Chapter 331 The Power of the Realm of Rules

“Speaking of…” Luo Hui seriously recalled what happened before, focusing on Dubao’s performance, thoughtfully: “The standards of the star realm, the fog of the prehistoric… the invisible strength… ”

“Could it be…” Luo Hui’s heart trembled, could Dubao make Samsara change this time?

After the rules… Realm is there really?

“It seems that before, in him, he vaguely felt the aura of good fortune jade disc… I thought it was an illusion… Now it seems that Hongjun has already handed over the position of leader?”

Luo Hu was dissatisfied. The position of the predecessor was the position he competed with Hongjun every time after Samsara.

Every time Hongjun wins, he also loses every time. He is not convinced, but he is helpless.

It can be said that the leader of Honghuang is something he has always wanted but couldn’t get.

Unexpectedly, now it seems that this thing he dreamed of was easily obtained by Dubao.

“Snatch it over!”

Luo Hui’s heart moved, and the movement that Duobao had calmly taken out the many Xiantian treasures in batches suddenly appeared in his mind, and he shuddered immediately, and immediately let go of the thought.

Actually is not he is afraid of Xiantian treasures, to be honest, to their Realm, Xiantian treasures or something, there is no power anymore, and they can’t hurt them at all.

Unless it is the Chaos Supreme Treasure, which has also reached the realm of rules, otherwise, all other Magic Treasures that are lower than the Chaos Supreme Treasure are toys.

It’s just that Duobao’s relaxed and calm look of many Xiantian treasures made him feel palpitated.

“This kid is dying!”

Luo Hui cursed secretly in his heart.

Is he really blind?

Although Duobao’s move of taking out Magic Treasures was heart palpitating, it was the most important and the last thing that caused him to let go of his fighting thoughts. During this process, Duobao gradually appeared on his body.

That is a power that scares him, and it seems to be a power that can cause life and death to him!

“Hongjun’s set, I said that the effect is not great, it has failed so many times, can’t I win it once?”

Luo Hui gritted his teeth when he thought about it. How could he say, he is also a dignified demon ancestor, Sage… is also qualified to be in charge of the prehistoric?

You all failed, don’t let me try… Finally, you gave it back to such a junior.

Although this younger generation is somewhat different, but the younger generation is the younger generation, can it really surpass them… breakthrough this Samsara?

Luo Hui became more and more angry when he thought about it, but he couldn’t help but he was angry…

This is very incomprehensible!

“That kid is different, I admit it, but his power of rules is still a bit lower… sure there can be a change?”

“Is he sure he is qualified to lead Hong Huang?”

Luo Hu snorted uncomfortably, “I want to see if he can afford this responsibility!”


The Heavenly Demon matter was resolved, and the hidden dangers in the star realm were also removed. After seeing the Demon Ancestor, Duobao returned to Kunlun.

Sitting cross-legged in the manor, the appearance of the star world appeared in his mind.

In the vast star realm, it is no different from the normal world. In addition to the laws of various aspects, the concept is stronger, and there are many rules hidden in the secret… it can also be regarded as a normal world.

Heavenly Demon invaded and fought against the juniors and younger sisters in the star realm. This was a pure battle. Ascension, there was nothing special about it.

However, because of the environment of the star realm, while fighting, the rules of the star realm and the specific realm are constantly being divided into the real spirits of the people.

As long as time goes on, their essence, soul, and true spirit will be changed, resulting in a qualitative Ascension.

As the people continued to fight, the power of the rules came out of it, and slowly fell into Duobao’s body.

“Sixteen Ways…”

Duobao counted the power of the rules in his body and grinned: “Realm has reached it, but in terms of Magic power, it’s still a lot worse.”

The power of rules can be said to be the power after the rules of Sage.

Equivalent to the relationship between Magic power and fairy gods.

The power of the sixteen rules represents the sixteen rules, that is to say, he can use it to set sixteen absolute rules.

“Shizu and Luo Hu, both rule Sage, and their rule power is at least three digits. Compared with that, I am indeed a lot worse.”

Duobao secretly said in his heart that after seeing Hongjun and Luohu separately, he knew this in his heart.

He could not accurately perceive the strength of the two, but he could vague some concepts.

“Su Shan, Human Race, Ashura Race, Lich Race…Star Realm.”

In the body, magic power is constantly being produced, like silk like fog, every moment, the magic power generated is like the ocean, huge and boundless.

Compared with ordinary creatures, it can be said to be boundless magic power.

However, after being transformed into the power of rules, it is far from enough…The quality gap consumes endless quantities.

As soon as the thought in Dubao’s mind moved, he knew that at this speed, it would take at least 10,000 years to turn into a force of rules.

The star realm was developed by him. Although it is a world, the refining of Magic Treasures went smoothly, and it was also developed in accordance with the method of refining Magic Treasures.

This led to the successful development of the Astral Realm, and it was also regarded as an alternative Magic Treasures.

All the creatures in it, as long as they stay in it, are considered to be using Magic Treasures and can also provide him with Magic power feedback.

For this reason, it only takes ten thousand years to gather the power of a rule, otherwise it will take longer.

Compared to other Magic Treasures, the Star Realm is the Magic Treasures that best suits his current interests. If all the creatures of the prehistoric are transferred into it, it can be foreseen that the cohesion of the power of his rules will surely be a great Ascension.

It is not a problem to catch up with or even surpass Hongjun and Luo Hu in a short time.

But in this way, the star realm would not be able to maintain its original purity, and its rules, Realm, could not withstand the rendering of so many spirits, and it would be difficult to maintain the concept of detachment, Tianjiao’s Realm… the gains outweigh the gains.

“take it easy!”

Duobao whispered, not in a hurry.

Now, he is the rule Sage, not to mention the strongest in the prehistoric, but it is also considered the strongest.

Moreover, the four major rules of Sage, Daozu Hongjun is his master, Luohu is his Dage, and the god-tier Pangu, who has not yet appeared, is also on his side faintly…no one can hurt him at all.

In this case, there is no such urgency for the strength of Ascension.

Duobao calmed down completely, the previous anxiety and crisis had all disappeared.

“Strength is not the first, how to change the prehistoric…how to let the great breakthrough Samsara…how to let the common people live, everyone is like a dragon…breakthrough rules are the most important.”

After careful consideration, after thinking for a long time, I temporarily let go of the thought: “Those are still too far away, take your time, don’t worry.”

After thinking about it, his attention returned to own Gold Finger: “Magic Treasures simulation system!”

I was an ordinary person, and it was a bit weird, and there was only this Gold Finger that came through.

I didn’t think it before, but now I realized that my Gold Finger is really strong.

Master, as Sage, it’s fine if they didn’t find it. Sage didn’t find the rules like Shizu Hongjun…Moreover, now even he knew the existence of Gold Finger, but he searched all over his body, body, mind, and still didn’t find it. Where is Gold Finger.

This is very bizarre.

“Could it be that the existence beyond the rules in my body is this Gold Finger?”

I called out a few words in my heart, but I didn’t see any response from the system. As usual, there were no other changes because of his strength Ascension.

“Magic Treasures simulation system… Xiantian Zhibao can be easily simulated. If you want to come, Chaos Zhibao is not a problem!”

Duobao thought to himself: “It’s hard to say that the other chaotic treasures, the Pangu axe is divided into three, turned into a Taiji figure, Pangu flag, chaotic clock… I have got a Taiji diagram, Pangu flag, and there is still a chaotic clock. You can gather the Three Treasures of the Open Heaven.”

“Legend, the Three Treasures of the Open Heaven can be merged into the Pangu Axe… Try it then!”

“If it can even copy the Pangu axe… it will probably be a stone hammer!”

The thoughts in his mind slowly became clear: “Astral Realm, the treasure of chaos…come one by one, slowly, not in a hurry.”

“These are not things that can be done in a hurry…In the process, you can also find a way to re-asscension your own strength.”

“Anyway, idle is idle.”

As a rule Sage, his strength is indeed relatively low.

“the Internet…”

Thinking of Ascension’s strength, Duobao immediately thought of a big killer.

His previous life gave him the deepest memory, and it was the Internet.

From that ignorant era into a modern society, to be honest, the biggest credit is the Internet.

If it weren’t for the emergence of the Internet, the people’s minds and horizons have been completely opened…I am afraid that the world will be better than before, but there will not be much change.

A letter for a lifetime, a carriage, a lifetime!

The Internet has brought people closer and expanded their upper limits.

If the Internet can be popularized in the prehistoric times, it will definitely increase the upper limit of the Ascension sentient beings… If everyone wants to be like a dragon, this must be done.

Moreover, the emergence of the Internet, for him who knows the power of the Internet, its cohesion of the power of rules will surely have another leapfrog Ascension.

To be honest, he had this idea when he first discovered that the Magic Treasures simulator existed.

However, at the beginning, he thought that his own strength was too low to support, so he put it down, just thinking about it, and instead refined many other Magic Treasures and chose a detour.

Now, this idea can be carried out.

“The Internet can’t be copied, it needs to be fine-tuned, and, at the beginning, it’s best not to pull all living things into it… The impact is too great, there are too many Karma, I’m not afraid of it, I am afraid that it will be unnecessary to the prehistoric Twisted.”

“For the time being, let’s slowly stabilize the predecessor, Ascension, wait until it can withstand the Internet and so many Karma, and then release it!”

“Otherwise, there are really too many variables!”

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