Chapter 313 Sage Three Realms

He also thought about resisting, after all, he is also a quasi-sage!

However, he who lost the black sword, the water of this quasi-sage can be imagined.

Even facing the original ancestral witch, he is definitely not an opponent, let alone the current ancestral witch.

As soon as he shot, he was blown away by a ray of blood.

There is no other way but to run away.

He wants to be a good person, but he doesn’t give him a chance!

What can he do?

Gonggong looked at Bai Martial King and others who were running away with cold eyes, controlling Blood Qi, and constantly attacking him.

These people are the chief culprits of confusing the prehistoric land, and they are also the culprits of destroying the predominant land…definitely not let go.

Endless Blood Qi fell, beating Martial King and others in embarrassment.

It was also because Gonggong and other ancestral witches were working together to sweep the earth. Most of their energy was spent on sweeping. They could only distribute power. Otherwise, with such a virtual strength as the Martial King, he would not be able to stop an attack at all.

“Run, how long can you run?”

Gonggong sneered. Under the combined efforts of their twelve ancestors, the cleaning of the earth was very fast, and the recovery was not slow. It didn’t take long to fully recover.

At that time, he will be able to free his hands and press this pesky mouse to death.

Gonggong planned in his heart, speeding up the cleaning, leaving a little energy, paying attention to Martial King and others, and doing his best to clean up the barren land.

After they have completely cleaned the ground, Gong Gong will turn around to clean up the Martial King and others, but suddenly they can’t feel their breath.

A black Lotus flower grows where they originally appeared.

Gong Gong looked at this Lotus flower and was surprised: “Ten second rank black lotus?”

He has still heard of the legend of Luohu of the Demon Race.

For its iconic Lingbao, the ten second-rank black lotus, of course it is even more familiar.

Although it was only the first time I saw it, I recognized it instantly.

He stretched out his hand and carefully pulled out the black lotus.

It is really pulled out, because this is not the ten second-rank black lotus deity, but an ordinary Lotus flower that is retained by a trace of its strength and combined with the earth.

“Magic Ancestor!”

Gong Gong stared at the Lotus flower in his hand. He knew that this was a provocation by the Demon Ancestor, or a mockery.

“The Demon Ancestor is really alive, does Dao Ancestor know?” Gonggong didn’t feel much humiliation. After all, the other party was the Demon Ancestor, and there was a horrible existence that could confront Dao Ancestor.

A little ridicule, not only did not feel the humiliation, but also a sense of glory.

“The Demon Ancestor shot?” Zhu Rong quietly appeared beside Gong Gong, startling the contemplative Gong Gong.

Gong Gong couldn’t help but roll his eyes: “What are you doing sneakily?”

Zhu Rong looked solemnly: “The Demon Ancestor is still alive, does Dao Ancestor know that?”

The ancestor witches in the past were not afraid of the heavens and the earth. It was the Taoist ancestor Hongjun, and they had also thought about fighting.

However, that was when he was young and frivolous and didn’t know anything.

Now it’s just a Duobao, let them know the depth, and no longer have the arrogance.

“How do I know?” Gonggong shook his hands and threw the ten second-rank black lotus to Zhu Rong: “I’ll give it to you.”

Zhu Rong took it in a hurry, cautiously.

“Let the big guys deal with these big people’s matters, let’s not think too much about it.”

Compared to the Demon Ancestor, Dao Ancestor, they are really just small people.

“The cleanup is complete, then we finally set the ground vein, and we should go back.”

Dijiang’s voice fell into the ears of the ancestors.

Suddenly, all the ancestors and witches were all right.

The trial in the dark trial field is not over yet, they still have to go back.

After such an encounter before, they dare not leave the wild land like this anymore.

The loss this time was so great that it made them feel distressed, that is, the ground veins and air eyes that were swallowed by the Demon Realm were eliminated, and they didn’t know how long it would take to recover.

To be precise, it’s not recovery, but re-growth…The prehistoric land is one, and one ground vein disappears. Without the barrier of the demon realm, the other ground veins will naturally turn around and wander away.

However, this will greatly delay the development of the land…unless there is no other way, it is best not to happen.

The twelve ancestor witches stood still in the sky and the earth again, falling in twelve directions.

A golden light gradually appeared on his body.

The golden light became stronger and heavier, turning the twelve ancestor witches into gold, and after a short time, they became twelve golden men.

The golden man stands in the heavens and the earth, the immortal meaning of the golden walk, through the body of the twelve ancestor witches, falls into the earth, penetrates into the veins, and breathes in the eyes, giving it a golden shield.

The entire wild land slowly turned golden.

It didn’t take long for the golden earth to appear, and it slowly dissipated, returning to its original appearance.

With the restoration of the earth, the twelve golden figures slowly disappeared.

Above the sky, the disappeared Twelve Ancestor Witch reappeared, and smiled at each other with the long-awaited Dijun and Taiyi.

“Let’s go, continue our trial.”

The blood jade amulet is activated, and the ominous passage appears.

This time, they panic, fear, and calmly walked in.

Duobao was still thinking about Houtu and Samsara, and suddenly raised his head and glanced at the starry sky: “Is it resolved? So fast?”

“It doesn’t seem to be a big deal…so, then go ahead.”

A magic power flew out and fell into the starry sky. The liches who were still hesitating, did not know what to do next, were involved in the Ten Thousand Demons Atlas.

Each returned to its place, the demons turned into the characters in the painting, and the witches continued to fight with the fruit tribe.

“The Samsara thing, hold it down for the time being, it should not be in Realm now, so I don’t understand… this is not something I can think of now.”

Duobao didn’t pay much attention to the affairs between the Liches and turned to the 20th Second Stage Day: “For me, developing the 30th Third Stage genius is the most important thing.”

Twenty days of First Stage have been opened, and he can already feel the luck that falls on him.

Of course not many, but not many.

With the addition of luck, even thinking seems to become a lot more active.

This made him feel the benefits and even more motivated.

“The twenty Second Stage days are different from the previous twenty First Stage days…the level is qualitatively improved.”

“Ordinary rules can no longer fill it up, so…”

In Doubao’s thoughts, the five-color light appeared in his hand, which was transformed by the rules of Five Elements: “Just try something that I have just realized not long ago.”

He still doesn’t know how long the road of law is.

However, in the process of the road of law, he has also continued to gain.

After Ascension of the law to a certain level, Duobao discovered that the law had changed.

It seems to have reached the standard, or it may be the next stage of the road to the law.

Things that are more above the law have been insighted by him.

He called this kind of thing a rule.

What are the rules?

The rule is the rule, then it is the law.

The rules are the rules of the rules!

That’s not quite right.

To be more precise, it is a powerful law that is more above the law.

Duobao threw the Five Elements rule in his hand towards the 20th Second Stage.

Immediately the five colors of light flowed, and a world of Five Elements took shape.

“Immortal for gold, wood never dies, water never extinguishes, fire never ends, and soil never breaks.”

When the thought fell, the power of Five Elements flashed in the entire Five Elements sky, and there were rules.

The twentieth Second Stage day became the Five Elements day.

Which is filled with the endless power of Five Elements.

This is not the power of ordinary Five Elements, but the power of Five Elements rules.

Duobao has set rules for Five Elements. Those who have the power of gold and rules, unless they can go beyond the rules, Immortal, those who have the power of wood and rules, will not die; those who have the power of water and rules will not die; those who have the power of fire will do Those who have the power of rules will never stop; those who gain the power of rules will never break.

The so-called Immortal, immortal, immortal, immortal, immortal, is for eternity.

To put it simply, if there are creatures that can enter the Five Elements sky and get a little flame, a little water, a little gold, a little wood, and a little soil in it, then they can ignore the Realm and become eternal.

Without the power of breaking through the rules, no creature can kill it, even if it’s just a mortal.

This is the rule!

I stipulate that you shall not die, then you will never die.

I stipulate that you will not be destroyed, then you will never be destroyed.

call out!

A figure suddenly broke through the air.

Duobao immediately saw the gift: “Apprentice Duobao, see Master.”

Hongjun waved his hand, staring at Five Elements with shocked eyes, without taking advantage of Dubao.

“Rules, they turned out to be rules.”

Hongjun has been following Duo Bao secretly, and he always feels that Duo Bao will give him a great surprise.

Now, he was sure that it was indeed a surprise to him, but he always felt that the shock was more serious than the surprise.

God knows how shocked he was after seeing Duobao figure out the rules in the Purple Heaven Palace.

That’s something better than Sage!

Insight can be sanctified by one rule. Insight out of the rules, it is not very different from him.

The reason why Sage is strong is that it is a concept that occupies the concept, that is, Sage.

Simply put, with the concept of being holy by fire and occupying fire, then as long as there is fire in the world, it will not completely fall.

Just like the Sanqing, they are sanctified because they occupy the three concepts of being, yin, and yang.

Taiqing is for existence, as long as there is something in the world, then it will not die.

Yuqing is yin, and Shangqing is yang.

The unity of the three is for heaven and earth.

To put it more bluntly, Taiqing is energy, Yuqing is spirit, and Shangqing is matter.

As long as time still has energy, spirit, and material existence, the three are eternal.

This is the concept in the law.

In the realm of Sage, the Insight law can be sanctified. The Insight concept is to go further, and the Insight rule directly transcends Sage.

Sanqing et al. Sage is actually just the first step of Sage, but because of the existence of Hongmeng Ziqi, the concept is given to it, so that it has the power of the second step of Sage.

But in essence, they are just the first step Sage, because that concept is bestowed by the grandiose spirit.

The rules are more above the concept Sage, because it is the rules that create the concept.

Just like what Dubao is doing now, the Immortal he has set, immortal, immortal, immortal, immortal, is also a concept.

If you can really Insight, you will surely be holy!

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