Chapter 307

Hundred Martial King looked solemn and looked at the sky and the world.

The world is normal, nothing is wrong, the same as what they have seen before… But looking at it, he is inexplicably flustered.

“Could it be that the good days of my hundred families are coming to an end?”

He is the leader of the current Hundred Clan and the patriarch of the original Hundred Soldiers.

Although the old man of the Hundred Soldiers is the strongest of the Hundred Soldiers, he is the patriarch.

“This time, can my 100 families still escape?”

Hundred Martial King looked ugly and worried.

Although it’s just a feeling, in his Realm, the feeling can actually represent the fact.

“I don’t know, what happened this time?”

The Hundred Martial King was very embarrassed. Since the fall of the Hundred Soldiers, they seemed to usher in the end.

All kinds of catastrophes came one after another, and with great difficulty, he led Baijia out of the previous catastrophe and entered a new peak. It hasn’t been glorious for long, but it seems that there is another catastrophe.

“Am I really wrong?”

Hundred Martial King is holding a knife in his hand, it is pitch black as ink, and it seems calm. When you look closely, you can feel the strong smell of blood.

That is the smell of death accumulated by countless creatures who died under this blade.


Bai Rujin walked out and watched Bai Martial King stopped, not only yelled in confusion.

They came out this time to re-occupy the wilderness. Why did the patriarch stay here after he came out?

“It doesn’t feel right, let’s go back.”

Hundred Martial King stared at the calm land and watched for a long time, and finally decided to believe in his own consciousness.


The crowd looked at the back of Hundred Martial King unwillingly and shouted in unison.

go back?

How can I go back?

They just came out!

The power that suddenly emerged before knocked out most of the power of their hundreds of families, and those who did not have hundreds of families fell instantly.

This time, that power has disappeared. Instead of taking advantage of this time to develop well, they want the tortoise to retract?

How can they be willing to let them, who have been looking forward to it for a long time, be reconciled.

“I said, go back!”

Hundred Martial King didn’t explain, stopped, staring at them coldly and said.

Everyone looked at each other unwillingly, but slowly lowered their heads under the cold gaze of Hundred Martial King.

Gradually, everyone lowered.


Hundred Martial King nodded with satisfaction, and repeated it again: “Go back!”


The chaotic footsteps sounded like everyone’s unwilling mood.

Hundred Martial King ignored it, and just went back. Some small emotions will slowly disappear.


At this moment, suddenly there was a sound of breaking through the air.

“Patriarch, your order is too rude, forgive me for not being able to wait… Patriarch, I’m sorry!”

Hundred Martial King stopped again, his face was pale, looking at the crowd of people who broke through the sky, and wanted to chase him back.


The black knife in his hand suddenly uttered bursts of knives, and the powerful knife aura flew out.

Hundred Martial King didn’t care about the people who flew away, and quickly suppressed Black Knife.

“The magic knife has changed, and it is not reconciled.”

Hundred Martial King knew in his heart that the knife in his hand was a magic knife, not a good thing, but he had to rely on it.


Hundreds of sword intents of various shapes appeared on Hundred Martial King’s body.

The Black Knife was unwilling to bear the attack, and was extremely angry.


The sharp knife energy rushed out of it, like a waterfall, and slew towards the Martial King.


Hundred Martial King’s complexion changed and he increased his strength to suppress.

On this day, he had already expected and prepared, but he didn’t expect it would be so early.

The various sword intents on his body are entangled with the waterfall of sword energy emitted by the black sword, and he no longer has the power to control the behavior of other tribesmen.

Everyone looked at the Bai Martial King who was already powerless to clone, and many people trembled. After a while, several figures broke through the air.

During the battle of the Hundred Martial King, he drew out his energy, took a look, and was unable to stop it.

“Fine, it seems that you don’t recognize me as the patriarch!”

“Since you have made a decision, then do it according to your own ideas.”

“I can only tell you one last thing, the current Honghuang is different…it’s dangerous!”

After speaking the last sentence, Hundred Martial King no longer cares about all the people, and stalemate with the black knife in his hand.

The people of the tribe looked at each other as they heard the words of the Martial King.

“Danger, what can be dangerous?”

Someone whispered: “Looking at this world, it is clear that it is the same as before. Did the patriarch feel wrong?”

“I want to leave, how about you?”

“Wait for me, I’ll be with you.”

“Have you forgotten, if it wasn’t for the patriarch before, our Hundred Soldier Clan would have long since disappeared.”

“Not long ago, it was also the patriarch who discovered that the Demon Realm was not attacked and led us into hiding. This allowed us to survive. Now you are going to betray the patriarch and go?” Bai Rujin listened to the words of the crowd, Questioned angrily.

The people were unwilling to look directly into his eyes and avoided, with guilt in their hearts.

“The patriarch was right before, doesn’t mean it’s also right this time.”

“We can’t rely on the patriarch all the time, we also need to make our own decisions!”

Bai Rujin laughed angrily and glared at everyone: “Who said that, dare to say, dare not to stand up?”

No one admits it, all avoiding his gaze.

“Anyway, this time, I am leaving.”

“It’s up to you whether you go or not.”

When the words fell, a figure suddenly flew out, broke apart in an instant, and was extremely fast, and disappeared in the blink of an eye, quite a feeling of escape.

“Baihu… so it was you!” Although the man ran very fast, Bai Rujin still recognized his identity and shouted loudly: “You white-eyed wolf!”




Before the voice was over, only a series of air-breaking sounds were heard, and most of the time before him was empty.

Bai Rujin’s remaining words stuck in his throat, and when he looked at the dwindling clansmen, he suddenly felt a deep weakness.

“You…how can you do this?”

After a short period of time, there were only more than a hundred tribes left in the same place.

“Don’t blame them, it’s not just their own reasons.”

Just when Bai Rujin was depressed, suddenly a familiar voice came from the shoulder of First Stage.

Turning his head to see, it was Hundred Martial King, their patriarch.

Hundred Martial King’s complexion was a little pale, and countless knife marks appeared on the black knife in his hand. Obviously he had suppressed the black knife, but it seemed that the price was not a lot.

“Patriarch?” Hundreds of gold.

“This time, my hundreds of families will usher in another catastrophe, but I don’t know, this time, can my hundreds of families survive the past?”

Hundred Martial King was worried, and didn’t blame too much for those who left.

Just now in the process of suppressing Black Knife, he suddenly understood.

They were just slaves. They once knelt down, just to survive, and never stood up again.

Now, even if they want to hide or hide, they have to ask their owner if they want to.

Of course the demon soldiers were not willing, so at this moment, there were only more than a hundred members of the originally countless clansmen.

Except for his patriarch, who was initially defending against the black sword, so he could temporarily suppress the black sword, the other members of the clan were basically affected by the demons and left.

The rest is not how strong they are or how high their aspirations are, but because the magic soldiers they take are the weakest and have the least impact on them.

“Hey, go back, this time, maybe it’s really doomed, maybe this time, my hundred schools are really just hundred schools.”

After a long sigh, Hundred Martial King walked back towards the Demon Realm a little lonely.

This time, the remaining clansmen did not hesitate anymore, following behind the Martial King, returning to the Demon Realm.


Monster Race, in the third stage of the sky, Emperor Jun opened his mouth and swallowed the last authority. A blaze appeared on his body. Then, after an instant annihilation, the black energy flew out of his body and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

“Congratulations, brother.” Taiyi saw this and walked up.

Di Jun got acquainted with the situation inside his body and shook his head: “It’s the third stage day, this is the limit.”

“Duobao is too strong!”

He doesn’t know how many times he has said this kind of thing, the number is so large that he can’t even count it himself.

He was a majestic Heavenly Emperor, who was supposed to be calm, even if he didn’t collapse in front of his eyes, his face would not change.

But when facing Duobao, even if he wasn’t in front of him, it was just some movement he made, which made him unable to calm down. He sighed again and again.

“It’s true.” Taiyi nodded in agreement: “The Third Stage day is the limit, and Dubo is too strong!”

Dubao didn’t know what method he used to affect these 30 Third Stage days, just the previous Third Stage days, which made them desperate.

If it weren’t for the curse that had been swallowed in the dark trial site in their bodies, they hadn’t digested it, so that they had only allowed them to refine the authority of the Third Stage Heaven.

Otherwise, with their strength, First Stage would be difficult to refine.

Now, after the Third Stage day, the curse in their bodies has been completely annihilated, and on the Fourth Stage day, they can only look at it and cannot enter.

Not to mention the authority to refining the Fourth Stage, even if you enter the Fourth Stage, when you have this idea, you will feel a palpitating heart.

Immediately, the two understood that this was the limit and could not continue.

“What are the gains of the Erlangs?” Di Jun put down his thoughts and asked.

During this period of time, he was refining the power of the Third Stage, Taiyi was helping him refining, and at the same time paying attention to the movement of the monster race.

“It’s almost there.” Tai said with joy: “Third Stage, all career positions, authority, only the last thirty venerations are left, and all the others have their masters.”

“That’s good.” Di Jun nodded in satisfaction.

Although it was not a complete power of the heavens, it was just a scattered power, and its power was strong enough to be able to refine so much, it had greatly exceeded his expectations, and he was very satisfied.

“By the way, my monster clan has not been in the prehistoric for a long time, don’t you know what happened?”

The demon clan holds the sky, representing the mighty sky, and has the meaning of supervising sentient beings to prevent the common people from doing too much.

“There are some. During our absence, a force called Baijia appeared.”

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