Chapter 292 Zhen Yuanzi’s Determination

Duobao reflected on himself: “Perhaps it is because there is still a long way to go after the discovery of the law Insight is completed.”

“For the way of law, the introduction of the law is really just the introduction of the law… But for me, this is already very difficult.”

“You can’t really think that getting started with the law is easy just because you have discovered that the future of the law is very long.”

“The goal can be very large, but the cognition must be clear. Knowing is one thing, and whether it can be achieved or not is another thing.”

“You can’t take what you know as what you can do.”

“The attitude is wrong!”

Duobao took a deep breath and slowly adjusted his own mentality.

“Avoid arrogance and rashness, and move forward steadily. The road to cultivation is very long. I still need to work hard!”

“Fourth Stage Day…”

Duobao’s eyes fell on the good fortune breath in his hand: “Just use the power of good fortune to turn it into the Fourth Stage… This is also a warning to me.”

“Every time I see it in the future, I can remember my current state…wake me up.”


In the predicament, all the creatures, down to ordinary people without Magic power, up to the two Sages in the west, and Nuwa Sage outside the Chaos Snail Palace, are staring at the sky.

Soon after the flame appeared, the flame disappeared.

The Third Stage day also took shape.

However, this does not mean the end, but just the beginning.

Because it was another side whose color could not be described abruptly, replacing the original position of the flame.

Even it does not have a specific shape, nor can it show a specific appearance.

But every creature who looked at the sky couldn’t help but feel a sense of joy.

I don’t know why, just happy.

After watching it for a long time, even a lot of roars from the body of many creatures gave birth to Magic power, which turned from an ordinary creature into a cultivator.

“Opportunity, great opportunity!”

“Good fortune, big good fortune!”

Countless voices sounded in the hearts of countless creatures.

“The power of good fortune…” Suddenly, Zhundi stared at the sky seriously and earnestly: “The third stage day is built with flames. Is this fourth stage day built with the power of good fortune?”

The two were a little surprised. Originally in their guess, since the flames appeared, it is very likely that the existence was planning to build thirty Third Stage days with the power of Five Elements.

After the flame, the normal situation should be the power of other Five Elements.

They never thought that after the flame, it turned out to be good fortune.

“Sure enough…we really can’t guess his thoughts!” Zhundi shook his head and smiled bitterly.

“Good fortune?” Looking at the changes in the land, Nuwa’s expression moved, also very surprised.

She and Zhundi had the same speculation that they led them. They thought that the Fourth Stage day should also be the other power in Five Elements, but they didn’t expect it to be good fortune.


Nuwa was puzzled, but she had a hunch, as if this sudden change was related to her.

“Is it because of…I just probed?” Nuwa’s heart moved, and there was speculation.

She watched the Fourth Stage carefully. She was best at good fortune, so she could see more things.

“Such an accomplishment… it’s not far from complete Insight!”

At this look, he became more and more frightened.

From all the previous performances, she guessed that what Dubao is best at is definitely not good fortune, but now it seems that it is above the law of good fortune, and it is not low.

“What a genius!”

Nuwa stayed, she didn’t expect that Duobao could reach this level on the way of good fortune.

Depending on the situation, it doesn’t even take long for him to fully understand the law of good fortune, and even sanctify by it.

“Wait…” Suddenly an unbelievable thought appeared in Nuwa’s mind, astonished: “It’s not due to Duobao’s strength because of his Insight into various laws?”

“His strength has undoubtedly surpassed Sage.”

“Is he proving according to the law?”

“Is he born with Xiantian’s advantage in Insight of various Dao laws… so he can make his strength reach such an incredible level?”

Nuwa was shocked, thinking about it, it seems very possible!

This seems to be able to explain why Dubao’s strength is so unspeakable!

“The law proves…If this is the case, how much advantage should he have over the Insight of the law to enable him to have such strength in such a short period of time?”

Nuwa thought that she might have guessed the reason for Duobao’s strength Ascension, but because of this, she was even more shocked.

She couldn’t imagine how talented, talented, and superior it was to make a newly born creature come from behind and surpass them like Sage!

You know, these Sages of them, the time that they cultivated is not calculated by the amount of calamity?

And how many Yuanhui has just been born for Duobao?

Not to mention the cultivation time, the birth time, they all use Yuanhui… This is incredible.

“Son of Heavenly Dao?” Nuwa looked uncertain. After a moment, she shook her head and exclaimed, “I’m afraid it’s not the son of Heavenly Dao. How can I say it is the son of Dao?”

The son of Heavenly Dao is no longer worthy of Duobao’s performance. Only the son of Dao can show his talent.


In the magic mountain, Zhen Yuanzi, Hong Yun was covered with blood, and his clean robe had already been stained red with blood.

They walked hard in the magic mountain, step by step.

It seems that at this time theirs is no longer a great power, but more like mortals who have not yet been cultivated.

The two of them looked calm, although they were covered in blood, they still moved forward firmly, without the slightest sign of shrinking.


Suddenly there was a buzzing sound in front, The next moment, a tripod tripod suddenly appeared.

Above the great cauldron, countless black gas fell, shaking the void.

Every black line appeared, it was a space crack.

Even today’s prehistoric space, it has also been shaken out of the cracks.

The space crack rushed towards Zhen Yuanzi and Hongyun.

As soon as he arrived in front of him, a khaki-colored shield suddenly appeared, blocking him.

The space crack fell, without breaking the shield. After a stalemate for a few breaths, the power dissipated and he disappeared.

Zhen Yuanzi, Hong Yun did not see the slightest joy on his face, nor did he see any relaxation.

The big tripod shook, and black gas flew in.

Boom boom boom!

Zhen Yuanzi, Hong Yun kept retreating from being beaten… Cracks appeared on the khaki shield.

In front of Zhen Yuanzi, the book from the ground appeared, and bursts of khaki divine light fell on the shield, and then the shield recovered.

Dading rushed!


The shield was burst instantly.

At this moment, when the shield was broken, a big red Calabash suddenly appeared in Hong Yun’s hand.

The red cloud unplugged the Calabash plug, and endless crimson gravel flew out, surrounded by red mist.

Dading rushed in and sank in, hitting left and right back and forth, blocked by the red sand, unable to rush out for a while.

The book from the ground fell into Zhen Yuanzi’s hands.

He held a book from the ground, ran Magic power suddenly, turned into a big khaki hand, rushed into the red sand, and patted the big tripod!


Dading trembled again and again after being photographed, making a violent roar.

A powerful force was generated, constantly impacting the red mist.

Hong Yun snorted and urged in a low voice, “Hurry up, I can’t hold it anymore!”

Zhen Yuanzi immediately speeded up, slapped his big hands continuously, and the powerful force fell on the great cauldron. Soon, cracks appeared on the great cauldron, obviously unable to withstand Zhen Yuanzi’s attack and would be broken.

Bang bang bang!

The loud clapping sound continued, and Dading finally did not rush out, and was shot to pieces in the red sand.

“Brother Dao, are you okay?” Hong Yun put away the red sand and asked worriedly.

Zhen Yuanzi also put away the script from the ground, brushed his palm on his arm, and the wound on it caused by the Dading counterattack immediately recovered, and said in a deep voice, “It’s okay, I’m okay.”

“This demon cauldron is stronger than the previous demon soldiers… Obviously, we have entered the depths of the magic mountain… should be near its core.”

Hongyun nodded and agreed.

But then eyes reveal a worrisome color: “Just, can we survive that time?”

They are still big, and the magic mountain is far more dangerous than they thought.

Among them are various magic soldiers, Divine Armament.

When they broke into the magic mountain, they belonged to uninvited guests, and naturally they would not receive courtesy.

Divine Armament is okay, I don’t know how to do it when I meet them.

But the magic soldier is different. After meeting them, there will be no other actions, and they will do it directly.

Unless they smash it, they will never die.

The time they have entered the magic mountain is not short, and in the process, they have also experienced countless magic soldiers…

But after encountering, the fewer magic soldiers appeared, but the more powerful they were.

Slowly, they lost the ease they had before.

Up to now, he has suffered a lot of injuries.

The power of this great cauldron has reached the level of quasi-sage… even they have to work together to smash it.

Although this is the depths of the magic mountain, but it is not known how far from its core place.

The two had already suffered a lot of injuries, and Hong Yun didn’t know whether they could still support them until they entered the core of the Demon Mountain and saw the source of those demon soldiers.

Just saw it, what can they do?

Zhen Yuanzi seemed to be aware of Hongyun’s thoughts, and as he walked, he said, “My book from the earth is made by the fetal membrane of heaven and earth, and it is the best Xiantian spirit treasure.”

“Everyone only knows that my ground book has strong defensive capabilities, but they don’t know that it has another effect.”

Hong Yun’s heart moved, and immediately asked: “What’s the effect?”


Zhen Yuanzi replied in a deep voice: “The book of the earth is transformed into the fetal membrane of heaven and earth, and it can also be transformed into the fetal membrane of heaven and earth. Find the source of the demon soldier and put it in the book of earth.”

“Return to the origin of the book from the earth, turn it into the fetal membrane of the world, and seal it!”

Hong Yun’s heart was moved, and he couldn’t help but said in shock: “But, in this case, the book from the ground will be ruined!”

Zhen Yuanzi shook his head and said nonchalantly: “If it is ruined, it will be ruined. If you can seal the source of this demon soldier and let the predecessors return to purity, a Xiantian spirit treasure is also worth it.”

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