it.

He was happy to see an accident in the Five Elements cycle, because it represented the failure of the Lich family.

He has been able to see the strong karma appearing in the two groups of Lich, Karma… This is the consequence of their current situation in the Five Elements cycle.

As long as the time continues, Karma will continue to deepen, and in the end it will surely be able to drag the Lich clan down to the protagonist of the world, and be destroyed by karma, Karma backlash, and even the clan.

The Western White Tiger is a metal beast. Its breath is enough to strengthen the gold industry, make the Five Elements cycle stronger, and even truly resist the impact of the energy sea.

This is helping the Lich family, how can he tolerate this?

One hand, the quasi dike that you need to do when you hold it down, is the lead.

Zhunyi looked puzzled: “Brother?”

He took a look of compassion, and slowly shook his head: “No, if the Five Elements cycle really collapses, it will have too much impact on the world. In the future, life will be overwhelmed. Although we want to develop, we cannot use this method!”

“Slight loss, Death, can bear, but so…undesirable!”

Said the lead firmly.

Hearing the words, Zhun Di was taken aback for a moment, then turned and looked at the platinum power that was about to enter the Five Elements cycle. With his arm force, let it go, and after a few times, he was finally relieved.

“Senior brother is right, I am attached!”

He still didn’t do it after all.

As mentioned in the introduction, if the Five Elements cycle collapses, the first to bear the brunt is the creatures occupying the Five Elements industry position. Most of them will fall with the collapse of the Five Elements cycle.

The second is all living creatures except Sage.

Those who are accustomed to the energy of Five Elements must re-adapt to pure energy…and even change their own foundation.

This process will inevitably not be short, it will be very long. In this process, there will be many deaths and injuries… Think about it carefully, and you will have a concept in your heart.

Before that, he was just too impulsive, persistent, and obsessed. After being led and persuaded, Zhun Di couldn’t help but sweat.

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