Chapter 326: The Real Calculation

What a cold-blooded, crazy person this is…Is he really a human?

Queen Mother West trembled, and her eyes looked strange when she looked at Duobao.

“Uncle Master thinks I killed them?” Queen Mother Xi didn’t drink, and Duo Bao didn’t mind, drinking indifferently while Queen Mother Xi looked abnormal.

Queen Mother West: “Isn’t it? Although you didn’t do it, you arranged everything, didn’t you?”

“I arranged it, but I also asked them before.”

Duobao nodded, out of West Queen Mother’s expectation, and directly admitted.

At first, she thought he would argue.

“Inquiry…ask if you can kill them?” Queen Mother Xi was very disappointed and gave up completely.

She heard these words ridiculous, but she didn’t know how Duobao had a face to say it.

Hello, I am going to kill you. Could you please prepare?

Is that so?

This guy is not only perverted, but also treats her as a fool.

“Kill me.” Queen Mother West said suddenly.

“Huh?” Duobao’s hand trembled and looked at Queen Mother West in surprise.

He thought about the reaction of Queen Mother Xi a lot, but did not expect this reaction.

“Since you have destroyed both the Lich family, it is not too bad for me… Since I know your secret, I will not live anymore. You killed me. Then, maybe no one will know what you did. Those are abnormal things.” Queen Mother Xi stared at Duobao.

She originally wanted to do it, but when she was about to do it, she suddenly discovered that her own Magic power couldn’t work, and spells, Taoism, and magical powers couldn’t be used here.

It seems that this seemingly ordinary place is a place of forbidden spells, and it is impossible to use any spells at all.

Originally, Duobao’s strength was above her. She was just not reconciled, so she wanted to do something and resist again.

Unexpectedly, she didn’t even have the power to resist.

“This guy is so perverted, I wonder if Senior Brother Sanqing knows?”

“Does Daozu his old man know?”

“Hopefully, before he can do more serious things, someone will find out and stop him again!”

Queen Mother West closed her eyes angrily.

“Uncle Master…” Duobao was speechless. A woman who looked so beautiful was also a well-known figure in the legend. Logically speaking, her wisdom should not be low.

How can the brain make up so many messy things.

He yelled, Queen Mother Xi’s eyelids didn’t move, and she didn’t even care about him.

She had regarded Duobao as the biggest demon, and she had nothing to say about it.

When Duobao saw this, he couldn’t say any more, waved, the environment around him changed.

Queen Mother Xi, who was closing her eyes and waiting to die, suddenly felt her body warm up. This heat made her a little unbearable. More importantly, she felt a familiar breath in the heat.

I couldn’t help but opened my eyes, and immediately saw two familiar three-legged Golden Crows, burning hot flames all over the body, stretching their wings, and rushing upwards continuously.

“This is… Dijun, Taiyi?” Queen Mother West suddenly widened her eyes.

The two three-legged Golden Crows in front of them, although they didn’t look very smart and didn’t have much wisdom on them, but there was no doubt that she could be sure that this was Taijun Taiyi.

“Aren’t they dead?” Queen Mother Xi was stunned… She obviously saw the scars formed after the fall of the two demons in the starry sky.

That’s definitely a performance after Daohua, absolutely dead and can’t die anymore…but why…

She was stupid. Everything she saw in front of her made her mind confused, and she couldn’t figure out why, what went wrong?

“Or…Is it an illusion?”

Queen Mother West stared closely at the three-legged Golden Crow and watched them waving their wings vigorously and flying towards the top.

The strange thing is that this space is not large, and at their speed, one thought can pass through, but after flying at full strength for a long time, they never flew even a finger of distance.

Queen Mother Xi who looked at this was even more puzzled.


Just as she watched in amazement, trying to distinguish it from an illusion, suddenly a Ruyu palm fell and straightly knocked down the two three-legged Golden Crows that were struggling to fly.


The two three-legged Golden Crows didn’t have the slightest strength to fight back. They were knocked down in the starry sky burning with blazing flames, and their feathers fell, turning into the flames of their debut.

This slap was really fierce to them, and it took a long time for them to recover.

After recovering, they didn’t see them looking for the owner of the palm. Instead, they absorbed the power of the flame around their bodies, strengthened themselves, and then flew upwards with perseverance.

Queen Mother West saw the clues and narrowed her eyes: “They… have become stronger?”

“See it?” Duobao stood aside, also looking at the two three-legged Golden Crow.

The slap just now was what he did.

“Are they Dijun and Taiyi?”

“Where is this place?”

“Aren’t they dead? Why…”

Queen Mother West turned to face Duobao, and a series of questions emerged.

“Come one by one, don’t worry.”

Duobao scratched his head and slowly said, “They are dead, but they are not dead either.”

“Dignified quasi-sage, is it so easy to die?”

“Even though they are Daoist… but they left Dao Marks… In Dao Marks, they hid the last trace of own vitality in it.”

Queen Mother West was stunned, and then stared at the three-legged Golden Crow in front of her: “Is this their backhand?”

“Are they still?”

She still doesn’t understand. She will do it with this method, but after Taoization, the power of Taoism will appear, and everything will be transformed. No matter what it is, it is impossible to keep it.

It is complete, the Taoization that Karma unfolds with oneself, everything in oneself will be transformed.

At least, she was not sure that she would be able to leave anything behind under such circumstances.

Moreover, she couldn’t imagine how she stayed behind like this?

“Of course it’s them… it’s just that they have grown again.” Looking at the blazing flames around him, Duobao casually took Dijun who had flown a certain distance away, and Taiyi took a picture.

Queen Mother West looked stunned.

When I was uncertain before, I still didn’t feel it. Now I have determined that these two three-legged Golden Crows are the emperor, too one-of-a-kind. Looking at Duobao’s movements, I immediately feel a very strange feeling.

“They are rebuilding the road…Look at these flames, what do you see?”

Depressing the feeling in her heart, Queen Mother Xi carefully looked at the flames, slowly, her expression changed in shock, and she was shocked: “This is?”

At first glance, I didn’t feel it, but when I look closely, I can find that these seemingly ordinary flames are actually not ordinary.

Each flame contains a strong Tao and different perceptions.

“The two families of Liches have fallen, do you think it was me who did it?”

“Yes, yes, it was indeed my hands, but the actual arrangements were made by them themselves.”

Duobao’s explanation echoed in the shocked Queen Mother West.

“They didn’t want to live a long time ago. With the hands of the Fruit Clan, with my hands, they set up this game, and with the power of the Universe Star Dou formation, they restrained the Fruit Clan.”

“Then, using the Witch Clan as a shield, it blocked the power of Dao Hua and kept all of them alive.”

“So, you can say that I killed them, but you can also understand that they killed themselves!”

Duobao looked at Emperor Jun with a sigh, Taiyi couldn’t help but slap again.

This is to count him in it.

He has become a tool man.

They discovered the cultivation Realm created by Duobao, and the road is stronger, so they have always wanted to transform the cultivation road created by Duobao.

But their own foundation has been set, and it is difficult to change.

Unless you start all over again, but with such strength, start all over again…Who has the courage?

That is to say, under the persecution of the Fruit Clan, they set up this round with half pushing.

On the surface, they and the Guo Clan were destroyed together. In fact, the Guo Clan was extinct, but they used this to transform their own perceptions, Cultivation Base, Magic power, and everything, with the power of Taoism, into the foundation. Hidden in the Dao Mark.

Their last consciousness was re-cultivation in Dao Mark.

The space they are in now is the Dao Mark formed by Emperor Jun and Taiyi, so these two Golden Crows exist here.

Queen Mother Xi was stupid, all this was completely different from what she had guessed and saw.

The difference is too far!

“So, in fact, the bigger reason for all of this is their own?” Queen Mother West asked with some difficulty.

Duobao sighed: “It’s not so. Originally, my plan was for them to grow up slowly in the pursuit of the fruit clan. Who knows, they even set up the table directly… I was drunk too!”

He planned it. The development of Honghuang, Ascension, the most important thing is the creatures in it, so that their strength, Ascension, is the best help for the development of Honghuang.

Among these people, the Lich races are undoubtedly the most suitable existence.

Therefore, he planned a lot of roads for the two clans in his mind, and he had already planned to arrange them to go. Who knows, he arranged it, and the other party did not follow the arrangement!

“Come on, you try too.”

Duobao suddenly said to Queen Mother Xi.


Queen Mother Xi hasn’t reacted yet, let me try it too? try what?

“They are rebuilding, and in the process of rebuilding, the greater the obstacles they encounter, the greater their growth…Try it, you have to remember that we beat them for their good.”

“We are not hitting them, but helping them.”

Duobao slapped the two three-legged Golden Crow that had just taken off again, and then said to Queen Mother West.

“Ah…” Queen Mother Xi understood, and the corners of her mouth twitched: “Yes, is that right?”

She felt, or what many treasures said was right, that this would indeed help the two grow up, but… she felt that the possibility of revenge was even greater, right?

She could guess that Duobao had originally arranged for them, but was disrupted by themselves.

So, of course he will be upset!

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