Chapter 290

The Sword Qi is too fierce, just Insight will form Karma, which will cause damage to the creatures of Insight!

Or to be more precise, it is not a harm, but a test.

Once you have passed it, you will be eligible for Insight without any harm!

However, if you can’t get through it, then the damage will manifest on your body.

The more Insights, the greater the test that needs to be overcome.

Assessing own strength, Insight Sword Qi, within the scope of one’s own tolerance, is better than bad.

Styx is very greedy, he wants a lot, Insight has gained a lot… Therefore, he is dead!

However, he is alive again!

He is the god-tier of the blood sea, with the blood sea as the foundation, he has cultivated 480 million blood god sons, unless he and these 480 million blood god sons are all killed in an instant, otherwise he can be reborn!

And the blood god child will not disappear permanently after death, and will naturally recover in the blood sea.

Therefore, there is a saying that the sea of ​​blood does not wither and the river of Styx does not die.

Relying on his 480 million blood god sons, he completely ignored the upper limit of his own tolerance, and his strong Insight Sword Qi, in a short time, caused him to lose 1,236 blood god sons.

The loss is not small, but at the same time the gains made him excited.

Styx placed his hands on Yuantu and Abi’s two killing swords, and rose up with a stream of white Sword Qi, warm and moist like jade, never seeing the murderous intent before, with great momentum.

This does not mean that his strength has become weaker, on the contrary, it is stronger.

The strength is more condensed, and the killing intent is more pure.

Relying on this killing intent alone, he has the confidence to face the Eastern Emperor Taiyi holding the Chaos Clock.

In the past, he was still too weak. Now, he is confident that he will not be worse than him.


Suddenly, the sky seemed to explode, and a huge crimson vortex suddenly appeared.

The vortex was red, like a flame, dyeing the entire world red.

“That’s the flame!”

Styx grasped Yuantu tightly, Ah Noi’s two killing swords, his body instantly tightened, and he watched the sky that was changing again vigilantly.

The sea of ​​blood suddenly boiled, like boiling water that was suddenly boiled, with blood-red bubbles bubbling.

The temperature between heaven and earth did not rise as a result, but a sense of endless scorching heat spread to the entire prehistoric land.

Ordinary, weak creatures didn’t feel much, but looked at the sky stupidly, surprised that the sky changed too quickly.

But a group of powerful immortals, mighty, could no longer sit still.

That kind of hot meaning is just a true meaning, spreading, the stronger the strength, the more obvious the feeling.

In the west, a golden shield suddenly rose up on the Sumeru Mountain, and the two of them looked ugly. Looking at the sky, sweat was already appearing on their foreheads.

They are Sage. As Sage, the cold and heat has long been the foundation, but now, they are still sweating.

“Sanqing?” Suddenly said in shock.

“It’s not Sanqing… they don’t specialize in the way of flames… they can’t make such a strong flame!” Zhundi looked at the sky without blinking, and said solemnly: “The third stage has appeared. !”

“Someone is rebuilding for thirty Third Stage days!”

Compared with other great abilities, as Sage, they know better what is going on now.

From the previous endless weapon vision to the current flame vision, they have been watching.

After the weapon vision appeared, it was restored on the second stage.

The other fairy gods thought it was someone who couldn’t understand the chaos of a group of magic weapon holders, so they took action.

But only they know that it’s not uncomfortable, it’s just because the other party is reshaping the thirty Third Stage days, the incidental effect.

Weapon is a tool for killing and cutting. Once Fang is born, there will naturally be a catastrophe… the holder of a demon weapon just responds to this catastrophe.

Now that the flame vision appeared, they clearly saw that the Third Stage day also appeared.

“Is it a monster?”

“Emperor Jun Taiyi?”

Zhundi and the lead shook their heads together, denying this guess.

“Dijun, Taiyi doesn’t have such a strong strength!”

The true meaning of this flame made them feel the danger as Sage, and even sweat.

If Di Jun, Tai Yi really had such strength, then he wouldn’t stand in a stalemate with the Wu Clan for so long.

“The Thirty Third Stage days are the core of the Monster Race. Restoring the thirty Third Stage days will benefit the Monster Race the most.”

“Even if it is not Dijun and Taiyi, it must be related to them!”

The lead categorically said.

If you don’t know who did it, you can guess from the final beneficiary.

“Maybe, but not necessarily!” Zhundi’s eyes flickered: “With such strength, it should be the existence behind Sanqing.”

Looking at the changes in the third stage day, I got my spiritual thoughts and wanted to see the specific process clearly.

As soon as Divine Sense came out, she immediately felt an unbearable scorching heat, and Sage’s Divine Sense was instantly vaporized.

“Hiss~” Suddenly took a breath, very sad: “Is the gap so big?”

Guessed that the being who was reshaping the thirty Third Stage days was the person behind Sanqing.

For a long time, after they guessed that there was such a person, they knew that the strength of the other party was definitely stronger than them.

Unexpectedly, it would be so much stronger.

In order to attract Sage’s strength, he couldn’t detect the opponent’s method unexpectedly.

Moreover, this is because the other party did not aim at it and did it unintentionally.

The two of them naturally knew what this meant.

Zhunyi also radiated a divine mind, tried his best to support, and approached the Third Stage cautiously.

The true meaning of the powerful flame seems to burn the void, with the might of destroying the world.

As soon as the divine mind came into contact, it was immediately discovered by him, and endless scorching power came.

The magic power was consumed rapidly, and the sweat on Zhundi’s face instantly increased.

Because of the protection of Magic power, the spirit of mind was not burned, but at the same time it also made him feel great pressure.

Fortunately, under such a huge consumption, Zhuan Dike was still burning hard against the flames and entered the Third Stage day.


The power of the flame skyrocketed, and in an instant, Zhunyi’s complexion turned white, sweat was like rain, and the whole body was thinning at an extremely fast speed.

The power of the flame is too overbearing and treats them equally. Even the Lord Zhudi Sage, under such a flame, is like a mortal, and the water in his body is evaporated.

“Junior Brother!”

With a loud shout, the tenth second rank Jin Lian appeared, and under the protection of Jin Lian, he slammed towards Zhundi.


Zhundi was blown away, and then the connection with the divine mind was paused for a moment… The next moment, the divine mind that had just rushed into the third stage, vaporized.

Zhundi flew back, shaking his skin and bones, and there was no trace of blood on his face.

“Junior Brother, what did you see?” Sui Yin asked anxiously.

Zhunyi looked bitter, and there was panic in his eyes: “Purgatory!”

“Purgatory?” Suspended, what is purgatory?

“A purgatory of flames, burning the void, destroying everything, that is the purest flame, enough to burn everything!” Zhundi said with lingering fear: “I can feel that even if I wait for Sage to enter it, I am afraid I can’t bear it. !”

“So fierce!” Suyin was shocked.

He knew that he was a junior, he would not lie, at least he would not lie to himself.

Now that he said so, obviously… all of this is true.

Leading to look at Zhundi’s body, it was still covered in skin and bones.

Sage won’t be grieved, Wanfa won’t invade, and even more trust Heavenly Dao, immortal.

It stands to reason that no matter how much damage you have suffered, you can recover quickly.

But until now, Zhundi’s body hasn’t been fully recovered… Moreover, the recovery speed is very slow.

This confirms Zhundi’s statement even more.

That purgatory is the purgatory that can really burn Sage to death!

“Thank you, brother!” Zhundi finally got over and thanked the leader, “If it weren’t for brother, I’m afraid it’s my brother at this time…”

Before, he was suffocated by the purgatory, and he had never thought of leaving. If he hadn’t taken the resolutely, he would shoot immediately, fearing that he had already turned into ashes at this time.

Although death can be resurrected, the cost of each death is not small.

It’s better not to die.

“You and my brother, you don’t have to be polite.” The leader waved his hand in amazement, and then looked at the golden lotus in front of him.

Zhundi also looked over.

The golden lotus, which was originally shining with golden light, has now become a little black. On the ten second rank Lotus flower, there is a lot of black thread on it, as if it has been burned.

This is the result of being burned by the true meaning of the flame attached to it after the lead hand interrupted Zhun Dike.

“It’s really strong!” Zhun Di silently received the lead.

After this incident, they became more aware of the gap between the two of them and the other.

They also confirmed their previous guess… Sage really is no longer what it used to be.

Outside of the chaos, in the Snail Palace, Nuwa had already walked out of the palace at some point, standing at the door, looking in the direction of the prehistoric.

Behind her, a maid in gold was standing upright, looking curiously at her mother Nuwa.

“Duobao!” Nuwa’s expression was complicated, and there was a hint of jet black on her fingers.

She had already explored the situation on the Third Stage, and she was also injured like a quasi dike.

The only difference from Zhun Di was that it seemed that the flame accidentally hurt her, but only gave a little mark to force her to retreat by herself.

Nuwa knew that it was because the flame was done by Duobao, and there was some fate between her and Dubao.

The flame seemed to be aware of the predestined relationship between them, so it was so soft.

“Duobao, how strong are you now?”

Nuwa sighed in her heart.

In her original guess, she had already tried her best to think higher, but now, she discovered that her own guess also seemed to underestimate Duobao.

If nothing else, just aiming at the purgatory that can burn Sage to death is enough to explain the problem.

Moreover, the seemingly ordinary flame also seems to have own spirituality, and it can distinguish her from Dubao’s Karma, and let her go… This is even more surprising, shocking, and horrified. !

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